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Goodhello to Doubleplusuntruecollectfulbooks
Collectfulbook of untrue by Unsoc. Pages are changewise. 37,320 in Newspeak pagewise.

Miniluv UnDayPage
Time, doubleplusgoodpaper in Newspeak

Newspeak, Oceaniawise speak, oldspeak remade fullwise. Party make newspeak, remake newspeak, remake newspeak. Party use newspeak in Times, recs, papers, etc. Party req members use newspeak, speak newspeak, write newspeak, think newspeak. BB doubleplusreq members use newspeak. Party uncare proles. Proles speak oldspeak, duckspeak to newspeakers. Newspeakfuluse is ex of goodthink. Member use newspeak oft with party and BB.

Newspeakfulaim keep goodthink and undo crimethinks. Newspeak use make plentfuler goodthinkers and unmake plentfuler crimethinkers. Newspeak unspeak crimethink. Crimethinkfulwrds unis newspeak or is malrep. Newspeak is speak pos unplentfulwrds (est. 400 wrds or unplenter)

Miniluv Ungood Daypic
BB watch you always.
Newspeak Minitrue Dayword

Mindwise, stupid is strong.

Minitrue oldspeak newsreel
New Unpages Party Unlike

Uncyclopedia's sista projects

Uncyclopedia is an independent humor writing project, a non-profitable cabal that also hosts a range of other projects.
UnNews Logo Potato (No text).png UnNews
The news source on crack
Uncyclopedia Uncyclopedia
The content-free encyclopedia
Undictionary Undictionary
The ick!tionary of all things best left unsaid
UnTunes UnTunes
Where noisy things can live and prosper
Game-Logo notext.png Games
Another way to waste time
Gorillatrans.gif HowTo
Instructions and guides for anything and everything
UnBooks UnBooks
Content-free books
Unquotable Unquotable
Useless misquotes galore
Uncycloversity Uncycloversity
If it makes sense, we don't want it
UnPoetia UnPoetia
Poetry for people who hate poetry
Undebate logo.svg UnDebate
Debating all the irrelevant issues
UnScripts UnScripts
We can ruin stage and film too
Why.svg Why?
Don't make me explain it to you twice
UnReviewsLogo.png UnReviews
We'll tell you why things suck
UnBestiary UnBestiary
Moo! Grrr! Narf! Harblesnock!
Uncyclomedia Commons notext.png UnCommons
Broken media repository

Uncyclopedia languages

This Uncyclopedia, started in 2005, currently contains 37,320 articles. Uncyclopedias are being written in many languages:

Saved by Ingsoc and BB from Emmanuel Goldstein.