Racism in Star Wars

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Watto: Italian hoodlum? Arabic slave trader? Or greedy Jew?

Racism in Star Wars is a tendency that was first seen in the prequel The Phantom Menace. Most notably, Jar Jar Binks, as creator George Lucas himself acknowledged, is based on such upstanding African-American members of society as Stepin Fetchit, Amos and Andy, Sir Jim Crow, and "Jamaicans, mon."


Lucas had denied that Jar Jar is Jamaican. "How in the world could you mistake an orange amphibian for a Jamaican?" Lucas asked. "Pretending a brother is an amphibian by making him orange is an even greater insult," Reverend Jesse Jackson argues. Likewise, Reverend Al Sharpton suggests that "All you have to do is listen to the jive-ass fool. I mean, the dude speaks ebonics, man." In the film that followed The Phantom Menace, Lucas sought, unsuccessfully, to defuse the charges of racism by making Jar Jar green with purple spots.

Long standing accusations that having a black voice actor is what made Darth Vader evil where proven false when it was revealed that behind his masked facade he was just a whiny white teenager; James Earl Jones is just what made him imposing and admirable, and not just another mute with a knife or an asthmatic robot.


No! Not Chewbaca and George Takei! That's impossible, I don't believe you!

Italian-Americans and Jews also accuse Lucas of racism because of his portrayal of another Phantom Menace character, Watto, a slave trader. Italian-Americans see a suspiciously close parallel between Watto and Mafia lords of Italian or Sicilian descent. Actor Sylvester Stallone is outraged about the implied ethnic slur. "Ehh! Why wusn't uh asked tu duh da voice?" he demands.

Others claim that Watto is not a slam against Italian-Americans but view him as a caricature of "the greedy Jew." Woody Allen objects to this treatment, saying, of Lucas, "The Gentile shtickicker stole my shtick!"


Hispanics believe that Lucas has attacked them, too, in his portrayal of bounty hunter Jango Fett and an army of clones as Latinos (i. e., illegal immigrants.) The actor who portrays Jango Fett is a native of New Zealand of course so it may be that the racism is directed towards "barbaric" warrior tribes of native people like the Maori.


In the Phantom Menace, the accents of The Trade Federation officials, namely Viceroy Nute Gunray, have distinctive stereotypically broken Asian English accents. No Asians have ever played a major role in any of the franchise's releases. Only one briefly seen (prepare your freeze frame skills) female Asian has ever been cast as a Jedi, much less a master, despite the fact that a majority of those concepts of "The Force" were derived from ancient Asian martial arts, religions and philosophies.

Midgets and Dwarfs

Midgets and dwarfs are also up in arms over Lucas' stereotypical and biased treatment of them as "insignificant little people." In The Wizard of Oz, it was the Munchkins," the late "height-challenged" actor Billy Bart's family declares, "which was bad enough, but, now, with Lucas, we're portrayed by the likes of Yoda, a little man with a big heart and brain--come on! Give us a break! Make us evil. Make us powerful! Reveal Darth Vader is actually Luke's father and his mother, secretly two dwarves, one standing on the other's shoulders!

"Woman Basher"

Lucas is a "misogynistic woman basher" according to the radical feminist group, N. O. W. In Lucas’ films, women are dolls with guns, who get rescued by action figures with swords, everyone with a gun wishes they had a sword mirroring Freudian penis envy, while all the women do is nag and complain, die, or obediently cater to their boyfriends, husbands and slave owning husbands psychopathic whims. In fact it seems like half the aliens in the prequels don't even have females, the Nemoidians and Gungans, and the people of Geonosis and Utapua don't seem to have any unless you do digging like with Dwarven women.

Other intended targets

For future movies, Lucas intends to attack Native Americans, Pacific Islander's, and all others whom he regards as "results of miscegenation." Star Wars, he says, is America's "last hope" in alerting moviegoers of the "evils of race mixing," contending "we need to keep the races and ethnic groups separate," he contends, "or we won't have any races and ethnic groups to mine for their ancestors sense of style." The only other species than humans with multiple skin colors are Twileks and most of the Twilek women we see are scantily clad sex slaves in Jabba's mansion, so either the animators were just really lazy and didn't want to make more than one model per species, or all the aliens are doing something to prevent any mutations what so ever from occurring in their genetically uniform species. You also never see any aliens with skeletal golden robot hands, so they must not get the same kind of healthcare as humans and have to go to vet. He has another sweeping epic in production, The Fourth Reich, in which Adolph Hitler grows a complete mustache as he determines, once again, to usher in the "master race." Will Lucas' Nazis look like Mr. Spock or will they have blond hair, blue eyes, and a Nordic complexion? And, by the way, didn't Star Wars also contain characters called Storm Troopers?