
From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
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Code Result What links here Description
{{User Eaten By Grue}}
Domokunyellownbackground.jpg This user has been eaten by a grue. Please come again later.
What links here
{{User Page Problems}}
GAH. This user is running into problems with their page. Please hold onto your pants.
What links here
{{User Failed}} What links here
Tntasplode.png This user is an admin. Don't mess with them, or you will be BANNED.
Or eaten by a grue.
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{{article count|5}}
5 This user has written 5 articles because they like to keep busy while shirking real life responsibilities.

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{{audio count|2}}
2 This user has recorded 2 audio files because they love the sound of their own voice.

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{{user created n userboxes|8}}
Userboxbox.png This user has created/stolen from wikipedia 8 userboxes as one liners are easy.
What links here
God4.gif This user is a Bureaucrat and they have the power of creation at their fingertips. They may ban or delete occasionally too.
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This user is left-handed.
In Latin they would be sinister.
(List of left-handed Uncyclopedians)

What links here
This user is right-handed.

In Latin they would be Dexter.

What links here
This user walks down the
left hand path
Thus, they would be considered evil by the Catholic Church.
(List of left hand path Uncyclopedians)
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{{User Bright Future}}
Sunglasses.jpg This user's future is so bright they've gotta wear shades.

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{{User IQ|111}}
Brain.gif This user's IQ is 111.

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{{User hostage}}
Fortune cookie 20040628 223108 1.jpg This user is being held hostage in a Chinese fortune cookie factory! We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse. Help!
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{{User iamafish-en}}
CohoSalmon.jpeg This user is a fish, or at least thinks so.
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{{User iamalemming-en}}
Lemming.jpg This user is a lemming, or at least thinks so.
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{{User iamanaeroplane-en}}
FA-22 Raptor.jpg This user is an aeroplane, and can be annoying. No offence to pilots.
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{{User iamamonarch-en}}
British Royal Family.jpg This user is a monarch, or a megalomaniac.

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Llama Rocking Chair.JPG This user likes llamas, and rides them on a daily basis.
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Llama Rocking Chair.JPG See? Look at him. He really likes the llamas.
What links here
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG No, seriously. That's him there, on the llama.

<-- See?

What links here
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG Stop scrolling down, and admire the llama. It's much more interesting than the actual userpage, trust me.
What links here
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG What, you don't believe me? Fine, see for yourself. Don't blame me when you die from lack of llama.
What links here
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG Whoa! You made it! Good job!!

Now go away.

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{{User Senioritis}}

This user suffers from senioritis, an incurable demotivational syndrome.

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{{User MrDucky}}
Mr rubber ducky.gif This user has been approved by Mr Rubber Ducky, have you?
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{{user mutant}}
Sign1.png This user is a mutant.
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{{user angel}}
Face-angel.svg This user is an angel.

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{{user grue}}
Domokunyellownbackground.jpg This user is a grue and while you were reading this, has eaten you. Start over?

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{{User Leon Fan}}
Leon Trotsky icon.jpgThis user is humping Leon Trotsky's leg.id2
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{{User Mind reader}}

This user is reading your thoughts!

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{{User Nietzsche Fan}}
Nietzsche187a.jpgThis user is humping Friedrich Nietzsche's leg.id2
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{{User Paladin}}
Paladin.gif This user is a paladin. Hide your demons and undead.
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{{User Poor}}
Monbags.jpg This user is POOR,

has never passed GO,

and never collected $200.00.

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{{user procrastinate}}
...This user would be a professional procrastinator, but he or she can't be bothered.
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{{User serviceable-no}}
750px-High voltage warning.svg.png No user serviceable parts inside.
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{{User clone|Username}}
Biohazardnew.jpg This user is an evil clone of Username.
What links here this might be usable for unintended anonymous editors
{{User Camelot}}
MontyPythonFootLeftSmall.jpg This user is from Camelot,
and eats ham and jam and spamalot!
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{{user notanumber}}
Numbersix.gifThis user is not a number, s/he is a free wo/man!
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{{User Asian}}
Counter-Strike retail boxThis user is an Asian and probably lives at an internet cafe playing Counter-Strike24-7.id2
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{{User CS}}
Counter-Strike retail boxThis user is addicted to Counter-strike, and won't mind blowing your face off with an AK-47.id2
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{{User Ubox-crap|some other page}}
This user has a crapload of userboxes. To see more of them, go to some other page.

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{{User shiny}}
Shyny ub.jpg This user is easily distracted by anything shiny.
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{{User Official}}
Official This user is official. They get all their user boxes from here.
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{{Steal userboxes}}
Eeek! This user steals userboxes from random people's user pages.
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{{User ubox trading card}}
Userboxtradingcard.svg.png This user collects userboxes as if they were trading cards hoping that they may be collectors items worth something in the future.
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{{User shuvel|he or she}}
Ihasashuvel.jpgThis user gots a shuvel. Yes he or she does.
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{{User wizard}}
Alanmoore1.jpg This user is a level 13 Wizard. They see the fnords.
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{{User Alien Anteater}}

This User is a Taahgaarxian . Run, atheists, run!

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{{User paint}}
Msyclopaintia.jpg This user's primary source of artwork is MS Paint.
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{{User adorable}}
MO adorabl.jpgThis user is adorable.

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{{User wants featured|This_page_does_not_exist}}
Potatohead aqua.png This user wants This_page_does_not_exist featured.

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{{User anon}}
Image-4.jpgFormerly lost among the dregs of society, this User has defected and crossed over from the dark side. Welcome to the machine....id2
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RENTThis space for rent. Call 1-800-666-6666.
What links here
This space for rent.
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{{User:Tom Mayfair/User Chickenbox}}
Chickenbox2.0.pngThis user raises their own chickenbox.
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{{Userbox Template}}
Temp This is a template userbox, to create userboxes from. Anyone with it on his/her page is clearly just looking for an excuse to have more Userboxes.
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{{User Euroipods}}
Euroipods1.jpg This user supports the giving away of free iPods.
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{{User EvilClown}}
EvilClown.gif This user is an evil clown. Fear his/her evil (yet hilarious) wrath of DOOM!!

Other users who are Evil Clowns

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[insert content here]This user couldn't find any userboxes they actually liked.
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{{Random User}}


This user is a fanatical folksy ricer that likes to cruise while bulbous hairy squids subvocalise his grue.
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{{User random thing}}
DramaticQuestionMark.png This user is the random bad mannered VCR that optimized his face inside of your VCR so you must litigate him/her with your bad mannered VCR.
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{{User random-colors/named}}
Color This user likes random colored userboxes.
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{{User diamond}}
Pikachuevolving.PNGThis user got Pokémon Diamond because they are a corporate whore.
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{{User pearl}}
Pikachuevolving.PNGThis user got Pokémon Pearl because they are a corporate whore.
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{{User platinum}}
Pikachuevolving.PNGThis user got Pokémon Platinum because they are a corporate whore.
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{{User See}}
Crystalball.png This user can see what you don't.
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{{User Sense}}
Sense This user promotes the radical idea of having sense.
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Pucker.jpg Awww... How adorable! You made some other User happy and they left a kiss for you on your page!

Keep the good work goin' for some more ;u*

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Bushfire.jpg This user is on fire. You can help uncyclopedia by throwing water on their head

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Snoop.JPG Merry Chrizzle, Happy Hanukizzle, and a Kick Ass Kwizzle from Me & Snoop Dizzle!
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{{User mcdude}}
Mr. McDude has approved this article to be a part of his master plan Mcdude-sig.jpg
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{{User:AAA!/Reincarnation|some guy}}
Lotus.gif This user is a reincarnation of some guy.
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Q! This user is WTFWTFWTFWTF
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{{User 921}}
9/21 This user will never forget the events of 9/21/07. The day Uncyclopedia was huffed by terrorists.
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{{Ubx hates Wikia}}
Wikipedia no soul.png This user will never forget October 23, 2008, the day that Wikia sold its soul.
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Coffee sm.jpg
This user requires a steady supply of Caffeine.
So hand it over. NOW.
(List of users who NEED caffeine)

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{{User 42}}
Towel migration.jpg This user knows the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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{{I Like Cheese}}
Cheeze.jpg This user believes participation in the consumption of cheese is an exquisite pastime.
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Cnorris.pngWARNING:This user knows Chuck Norris and therefore must be either Mr. T, Chuck Norris, Oscar Wilde or dead. Proceed with caution!!!
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{{User Black Knight}}
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{{User sad nerd person}}
Ice Skeleton Warrior.jpg
This user pretends to be an awesome warrior from a mystical land, but is really a sad little nerd person.
However, s/he takes comfort in the fact that you are too.
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{{User terrorist}}
Lego Terrorist.jpg This user is a terrorist and is pwning the anti-terrorists by attacking places using shit.
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300px-Red.jpg Warning: This user is Ginger and is liable to explode without warning
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{{User Over9000}}
NVover9000.gifThis user is Over 9000.
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{{User:Un-Citation Needed/User Gullible}}
GullibleThis user is really gullible!
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Bad ass simle face mini.png This user is a bad ass, so treat him wih respect.
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{{User dyscalculia}}
9clock.jpgThis user has dyscalculia and therefore, does not understand the average clock. However, they make up for it by being very good at writing.

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{{User lives in|Some town some place|Some country}}
This user lives in Some town some place, Some country.

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Age Group[edit]

Code Result What links here Description
{{user age|X}}
X This user is X years old. Woop-ti-doo.
What links here
{{User teen}}
teen This user is a teenager and so hangs around bus stops in large intimidating groups and beats up old ladies for drug money. Probably.
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YA This user is a young adult and so is probably poor, lazy and drunk or a student.
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{{Adult Body}}
A This user is an adult in body only.
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{{user adult}}
A This user is an adult and so doesn't know what fun is.
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{{User immortal}}
This user is an ageless Immortal or so they like to think.
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{{User OAP}}
OAP This user is an old age pensioner, and is in need of 3 new hips.
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Code Result What links here Description
{{user girl}}
This user is a girl and is made of sugar, spice and everything nice.

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{{user girl femme}}
This user is a girly-girl and is made of sugar, spice and everything nice.

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{{user boy}}
This user is a boy and is made of slugs, snails and puppy dog tails.
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{{user boy non-feminist}}
This user is a boy and is made of... (This user also refuses to say the expected bullshit. No need for feminism)
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{{user baby boy}}
Preview card baby boy v.jpg This user is a boy and is made of slugs, snails and puppy dog tails.

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{{user baby girl}}
Ist2 2304394 baby girl.jpg This user is a girl and is made of sugar, spice and everything nice.

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{{user no gender}}
This user is unsure of his or her gender and doesn't want to know.
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{{User no gender two}}
Southpark-msgarrison 1176249176.jpgThis user is unsure of his or her gender and doesn't want to know.
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{{User straight}}
HeteroSym-pinkblue2.svg.png This user identifies as straight and so is probably homophobic.
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{{user straight 2}}
HeteroSym-pinkblue2.svg.png This user is straight and so desires intimate relations with members of the opposite sex. The freak.
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Pride-2007-castro-rainbow-flag.jpg This user is Queer and is disliked by 'family groups' and the Westboro Baptist Church alike.

What links here
Salt Lake Flag.png This user is Openly Gay.
And is unabashedly proud of that fact.
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{{user bi}}
Bi flag.svg.png

This user is bisexual and so gets more than their fair share.

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{{user heteroflexable}}
Bi flag.svg.png This user identifies as heteroflexible which means they can't afford to be too choosy.
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{{user homoflexable}}
Bi flag.svg.png This user identifies as homoflexible which means they can't afford to be too choosy.
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{{user confused}}
Sexuality confusion.svg.png This user is uncertain of his or her sexuality and doesn't want to know.
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{{user asexual}}
Asexuality Symbol.svg.png This user identifies as asexual as it sounds better than 'virgin'.
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{{user monosexual}}
BSL This user identifies as monosexual this means that they have a boring sex life.
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{{User antisexual}}
SexThis user is against sexuality. Probably because they're not a pervert like you.
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{{User Pansexual}}
Transgender.png This user identifies as pansexual which is just as bad as it sounds.
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"Neither fish nor fowl..."

This user is made up of snakes, snails, puppydog tails, sugar, spice, and everything nice. Or they may be made up of something entirely different like lint and fish scales or frog legs. In any case, they are transgendered and do not easily fit into male or female categories. This user has not been asked to be on Jerry Springer or Ricki Lake yet and is somewhat disappointed, but will continue to work diligently on being more white trashy. They disagree strongly with the doctor present at their birth who was positive their gender was whatever he said it was.

Note: This user is now accepting donations for help paying for sexual reassignment surgeries and hormones.
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Marital Status[edit]

Code Result What links here Description
{{user single}}
Userbox-single.svg.png This user is Single but is currently stalking someone.
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{{user single2}}
Userbox-single.svg.png This user is Single and will take anything they can get! even you could get lucky with him/her.
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{{user girlfriend wish}}
Nuvola apps amor.svg This user wishes he or she had a girlfriend, will you go out with him/her? I wouldn't.
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{{user boyfriend wish}}
Nuvola apps amor.svg This user wishes he or she had a boyfriend, will you go out with him/her? I wouldn't.
What links here
{{user hugger}}
Nuvola apps amor.svg This user loves physical contact and might want to give you a hug right now...!
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{{user fuck wish}}
Nuvola apps amor.svg This user wishes he or she had a fuckbuddy, will you fuck him/her repeatedly over a prolonged period of time? I wouldn't.
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{{user married}}
Ball+chain.jpg This user is married and is completely faithful.
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{{user married2}}
Weddingring.JPG This user is married but, you know, this ring isn't glued on...
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{{user gay married}}
Salt Lake Flag.png This user is in a same-sex marriage, domestic partnership or civil union but that doesn't mean the fun has stopped!
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