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Welcome to Uncyclopedia, Superb Owl Sunday edition!, the future Hall-of-Famer that Peyton Manning still can't edit.

Jerome Bettis has inspired us to work on 37,320 articles since opening in January 2005.

Mike Holmgren has posted his XL Superb Owl gameplan for both teams to read before the game.

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Today's featured article

Today's featured article – Norse Korea


Norse Korea is a land shrouded in mystery, where the thunder of war echoes not only across its borders but also in the halls of Valhalla. The country's leader, Kim Jong Odin, is known for his legendary prowess in keeping a tight grip on the helm of his snowy kingdom — just as Thor would grip Mjolnir, only with slightly less thunderous applause.

Norse Korea's military strategies are inspired by the wisdom of the All-Father himself, who apparently advised, "Why invade your neighbors when you can just hold a never-ending parade and fire missiles that look like they were designed by Loki for his next prank?" The country’s nuclear tests resemble the ravings of a berserker, though one wonders if they might actually be Odin's attempt at a mid-life crisis — "Look, I can totally outshine Ragnarok, guys." (more...)

Previously featured article – Mark Levin

Mark Levin.jpg

Mark Reed Levin (born September 21, 1957) is an American talk radio personality, host of The Mark Levin Show as well as a television show on Fox News. He has also written seven books. He specializes in current events, constitutional analysis authentic enough to make Wikipedia call it "incendiary," and his signature civil response to participants, including to adversaries he often invites to phone the show. And if you have a problem with that, buster, you can get the hell out of my article, you big dummy. (more...)

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Selected anniversaries


March 29: Get Down And Boogie Day in Orthodox Funk

  • 1700 BCE - Moz-Iz eases on down the mountain with the 10 Commandments of Groove.
  • 1580 - The Pope releases his first Billboard hit, F*** The Pro-Testants.
  • 1776 - The Boston Tea Party is ruined when colonists drop the tea in the harbor.
  • 1809 - Pat Sajak is crowned Duke of Fjords in Finland. (pictured)
  • 1844 - The Democrats are split in their convention. Then from Nashville comes a dark horse riding in; it is James K. Polk with the snappy slogan, "Better a Polk in the eye than a limp Johnson".
  • 1902 - Al Gore invents prototype for the internet, known as "Magic Communi-box".
  • 1936 - Joe Louis beats Marvin "The Jersey Jew" Rabinowitz in Madison Square Garden for the heavyweight boxing title. Rabinowitz, 76, would retire to Florida soon afterwards.
  • 1969 - U.S. schools change their atomic bomb attack response protocol from "drop and cover" to "get down and boogie".
  • 1982 - Kentucksylvania admitted as 30th Spade of Amerika.
  • 2003 - The new Guns N' Roses album Chinese Democracy is released to stores in a far away alternate universe.
  • 2011 - Today, a funky possum pisses in your eye.

Archived Anniversaries

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  • ... that Bill Cowher isn't actually that fireman that saved you, ma'am?
  • ... that if we used a language without homonyms, a certain type of pun would be impossible, and thereby much gaiety would be lost?

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Quarterback of the Month and Waterboy of the Month


David Gerard. What needs to be said about this extraordinary person? He lived life to the fullest. He scaled Everest and swam the Marianas. He piloted a kayak through the rivers of the Yukon with naught but a broken compass to guide him. Now he sits in a nursing home: Alzheimer's has rotted his brain to such an extent that he no longer recognizes himself as the WotM-winning author of Voice Chat, Fountainhead Earth and X Window System.


If a picture is worth a thousand words, those on Noob of the Month MoneySign's image gallery are good for an average of at least 940 words apiece (he loses points because his Taste picture offends the Greeks). Classic Money highlights include Hazard Dogs and the tuberiffic logo for UnNews, which MS constructed entirely out of string, spittle and beer can tabs.

Congratulations to Rcmurphy, this year's Most Valuable Player!

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