Red Teacup
Red Teacup | |
Captain Teacup is shown here riding in his world-class ship the HMS Hellfire Teacup. Of coarse this was probably just a hallucination from from drinking a mixture of Seawater laced with LSD | |
Character Details | |
Name | Red Teacup |
Formal Name | Captain Red Teacup |
Other Titles | Captain Teacup |
Famous Motto(s) | "Drink 'till yer sober!", "Aye!", "I'll sell it back to ya" |
Favorite Hobbies | Sailing, Drinking, Gambling, Drug Experimentation |
Profile | |
Nickname(s) | The Red Baron, Mr Red, Dr Feelgood, Red, Tea, Red Tea, you f*cking drunk, The Red captain, The "Aye" man, The Mad Hatter, The Had Matter |
Aliases | Jacques Von Grimhearse |
Species | Human-ish |
Age | 28 |
Gender | Male |
Date of birth | 142 5th age |
Date of death | Tomorrow |
Length | 6 inches without excitement, 8 with semi excitement, Rumors by CrushTheKing based on the lumbridge bird snare exprirement say 12 inches is his maximum, but there's no way to tell unless he gets some physical evidence |
Starsign | Sagittarius |
Occupation | Ship Captain, Drug Dealer, Professional Gambler, and Thief |
Family | (Deceased) |
Spouse | Which one? |
Children | (Sold) |
Relatives | (Deceased) |
Address | 7713 Port Saram drive, Rimmington, Asgarnia |
Religion | Zamorakian/Buddhist |
Nationality |
- This article is about the presumably
British explorer
. For other uses, see Red Teacup disambiguation.’’
Captain Red Teacup was a British explorer, navigator, alcoholic, drug dealer, and a real storyteller, ultimately rising to the rank of Captain in the Royal Navy. Red Teacup was the first to map The Eastern Lands {Notice picture at bottom of page} prior to making three voyages to the Eastern Ocean during which he achieved the first Asgarnian contact with the coastline of Eastern Islands as well as the first recorded circumnavigation of Gielinor.[this is a lie]
Red Teacup joined the British merchant navy as a teenager[This Can't Be True] and joined the Royal Navy in the year 158 5th age. He saw action in the Varrockian War, and subsequently surveyed and mapped much of the entrance to the River Lum during the siege of Al-kharid. This allowed General CrushTheKing to make his famous stealth attack on Shantays' Pass, meanwhile Red Teacup also used his ship to trade illegal substances from other lands to make large sums of gold, and help fuel his country's economy giving them great financial advantages over most countries. This helped to bring Red Teacup to the attention of the Admiralty and Royal Society in Port Saram. This notice came at a crucial moment both in his personal career and in the direction of British overseas exploration, and led to his commission in 162 5th age as commander of HMS Hellfire Teacup for the first of three Eastern voyages.
Red Teacup (being the father of the word Neocolonialism) charted many areas and recorded several islands and coastlines on Eastern maps for the first time, and posted videos of them on YouTube. His achievements can be attributed to a combination of seamanship, superior surveying and cartographic skills, courage in exploring dangerous locations to confirm the facts (for example Sailing towards the uncharted eastern-end of the map on a drunken rampage), an ability to lead men in adverse conditions by scaring the hell out of them with threats of blowing up the ship if they didn't do what he wanted, and boldness both with regard to the extent of his explorations and his willingness to exceed the instructions given to him by his own imagination.[Citation not needed at all; thank you very much]
Red Teacup still to this day imports strange hallucinogenic substances from unknown lands that he absolutely refuses to tell anyone about, and then sells them at semi-reasonable prices on the streets of every RuneScape city.
Early life[edit]
Teacup was born in the village of Edgville in Miscilania, today a suburb belonging to the town of Varrock.[Never Heard About It] He was baptized in the local church of Zamorak where today his name can be seen in the church written in blood on the walls. Teacup was the second of eight children of Lord Humfrey, a mentally ill drug addict, and his locally born wife Amanda Hugenkiss from Lumbridge.[This Can't Be True][this is a lie] In 148 5th age, his family moved to Asgarnia at Port Saram, where his father's employer Richard thornberriesworthshire paid for him to attend the local school (now a Crack house). In 152 5th age, after 5 years schooling, he began work for his father, who had by now been promoted to Port master. For leisure he would jump in the water, and play with all the dead rats under the ports’ docks enjoying the opportunity for solitude.[Of course not!]
In 158 5th age, when he was 16, Teacup moved to the fishing village of Witchhaven to be apprenticed as a “innocent lookout boy” to boatman and shady haberdasher William Niggershire.[Of course not!] Historians have speculated that this is where Teacup first felt the lure of the sea while gazing out of the shop window...[Original Bullshit]
After 18 months, not proving suitable for lookout work, Teacup traveled to the nearby port town of Khazard.[this is a lie] This is where he really began to learn the ropes of over-seas trade, and where the local so-called "Just plain coal" & "Just plain tar" trade greatly flourished. He became very wealthy from the fruits of trading "Normal goods" that he built his over-sized house right in the middle of Port Khazard, which became the Captain Teacup Memorial Museum (after is was confiscated by the government authorities). Teacup was taken on as a merchant navy apprentice in their small fleet of vessels selling "Coal" and "Tar" to desperate folks along the coast of Catherby for a huge profit. His first assignment was aboard the H.M.S. Niggerland, and he spent several years on this and various other coasters sailing between the Port Saram and Port phastmatys.
As part of this apprenticeship, Teacup applied himself to the study of algebra, geometry, trigonometry, navigation and astronomy, all skills he would need one day to command his own ship.[this is a lie]
His three-year apprenticeship completed, Teacup began working on trading ships in the Northern Sea. He soon progressed through the Merchant navy ranks, starting with his 155 5th age promotion to Mate (officer in charge of navigation) aboard the H.M.S. Wonderfuckland In 158 5th age, within a month of being offered command of this vessel, he volunteered for service in the Royal Navy, as Asgarnia was re-arming for what was to become the Varrockian War. Despite the need to start back at the bottom of the naval hierarchy, Teacup realized his career would advance more quickly in military service and entered the Navy.
Captain Red Teacups’ Military & Drug Trade Career[edit]
Red Teacup finally tired of just being the ship's lowly "Candyman", being quite the mutineer he began to mutiny, and soon took over the entire Navy ship to which he is now "Captain". In 158 he and his crew mates took part in the capture of one Khardian warship and the sinking of another, but not just because it was funny, or because he hates those damn Khardian so much, but also because it was packed with gold, silver, and a large supply of morphine. After selling all that morphine to some rich kid on some island, making a huge sum of gold, and enjoying a little of it himself, he set sail once again to find new lands with new strange substances to get addicted to. His first official command of a Navy ship was in 159 5th age after he bribed the king in order to make him forget about the past several "Minor" mutinies in the past with a large sum of "Royal Goodies" pirated it from his Kingdom's own ships.
160 5th age Teacup being dubbed qualified to navigate and handle a ship of the King's fleet by the incredibly high king himself. He then gave Red Teacup command over the HMS Hellfire Teacup for his own pleasure. During this period he served in several funny minor actions which involved playing pranks on Barbarians in the vicinity of the Fremennik Isles. During the Varrockian War, he also served in the Northern Fremennik sea In 161 5th age, and he took part in the major amphibious assault which captured Mos’le harmless from the French.
Teacup then participated in the siege of The Bandit camp before the The Battle of Shantays’ Pass in 163. He showed a talent for surveying and cartography and was responsible for mapping much of the entrance to the River Lum during the siege, allowing General CrushTheKing to make his famous stealth attack on the Shantay’s Pass. Teacup's surveying skills were put to good use in the 160s, mapping the jagged coast of The Fremennik isles. Teacup surveyed the northwest stretch, the south coast between the Meiyerditch, Port Phastmatys, and the west coast all in the 160s.
Teacup’s five seasons in The Fremennik isles produced the first large-scale and accurate maps of the island’s coasts; they also gave Teacup his mastery of practical surveying, hook up a very efficient drug trade route, achieved under often adverse conditions, have fun laughing at the Fremenniks tripping on LSD for the first time, and brought him to the attention of the Admiralty and Royal Society at a crucial moment both in his personal career and in the direction of British overseas discovery.
Other Stuff[edit]
Just because his mother was high when she named him Red Teacup doesn't mean he likes all kinds of Tea, in fact the only Tea he will drink is Irish Tea AKA Whisky, and a type of hallucinogenic mushroom tea, from Psilocybin mushrooms. Though of course regular tea will do just fine.
The Eastern Lands[edit]
On numerous occasions Red Teacup has been seen claiming he has "Found" the map to the widely rumored, and probably fictional land known as the"Eastern Lands" or "Land to the East" {Notice picture below}. Even though it's probably fake, no one seems to be able to prove him wrong 100%. Which makes him one irritating bastard to deal with, and or talk to.
The Karamja Eruption[edit]
Another one of Red Teacup's unproven sitings of new and spectacular events, and new places that no one else has seen or heard of, and only a very few questionable individuals have also claimed to have seen is the Legendary Karamja Eruption. Teacup has posted on forum threads stating he had witnessed the Karamja volcano "Erupt". With no solid evidence, or solid witnesses Red Teacup wrote this to prove to the world that he had witnessed a real event, and that he probably wasn't doing acid on that particular day.
“ | One day I was walking through the tropical island of Karamja to get to Brimhaven dungeon, when I just decided to go see the semi-cute ghost face that appears on mouth of the Karamjian volcano one more time.
As I gazed at the little mysterious face surrounded by hypnotizing flaming hot magma bubbles known as "The Spirit Of Karamja". The screen began to shake, and it seem as though the lava pool began to rise, and almost overflow with a wavy effect to it, and drip over the edge slightly, while spewing large flaming rocks in every directions, which thankfully did no damage at all.[this is a lie] |
” |
When Red Teacup was 22, he took a vacation to the lovely city of Burgh de Rott. While visiting the city to the north, Mort'ton, he met CrushTheKing. Red Teacup and CrushTheKing quickly went the the motel in Burgh de Rott, and "had some fun". In three days, CrushTheKing was ready to give birth. She was rushed to Meiyerditch Regional Hospital where she gave birth to 9 kids at once. After one season of the porn-star show "Red Teacup & Plus Nine", he sold his kids on eBay.
Private Life[edit]
- ↑ He does some of it himself, I'm sure.