Unquotable:Main Page

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the content-free quotes that anyone can make up.

“I use the word "quotation" for lack of a better description.”

~ Oscar Wilde


Welcome to Unquotable, a free compendium of nonsense from people who love you beyond your wildest imaginings, creative works in every language except for non-English ones, including sources (which don't exist), translations of non-human growling and barking noises, and handy links to Uncyclopedia for further disinformation. The only English version of Unquotable has, uh, several pages so far, with numerous quotations and quite a few insults to your intelligence, too! Please visit the page for the helpless, or experiment in the Litterbox(deleted), to learn how you can edit any page, right here, right now, despite your well-established mental imbalance. Or, just go to the Log in page to log in or create a user account and forget all of this ever happened.

Random Quote of the Millisecond

Damn, I hate warts. I really do. Warts are just the worst thing ever, worse than painful glandular swelling,
worse than boils in random, embarrassing places, worse even than this quote.

Margaret Thatcher

Note: We are currently in the process of developing a new policy for selecting the "Random Quote of the Millisecond" using black magic. Since all randomly-selected quotes are instantaneously deleted by our patented Automatic Kwote-Killer Bot as soon as you read them, there is no archive. Be further confused...

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Living people

Keanu Reeves - William Shatner - Christopher Walken - Random unfunny quotes

Dead people

Aristotle - Arthur C. Clarke - Nietzsche - Founding Fathers - Winston Churchill - Noel Coward - Charles Darwin - Albert Einstein - Benjamin Franklin - Thomas Jefferson - Sun-Tzu - Mark Twain - Oscar Wilde - Voltaire - Aristotle - John F. Kennedy - Jesus Christ

Fictional people

Yoda - C-3PO - Satan - Cthulhu - God - Captain Oblivious

Literary works



Russian Reversal - Last words - Mnemonics

Writing articles

About this project

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Wanted Unquotables

The Unquotable Hall of Lame

Acclarke.jpg Oscar.jpg Churchillquotes.jpg Einstein holding tourniquet.jpg FranklinFootFetish.jpg Christopher walken.jpg Blankawooga.jpg Jefferson.jpg Cthulhu.jpg DarwinSurprise.jpg Shat.jpg Godlego.jpg Emo girl.jpg

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