Liz Cheney
I am saying this once and will repeat it again. Elizabeth Lynne "Lyin' Liz" Cheney (born July 28, 1966) is a Deep State liberal. That's why she is being celebrated as a hero by the radical left. She is no more a Republican than Jesus Christ ever was. I repeat: She is a LIBERAL!!
Evidence? The supposed Republican Congresswoman for Wyoming is a rabid internationalist. Like her equally elitist, secret-liberal father Dick Cheney and the entire neo-communistic Bush family, she hates the people. I repeat for the hard of reading. Elizabeth Cheney is a secret Marxist. Don't believe me? Read on.
Liz Cheney was born in 1966. She claims that, from the age of three, she was organizing a "conservative" caucus in kindergarten. This was when she was recruited by President Jimmy Carter to become part of the Democratic Party's invisible ultra-liberal internationalist and anti-true-American operation. The plan was to undermine the true conservative Republican ideals of limited government, no restrictions on firearms and enacting the true will of the people as told by Rush Limbaugh, God rest his soul. On the surface, Cheney was a "rock-ribbed" Republican, voting anti-abortion, anti-homosexuality, pro-Israel, and pro-military. It was an elaborate disguise. Cheney believed the exact opposite of all these conservative positions, but disguised it by being going on TV and hypnotizing people with careful talking points.
The only two Marxists in Wyoming[edit]
Cheney learned her deceptive ways from her closet-Marxist father Dick Cheney. Ruthless as any Bolshevik, Cheney spread the message of open borders and golden invitations to illegal migrants to slip past America's undefended borders and earn attractively low wages.
By 2000, Cheney earned the confidence of the Bush faction of the party and Bush named him to be Vice President. This key decision introduced Dick and Liz to their adopted home state of Wyoming, as the 32 Texas electors could not vote for the ticket if both Bush and Cheney were Texans.[1] Bush stated, "Move? Ah ain't gonna do it!" and Cheney drew the short stick. Cheney misinterpreted Wyoming on a map as a rectangular gap between U.S. states and said he would take the family there, though perhaps sneaking back to Texas once the Electoral College finished its business. The notion of a gap between states became clearer once they arrived, Liz whining that the local theater options were atrocious.
As Vice President, Cheney was in line to be the Republican Party candidate in 2008. Instead, the party was given a pair of lead boots in the person of John McCain, who said nothing popular in his entire campaign except that Barack Obama "wouldn't be a terrible President." Liz Cheney supported the Obama Out of Kenya campaign before Trump made it cool to be a "birther", and gave off MAGA signals before it even became a thing. To gain actual political power, in 2016, she was elected as Wyoming's lone Congresswoman, the state's ballot options being even more atrocious than its theater. The only hint that she wasn't really on board was her failure to directly endorse Trump that glorious year. Cheney's notoriously slippery fence-sitting was missed by many "political experts", and she was re-elected to term after term.
Full support to abject treachery[edit]

Cheney expected much more from Trump. She eventually rose to Third Banana in the Republican Party — the House Republican Conference chair — but it was never enough. Slowly but surely, her fake Republican mask, not worn over nose and mouth, revealed the deep inner liberal inside. Her friends insist that she voted for the MAGA agenda over 90% of the time, yet this was a mere façade.
In 2020, Cheney finished her betrayal of the GOP. She went as far as denying that the election that year had been fixed by an axis of Democrats, RINOs, internationalists, epidemiologists, George Soros, and every traitor at CNN. When Cheney voted to impeach Trump a second time in January 2021, the mask had completely fallen off. She was now an enemy of America. Finally the Republican hierarchy removed her from leadership.
This did not end the scourge. In 2022, Speaker Nancy Pelosi assembled a House commission to spend that entire summer studying the events that the impeachment would already have studied. When the Republican leader named two from his side to quibble with points made by Pelosi's five Democrats, Pelosi tossed them out and named Republicans more to her liking. Once again, Cheney would have a soapbox from which to claim that Trump was not a yugely great President but a throbbing threat to our very way of life.
Possible rise from ashes[edit]
Just one problem with that: Every House member faces re-election every two years, and returns to the people to ask for their votes, and in this case, this meant — ugh! — Wyoming, where the lobster isn't even fresh. Cheney did impressive fundraising in Hollywood and the Beltway, winning endorsements from Al Franken and Kevin Costner, and begged Wyoming Democrats (both of them) to cross over and carry her to victory. To leave no doubt that the entire Cheney legacy would be blown-up, father Dick recorded television advertisements repeating the anti-Trump hyperbole. However, none of it was enough to defeat Harriet Hagemann, who confined her own campaigning to backwaters like Cheyenne and Laramie (or even to get one-third of the vote).
However, Cheney's Napoleonesque concession speech proved that there were greater days ahead, a future of winning through losing — perhaps running for President herself. A President Cheney would restore the halcyon days of nation-building through foreign wars and all the great things Republicans do when they are in power without distractions such as charisma; surely two or three occur to the reader. Alternatively, they could bring in yet another chair at The View and Cheney could propel its viewership above that of The Golf Channel, maybe.