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Selected anniversaries

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July 27: StarCraft Day (Korea), Nerdery Day (Internetopia)

  • 7 BCE - The first computer is created using a yard of string, a goat, and three partially eaten kidney beans.
  • 6 BCE - The first computer nerd (pictured) fixes a goat/bean compatibility issue on a local goatherd's new computer.
  • 3 BCE - A computer nerd/farmer has sex with his goat causing string problems and generating large amounts of upchucked kidney beans, thus creating the first computer virus.
  • 1 BCE - A child runs through a field and trips over a string where a vast network of stringed goats are being held. The chain reaction sets off an epidemic of bean-upchucking and goat-kicking that doesn't end until the goats are re-neutered and restrung.
  • 500 - A woman proposes the use of thin strips of silicon to faciliate the use of micro-circuitry, halving computer sizes and doubling their speed. The woman is stoned to death then given a medal after being credited with the discovery of the breast implant. Male suicide rates are halved.
  • 666 - Steve Jobs trades his soul to Satan for StarCraft, the first game capable of running on goats tied together with string. He goes on to invent Blizzard.
  • 1000 - The Y1K Bug destroys computers, causing the human race to be enslaved by toasters. Later, someone pulls the plug on the toasters and the humans are freed, only to make more toasters.
  • 2010 - StarCraft II is released to the public. Koreans everywhere rejoice except in North Korea, because of incompatibility with duck-powered computers.
  • 2011 - Blizzard denies allegations that a third installment, StarCraft III, is under development. Koreans everywhere grieve.
  • 2036 - StarCraft III is officially confirmed by Blizzard. Koreans everywhere rejoice except in North Korea, whose ducks have forgotten how to generate electricity.
  • 2057 - The Japanese discover how to manufacture immortality out of panties and meth, and subsequently sell it from vending machines. Koreans steal the formula and take over the world.
  • 2135 - StarCraft III is released. Walmart regains control of the world because Koreans are too busy playing the game.

Archived Anniversaries

Unwritten Topics

Today's featured article – Mike Johnson


Mike Johnson (born January 30, 1972) is this month's Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Also known as MAGA Mike, or more recently Meager Mike, the dapper Johnson got the gavel in 2023. His doll-like size conceals a giant ego, though he looks like a schoolboy on day-release from college.

Born in Louisiana in 1972, Mike "Jimmy" Johnson is a rock-solid, right wing Republican. He is evangelical, pro-gun, and anti-abortion — the conservative holy trinity. He was elected to Congress in 2017 from deep-red Louisiana's blood-red Fourth District. Johnson was a loyal supporter of President Donald Trump and tried to help his hero stay on as U.S. President after the 2020 election tragically went the other way. Johnson's career was unremarked and unremarkable until he became Speaker.

Johnson's rise to the position of Speaker came via the political collapse of Kevin McCarthy, who had struggled to get the gavel in the first place. Though McCarthy claimed he was Trumpian through-and-through, True MAGAs, such as Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert, said he was a phony — and had the video to back it up. (more...)

Previously featured article – Henry Kissinger

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Henry (born Heinz) Alfred Kissinger (May 27, 1923 – November 29, 2023) is the most notorious bore of 20th-century international politics and the chief proponent of Realpolitik. He developed an approach to diplomacy called Primat der Außenpolitik and an approach to language involving sprinkling pretentious foreign words everywhere. His unintelligible advice baffled both Richard Nixon and thus certainly Gerald Ford, the two U.S. Presidents under whom he served between 1969 and 1977. His call for détente in U.S.–Soviet relations sent leaders of both nations to the dictionary, hoping it meant something dirty. His diplomacy played a crucial role in 1971 talks with Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai that concluded with a rapprochement between Kissinger and a lot of hot Chinese chicks. In the crowning achievement of his career, he was awarded the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize for talking Nixon out of his last-ditch plan to win the Vietnam War by carpet-bombing Stockholm. (more...)

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