Welcome to the Mother Ship of amateur comedy writing! (Amateur means we don't pay you to do it.)
This is where the original Uncyclopedia wound up. You might as well pick a user name. We have no "partners" that want to sell you stuff. Giving your email simply lets you recover your password; we don't send spam. Uncyclopedians get a talk page, private edit area, and a welcome, maybe, if you actually edit; and we won't de-platform you for your views, if they're funny.
Worst 100 Firefox extensions
Maozilla Firefox is one of those pr0n browser thingys. People can make things to expand what it can do. Some of it is worth every penny, but only because it's a free download. You don't have to make this stuff up, although the tools are readily available at microsoft should you ever possibly think of an extension so stupid, useless or just plain brain-dead that it doesn't already exist.
The full 104-page list of available add-ons and extensions, including the kitchen sink, may be found here.
- 100. Uncyclopedia search engine
- Cheat on homework by taking all of the answers directly from Uncyclopedia and its sister projects. (Please return them when finished.)
- 99. Internet Explorer Downloader Extension
- A crafty plot by Microsoft executives to regain their market share by installing Internet Exploder into individual Firefox tabs. Quite successful as most Firefox users will install any extension to prove their superiority.
- 98. Bork!
- Feeoo veb peges oor meeel es spukee by zee Svedeesh Cheff und meek zem incomprezensible und impozzeebul too reed. Bork Bork Bork! noo hes zee ebeelity tu "bork" oor vheete-a leest URLs oor messege-a senders. Bork cun elsu "Bork Cupy" text intu zee cleepboerd frum veb peges oor imeeel.
- 97. iPox!
- Firefox theme to make your computer appear infected with the Black Plague. From the makers of Euroipods.
- 96. 404cache
- Stores the full collection of "fake 404 error" jokes, ranging from 404 Knot Found to "Unable to find French Military Victories, are you sure you didn't mean French Military Defeats?" so that users will not be inclined to create any more of these pages.
- 95. Eyewitness Weather
- For Windows users. Determines current local weather conditions by simply opening a window. Not compatible with double-glazed construction techniques.
- 94. A PurpleBunny!
- Download two of these and they breed more purple bunnies, until they take over your entire desktop and render your office unusable for any actual work. Cute and cuddly, the favorite of every dumb bunny!
- 93. Pimpzilla!
- For use in Fedora Core installations. Slap your data around and tell the bitch that shit ain't free. Yo!
- 92. The Kitchen Sink
- Yep, it's here as well. Not really useful, unless you're bored out of your mind.
- 91. about:kitchensink
- Upon requesting that every feature but a kitchen sink be added to the Mozilla suite, some developers pondered, well why not add a kitchen sink to make the browser complete?
- 90. AJAX Yahoo! Mail
- For use with the kitchen sink extension, discards potato peels and crumbs from incoming mail.
- 89. AdCents Notifier
- Counts your money for you to see if you have enough to buy more memory. Downloads porn ads from every computer store in town for you, as you'll need more added RAM to store porn due to various Firefox memory leaks. Is favoured by such celebrities as Bruce Forsythe & Sir Jimmy Saville.
- 88. Anchorun
- Loads pages at random, saving companies the cost of hiring people to goof off and search the web all day by having the browser run fully unattended.
- 87. Antispoil
- Deletes spoiler text from web pages in case you didn't know about the ending to Titanic
(it sank), the Bible(they crucified him and he came back to life just to annoy them), Zork(you have been eaten by a grue)or Star Trek(after five years everyone went home).
- 86. State-of-the-art Optimization Bar
- This innovative new extension adds a new feature to Firefox which allows for the customization of internet relay proxies, adding a brand new functionality to the Firefox software, vis-à-vis the recompilation of client-side coded information, wherein the client ("client") can optimize their browsing experience through visualizations heretofore unrealized via the Firefox software.
- 85. Firesomething
- Randomly changes the name of Godzilla Turbomonkey to something random (other than Squidzilla Impactpuppy).
- 84. FireStone
- Randomly changes the name of Mozilla Firefly to Something random on Wheels!
- 83. MDHashTool
- Hides the hash brownies in the bottom of your browser cookie jar so the narcs can't find them.
- 82. EggOn
- Uses Firefox to guard the henhouse. Note: The Mozilla Foundation disclaims all responsibility for any missing or mildly scorched poultry.
- 81. Geek Text box
- Translate text to Ancient Geek characters, rendering it incomprehensible.
- 79. lernu-fr
- Translates randomly selected words from Esperanto to French pour des raisons qu'on ne comprendera jamais.
- 78. CrashFirefox
- A plugin in development that crashes Firefox during random intervals and when you look like you are doing something important/researching porn.
- 77. Wikipedia Search
- Why would someone want to search that website full of false, misleading, useless tripe?
- 76. StumbleOver
- Takes you to websites you really don't want to go to at random intervals.
- 75Opera Tab
- What the hell?
- 74. SamanthaFox
- Ties up your computer 24/7 downloading graphic images of this one vixen from the 1980s.
- touch /me; touch /me/now
- 72. CrashZilla
- WARNING: ChatZilla has detected a potential abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You are strongly advised to restart the host application (Firefox) to prevent further problems.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: ChatZilla has detected a serious abnormality in its internal data. You will not be able to send any form of communication at this time, although it might appear you can. The most likely cause is Mozilla Bug 291386 <https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=291386>. You MUST restart the host application (Firefox) to fix this.
- [ERROR]: Closing Link: ik-dynamic-66-102-74-45.kingston.net (Excess Flood)
- [ERROR]: Connection to irc://irc.freenode.net/ (irc://irc.freenode.net/) closed.
- [INFO]: Connecting to irc://irc.freenode.net/ (irc://irc.freenode.net/), attempt 1, next attempt in 15 seconds...
- ===: *** Looking up your hostname...
- ===: *** Checking ident
- ===: *** Found your hostname
- ===: *** No identd (auth) response
- ===: *** Your host is kornbluth.freenode.net[freenode.freenode.net/6667], running version hyperion-1.0.2
- NickServ: This nickname is owned by someone else
- NickServ: If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
- =-=: User mode for carl_ is now +i
- -->|: YOU (carl_) have joined #uncyclopedia
- =-=: Topic for #uncyclopedia is “<Splarka> still 1.5 -|- http://wikicities.livejournal.com/ -- <Bradaphraser> so, it grows late in Texas, which means I must bed myself <ManDalIet> you're having sex with yourself? :o - <ManDalIet> that's the gayest thing that ever gayed - <Mhaille> I'd prefer to have Sophia breathing down my neck <Splarka> do potatoes breathe? <MoneySign> You poor lazy son of a bitch... -|- operators standing by in #@uncyclopedia”
- =-=: Topic for #uncyclopedia was set by Keitei on Friday, January 27, 2006 7:26:07
- =-=: YOU are now known as carl
- NickServ: This nickname is owned by someone else
- NickServ: If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
- =-=: User mode for carl_ is now +i
- -->|: YOU (carl_) have joined #uncyclopedia
- =-=: Topic for #uncyclopedia is “<Splarka> still 1.5 -|- http://wikicities.livejournal.com/ -- <Bradaphraser> so, it grows late in Texas, which means I must bed myself <ManDalIet> you're having sex with yourself? :o - <ManDalIet> that's the gayest thing that ever gayed - <Mhaille> I'd prefer to have Sophia breathing down my neck <Splarka> do potatoes breathe? <MoneySign> You poor lazy son of a bitch... -|- operators standing by in #@uncyclopedia”
- =-=: Topic for #uncyclopedia was set by Keitei on Friday, January 27, 2006 7:26:07
- =-=: YOU are now known as carl
- NickServ: This nickname is owned by someone else
- NickServ: If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
- teabag: Hello
- Lugiatm: Rar?
- teabag: How is everyone this marvelous day
- Lugiatm: Crappy
- |<--: teabag has left irc.freenode.net (Remote closed the connection)
- Lugiatm: Yay
- Lugiatm: Another one bites the dust
- -->|: nsh (i=evolx@wikipedia/nsh) has joined #uncyclopedia
- [ERROR]: Closing Link: ik-dynamic-66-102-74-45.kingston.net (Excess Flood)
- [ERROR]: Connection to irc://irc.freenode.net/ (irc://irc.freenode.net/) closed.
- [INFO]: Connecting to irc://irc.freenode.net/ (irc://irc.freenode.net/), attempt 1, next attempt in 15 seconds...
- ===: *** Looking up your hostname...
- ===: *** Checking ident
- ===: *** Found your hostname
- ===: *** No identd (auth) response
- ===: *** Your host is calvino.freenode.net[calvino.freenode.net/6667], running version hyperion-1.0.2
- NickServ: This nickname is owned by someone else
- NickServ: If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
- =-=: User mode for carl_ is now +i
- -->|: YOU (carl_) have joined #uncyclopedia
- =-=: Topic for #uncyclopedia is “<Splarka> still 1.5 -|- http://wikicities.livejournal.com/ -- <Bradaphraser> so, it grows late in Texas, which means I must bed myself <ManDalIet> you're having sex with yourself? :o - <ManDalIet> that's the gayest thing that ever gayed - <Mhaille> I'd prefer to have Sophia breathing down my neck <Splarka> do potatoes breathe? <MoneySign> You poor lazy son of a bitch... -|- operators standing by in #@uncyclopedia”
- =-=: Topic for #uncyclopedia was set by Keitei on Friday, January 27, 2006 7:26:07
- =-=: YOU are now known as carl
- NickServ: This nickname is owned by someone else
- NickServ: If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
- MoneySign: :O
- MoneySign: You must and SHALL!!
- MoneySign: Ooo, btw, that's the second time that page has been created...
- -->|: Sikon (n=sikon@ has joined #uncyclopedia
- [ERROR]: Closing Link: ik-dynamic-66-102-74-45.kingston.net (Excess Flood)
- [ERROR]: Connection to irc://irc.freenode.net/ (irc://irc.freenode.net/) closed.
- [INFO]: Connecting to irc://irc.freenode.net/ (irc://irc.freenode.net/), attempt 1, next attempt in 15 seconds...
- ===: *** Looking up your hostname...
- ===: *** Found your hostname, welcome back
- ===: *** Checking ident
- ===: *** No identd (auth) response
- ===: *** Your host is calvino.freenode.net[calvino.freenode.net/6667], running version hyperion-1.0.2
- NickServ: This nickname is owned by someone else
- NickServ: If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
- =-=: User mode for carl_ is now +i
- -->|: YOU (carl_) have joined #uncyclopedia
- =-=: Topic for #uncyclopedia is “<Splarka> still 1.5 -|- http://wikicities.livejournal.com/ -- <Bradaphraser> so, it grows late in Texas, which means I must bed myself <ManDalIet> you're having sex with yourself? :o - <ManDalIet> that's the gayest thing that ever gayed - <Mhaille> I'd prefer to have Sophia breathing down my neck <Splarka> do potatoes breathe? <MoneySign> You poor lazy son of a bitch... -|- operators standing by in #@uncyclopedia”
- =-=: Topic for #uncyclopedia was set by Keitei on Friday, January 27, 2006 7:26:07
- =-=: YOU are now known as carl
- NickServ: This nickname is owned by someone else
- NickServ: If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
- Sikon: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Talk:Simon_Facer lol
- Sikon: VFH?
- [ERROR]: Closing Link: ik-dynamic-66-102-74-45.kingston.net (Excess Flood)
- [ERROR]: Connection to irc://irc.freenode.net/ (irc://irc.freenode.net/) closed.
- [INFO]: Connecting to irc://irc.freenode.net/ (irc://irc.freenode.net/), attempt 1, next attempt in 15 seconds...
- ===: *** Looking up your hostname...
- ===: *** Checking ident
- ===: *** Found your hostname
- ===: *** No identd (auth) response
- ===: *** Your host is kornbluth.freenode.net[freenode.freenode.net/6667], running version hyperion-1.0.2
- NickServ: This nickname is owned by someone else
- NickServ: If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
- Singaporekid: *Yaawn*
- Singaporekid: goes to sleep
- ...
- Volte2: can we just ban carl because this is getting irritating
- Keitei: sure
- anidnmeno: both equally as good
- =-=: Mode #uncyclopedia +b *!*n=chatzi*@*.kingston.net by Keitei
- =-=: YOU (carl) have been booted from #uncyclopedia by Keitei (botty actions)
- [INFO]: You are banned from this channel.
- 71. GawdZilla
- Installs a very large monkey which takes over all available resources. Useful primarily for defending the Empire State Building from terrorist aircraft. Darwin would've been proud.
- 70. -pedia search plugin.
- Available for each and every -pedia in the world, including Wikipedia, Uncyclopedia, Wookieepedia, Memoryalphapedia, and Wooky[pedia] Dump. Adds a shiny icon to the Google promotion bar and - absolutely free! - Extra 100 KB per option memory consumption.
- 69. BareImage Saver
- While viewing porn, most sites have galleries that link to the images themselves. Now, you can just middle-click the thumbnails that you like to open them in new tabs. Simply click the 'Save Images' button under the tools menu to save them all at once.
- 68. Google toolbar enlargement extension.
- Incompatible with extension #67.
- 67. Google toolbar reduction extension.
- Incompatible with extension #68.
- 66. Googlebar
- Requires both extension #67 and extension #68. The text "Firefox 66: every single Steve Ballmer is now an enemy of Firefox" is added to the status bar.
- 65. Screenplay writing software
- Developers of this have clearly mistaken Firefox for a virtual machine. The screenplays written (you must upload them before you can convert them to PDF) usually touch the theme extension 69 is about.
- 64. Fox Security
- Uses foxes to guard the henhouse.
- 63. Godzilla
- Sends your browser on a rampage through the streets of Tokyo and causes the sound on all videos played to be delayed. Can only be removed if you install the King Kong extension, unless you’re in Japan where the Godzilla extension removes King Kong.
- 62. Sasquatch
- Canadian version of the Gawdzilla extension; comes complete with a full map of Saskatchewan (for flat-screen users only).
- 61. HANDS Mime Simulator
- Shows how the current webpage would be acted-out by a mime. It is maintained in utter silence by the Grand Mime Ninja Master, Marcel Marceau. Only one developer has ever spoken its name while coding it, and he was immediately blown up by a land mime.
- 60. Tablemania
- Converts all your CSS page layouts to proven table-based technology.
- 59. Fox-in-a-box
- [chrome://browser/content/browser.xul]
- Embeds in the current tab an entire Firefox browser.
- 58. Linemodefox
- For really old school web surfers that can't get enough numbered links.
- 57. AmIOnMySpace.com?
- This plug-in will alert you if you accidentally stumble onto MySpace.com, the bane of the entire Intarweb, and offer to take you back to the site you came from.
- 56. AAAAAAA!
- Translates pages or documents to AAAAAAA! language.
- 44. So bad it won't even be listed here!
- 43. nglayout.initialpaint.delay = 1000000
- 41. Russian Reversal
- In Soviet Russia, extension installs YOU!
- 35. Binary Encoder
- Encodes the website you are viewing into binary.
- 34. Flux Capacitor
- Broken. Hopefully we shall have it repaired by yesterday at the latest.
- 30. Open this page using Internet Explorer toolbar
- Because Firefox only opens 3/10 websites correctly.
- 29. Open this extension using Internet Explorer
- Opens the extension in Internet Explorer. Note: Internet Explorer does not support Firefox extensions.
- 28. Donate Money to Bill Gates toolbar
- Bill Gates needs your $$$. Don't be greedy, please donate. He only has 4.5 cuadrillion dollars.
- 27. Make a donation to Wikipedia toolbar
- They thank you.
- 26. Extra Quirks Mode
- Brings back more of your favorite bugs from browsers past!
- 23. Search engine search engine
- Search engine searches for more search engines to add to search engine search bar. Say that ten times quickly...
- 22. Tool Bar Toolbar
- Only tools install this bar.
- 21. Tab Tabs
- Tabby Tab Tab Tab.
- 20. A Verandah
- Adds an open-sided roofed structure along one or more sides of the browser, the main purpose of which is the provision of shelter, or such a structure that is enclosed or partially enclosed and used for relaxation or as additional living space.
- 19. Contentblock
- Contentblock is a content blocking plug-in for the Mozilla browsers. It is both more robust and more precise than the built-in content blocker. Every time a webpage loads, Contentblock will intercept and disable the content.
- 18.5. Decimal Adder
- Adds things to full worst 100 list by using decimals
- 18. 100% 4LL nattural soluti0n
- Enhanse yo0 br0ws3r sisze up to 50%!!!
- 17. BadNews
- Scans newsgroups for all postings from overweight middle-aged FBI agents posting as seventeen-year-old girls.
- 16. WPBS-TV pledge break
- We interrupt this fine webpage to ask that you donate your entire inheritance to WPBS-TV, in order to support the broadcast of quality programmes like FireFox. Thanks to viewers like you, WPBS is able to bring quality ones and zeroes to fishing camps and shacks throughout the north country, at least as far up as they have the electric generators and those newfangled city-slicker computers. These messages will keep interrupting your fine-quality educational online experience here until you call in and donate so call now +1-315-WPBS-TV ...
- 15. Download Mangler Tweak
- Never experience uncorrupted downloads ever again!
- 14. Meanpeace Toolbar
- The international anti-environmental organisation hell-bent on destroying nature needs your support. Motivate them to set fire to a fox at the click of a button.
- 13. Dinted theme
- Make your browser look like it's been hail-damaged.
- 12. Extension theme
- Make Firefox look screwed-up and cluttered.
- 11. FlipOut
- Make it flip the fuck out!
- 9.
- YesScript
- A remake of No NoScript, except that it adds dangerous scripts to your whitelist. Download this script and your computer is history.
- '08. President Bush Countdown
- 7. Porn Blocker
- Sonofabitch!
- 6. Punch in the face toolbar
- Automatically punches any MS user in the face. Be sure to install Linux/Ubuntu/Mac prior to use.
- 5. Ad Multiplier
- Invented by a retarded n00b who loved advertisements on Internet Explorer so much. Doubles ads on each page (if you see 4 ads on a page, then using this will let you see 8).
- 4. No NoScript
- Blocks NoScript Extension from working. Must have NoScript installed in the first place.
- 3. Extension Extension
- Allows people to use Firefox extensions. Because this is an extension, you can't start using it until you've already used it, but if you haven't, there's no point even trying, because installing it requires it to be installed..
- 2. Adbar, the Firefox ad spammer
- Puts ads for Firefox onto every blog post you make, every Uncyclopedia edit you GET FIREFOX! TAKE BACK THE WEB! make, all your forum signatures and posts, every chat room you enter, every email you send.
- Internet Explorer and Firefox GET FIREFOX! M$ IS OBVIOUSLY EVIL! are the only two browsers in existence. Anyone who says they aren't using FF GET FIREFOX! 100% FREE! or IE and don't intend to switch are lying. This GET FIREFOX! SAFER, FASTER, BETTER! extension automatically pesters them anyway.
1. Obama Bundle