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Welcome to Uncyclopedia's Society portal.

Explore the wondifferous world you live in!
Metaphorically speaking, of course.

Society is an abstract thought of people and culture as an entity, thinking and acting alike. It is the collective goal of humans which is always mistaken to have been achieved, thus subjecting its value and usage to degradation.

Society only finds skinny people attractive, but is fat itself. Society doesn't like to stereotype people, except those damn Mexicans with their beans and rice. Society thinks foreigners should learn English before coming to America, but needs to find an English-speaker when it goes on vacation abroad. Society finds prison rape hilarious. Society believes America to be the greatest country on the motherfucking planet! Society preaches that gays should have equal rights... Just not in front of Society. Society knows that anyone who doesn't stand up during the Star-Spangled Banner is obviously a Communist. Society has no gender, yet seems to favor white, Christians . But trust us, Society's not biased or hypocritical at all.

All life on this planet is the intellectual property of Time-Life Magazine. All rights reserved.

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Henry petty-fitzafhjosfjsf.png
A picture of the author, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, no doubt drawn in mid-'hot Japanese girls' fantasising.

Hot Japanese Girls - Colourblind or Unable to Speak English? is a book written by Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowne, KG, GCSI, GCMG, GCIE, PC, upon his return from the land of the 'Rising Sun' in the summer of 1906, where he had represented Great Britain at the signing of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance Treaty, despite having no knowledge of the Japanese culture whatsoever. The book brought controversy to both home and abroad (Japan anyway), as it lead to the abrupt end of the treaty, and worse, Petty-Fitzmaurice's promising career in writing, not to mention his marriage.

The book discusses, as the title suggests, whether attractive Japanese women are colourblind or just can't speak English at all - a question wholesomely inspired by a meeting with a Japanese female with a particularly confusing item of clothing: a powder blue top with the words "I ♥ Pink" on the front....

Archive Article credit: Nachlader (more...)

Highlighted Image

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Chill the Fuck Out

Ben & Jerry's introduces a new flavor, designed to help you relax.

Nominate stuff Image credit: RadicalX Image archive

Society in the News

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"Holy shit, an UnNews reporter and comedic god actually watched my piss poor excuse for a show?..."

NEW YORK CITY, New York -- Jon Stewart, comedian news reporter for the Daily Show, has apparently plagiarized an UnNews column wrote on the 14th of June, titled UnNews:Obama rewards terrorists. Stewart's piece, titled "Guantanamo Baywatch - Uighur, Please", was a thinly veiled remake of the article already appearing on the awarding winning UnNews.

Charges of plagiarism are serious, and outside opinions usually sought, even in obvious cases. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd was asked for her opinion, she being an expert in plagiarism....

Archive Article credit: Clemens177 (more...)

Quote of the Week

Main Page I've got painful raisins, it's some thunder on my chest.

~ John Tesh on purple nurples

Did you know...

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  • ...that necromancy is just another way of getting a date, and that you shouldn't judge me?
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