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A surprised tribesman. Or he might just be shouting. Notice the disgusted-looking woman behind him.

A tribe is a group of people indigenous to a certain country, such as the Maōri, Native Americans, and Furbies; or stereotypes made of such people.


The word “tribe” was originally coined by the U.S. Mint, combining the Latin stem tri- and English “jibe”, making the meaning of the word “three people insulting other people at once.” This word was created in reference to the frequently occurring Native American ritual known as the “Dance of Insulting Damned White Devils”. “Tribe” came into everyday usage when John Smith popularized the insult “You tribe of savage monkeys!” At the same time, the word “monkey” also became popular as well as "savage".


Laurence is a Tribe of One.
  • Indigenous. This type of tribe is the one most people speak about, usually in an educational context or as a derogatory insult.[1]
  • Israel. This type of tribe is named after one of Jacob's twelve sons, which has caused many questions from the people living in those tribes as to why their tribe is called Tikki-Tikki-Tembo-No-Sa-Rembo-Chari-Bari-Ruchi-Pip-Peri-Pembo.
  • Disney. Several tribes have been depicted in Disney shows. Some notable tribes include the hydrophobic Motunui, the Tarzanites, and the Northuldra (Frozen 2). The usage of these tribes in media infringes on copyright laws, and the Northuldra have responded to this by freezing Walt Disney, which may have contributed to his early death. The Northuldra are also guilty of freezing Walt Disney's ashes.
  • Laurence (pictured). This Tribe is a Professor at Harvard Law School. News networks consult Tribe for provocative opinions on everything from how an orange-haired President might contrive to hang onto the Presidency after an unfortunate election, to how the same one could then be locked out of the Oval Office for Insurrection.


The most common use of tribes is as a name for sports teams. However, this became controversial during the Woke Decade[2] as people channeling tribesmen claimed offense. In response:

  • University teams named after tribes, whose fans are mostly majors in Environmental Grievance, became rebranded around hawks. For instance, every varsity team within 100 miles of Boston are now the Hawks, River Hawks, Red Hawks, Blue Hawks, or Falcons. Radio play-by-play has never been more confusing.
  • In contrast, major-league teams named after tribes, whose fans are mostly right-wing killers, became rebranded around branches of the U.S. military. This gave us baseball's Cleveland Macho Bayonets and football's Washington C-ration Munchers.

See also[edit]


  1. Such people seem to think "indigenous" is a swear word.
  2. This word assumes the trend can be nipped in the bud at the ten-year mark.