The Worst 100 Reflections of the Year |
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According to Sophia's true word, the following are Uncyclopedia's Worst 100 Reflections on 2005*. Readers are required to have their sporks in hand.
*Sophia does not care to count this list too closely, and believers are wise not to criticise divine numeration policy.
- 100. The Zork Expansions
- Zork and Game expand to make up approx. 57% of the articles on Uncyc.
- 99. Undictionary
- It seemed like a good idea at the time... mea culpa. --Carlb 05:25, 7 February 2006 (UTC)
- 98. Adding (rewrite) to a redone page when putting it in Template-Recent
- I'm sooooo sorry for that guys.
- 97. Worst 100 Lists
- I'm not sure if this was ever a good idea.
- *I am deeply sorry for even starting this. porn movies just seemed like a good spin-off, I seriously did not see it expanding from there.--Jsonitsac 17:58, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
- 96. Kakun's VFP Happy Fun Time Explosion
- At least he's resilient.
- 95. The Short Vandalous Life of Bozoboy and Caboose
- Two of the earliest mass-vandalization...vandals.
- 94. Splaka offers to help Volte achieve his new "Super-Gay" Status
- You have no idea how emotionally scarred I am.
- 93. WikiTestament
- The first of many front page
defacings reskinnings.
- 92. RuneScape is a first person *blank* *revert* shooter *blank* *revert* that *blank
- 91. Did you know
- I fucked your mom.
- and your dog.
- Yeah, well, I fucked your sister.
- Fuck you.
- 90. The summer of Romania
- I still have .
- 89. Euroipods II
- Its back, and its badderer.
- 88. Vote for SysOp Dirty Ad Campaign
- Who can forget GS's barbed attacks that brought an end to Uncyclopedia's political age of innocence.
- 87. Reasons not to become a
devout Christian atheist list writer.
- 86. Tourette's JAP Syndrome.
- What the BELGIUM???
- 85. Slashdotting #1 - Pirateopedia
- Other Wikicities get a complimentary pirate potato logo for the day.
- 84. Slashdotting #2 - Chron scores a Slashdotting with a 200gb iPod
- OMG is it the real? No, I think its fake!!
- 83. The truth about John Seigenthaler Sr.
- 82. The advent of NRV
- Christmas comes early for the admins.
- 81. High_pressure_system.jpg
- Make all the Katrina jokes you like but 9/11 is sacred.
- 80. Alphabetized 100-entry long VFH
- No wonder AAAAAAAA! got featured and ZZZZZZZZZ! didn't.
- 79. 13.27, 13 November 2005 Famine deleted "Main Page" (Why would I do this? To see if I can. It's human nature.)
- Father I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my little hatchet.
- 78. The Red Shirts debate
- what could be more amusing than debating the definition of satire? Oh, and partisan bickering too.
- All this just to tick off an anonymous AOL user...
- 76. Uncyclopedia moves to Wikicities
- Our popularity could not be contained.
- 75. UnNews:New "voice chat" feature proposed for mobile phones gets creamed on Kuro5hin
- Voice chat??? You'd think they'd notice an idea this ridiculous and annoying had to be a joke.
- Don't forget that the article was empirically proven to pwn. Just in case you thought those people were smarter than a sack of hammers.
- 74. Have you shot your fuck up today?
- Those crazy Poles and their drug innovations.
- 56. Lists that have their order fucked up.
- 73. Sauron is Lord of the Dance.
- 72. Hymie on Wheels!
- 71. Paulgb's use of bureaucratic powers
- Who else could accidentally admin the wrong user, bureaucrat a user just ment to be a sysop, admin a user before they had the proper number of votes, and de-bureaucrat themselves.... twice. Bonus points for transforming oneself into a 'bot, Ultra Jesus-style.
- So, do I get an award or what? Thanks to RC for saving me several times. --User:Paulgb 02:05, 12 February 2006 (UTC)
- 70. PantsMacKenzie stealth-opping Splaka because he reported too many QVFDs
- It was just like rape but without the sexxorz.
- 69. Uncyclopedia doesn't care about Kanye West...
- least after seeing his name on eight thousand pages.
- 68. Uncyclopedia's going to fucking kill Steve Ballmer...
- after seeing his name on eight thousand pages.
- 67. Meow! Woof! No! Developers! Fanta!
- all of this born out of an attempt to tick off an anonymous AOL user...
- 66. Administrators claiming, "Every single article from the above list is a clone of AAAAAAAAA! and an enemy of the cabal."
- 65. There Is No Cabal
- 64. There is therefore no list of enemies of this non-existent cabal
- No need to worry about ending up on this non-existent list for saying the emperor has no clothes. Just keep smiling.
- 63. Furthermore, there is no random bannination generator.
- No sirree. We're nothing but a shining beacon of wikilove.
- 62. Nonetheless, the requests for pictures of Hitler as various foodstuffs continued.
- 61. Jesii, Jesii and more Jesii
- 60. FSMism
- Sure, it didn't originate here - but who got the Fark link? That's right. Nyeh nyeh.
- 59. Member not being informed of special rules that only apply to them, and getting banned for it.
- 58-7. Unfinished articles and incomplete lists.
- 55. Your Mom catches you editing Your Mom on Uncyclopedia.
- Boy, was THAT ever embarrassing...
- 54. Lists of pointed comments.
- Yes, I'm talking about you.
- 53.

Use r!!!

- 57, 9 February 2006 (UTC)
- 52. <Mandaliet> what part of Russia do you live in? the uninhabited part?\
- 51. Uncyclopedia goes multilingual
- Utter nonsense now available in French, German, Polish, Hebrew,
Esperanto, Italian and Catalan.
- 50. Streamlined, clean, aggressive
- What happened?
- 49. GOD! appears at Uncyclopedia, but doesn't fix ANYTHING.
- 48. Fisher Price
- What else needs to be said? The credo of a generation.
- 47. Russian Reversal
- In Soviet Russia, worst-year reflection lists YOU!!
- 46. Chron eats a live scorpion on prime time television as a publicity stunt
- 45. The Village Dump lives!
- 44. Uncyclopedia:Bios
- 43. “It's a sorry man who cannot invent an Oscar Wilde quote to fit his situation.”
- 42. Babel fish
- Welcome to Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia that anyone edge edit. Sophia has inspired custom to work one 17,143 articles since opening in January 2005.
- 41. Kitten huffing
- Innocent recreation or feline soul-murdering?
- 40. Cthulhu gives advice on Sundays.
- Give up your souls!
- 39. UNIQ3786727972766f3b-choose18a243cf71e0ac4700000001
- 38.

- 37. Even more Jesii, like the first three collections weren't enough
- 36. The Life and Death of a Template
- An epic poem by Oscar Wilde.
- 35. Emailing every single admin at once to protest a 24 hour ban for uncivility.
- Or: How to light up your talk page and get the ban extended to 24 days.
- 34. The Official Uncyclopedia Theme Song
- Wait, we don't have that yet.
- 33. Stephen Colbert coincidentally uses "Jesi" (not "Jesii", but close) on his show. Everyone forms an angry mob until they realize it was a coincidence.
- 32. Wikipedia's worst trolls discover Uncyclopedia
- And write really good stuff now they're here. Huh?? Just don't let 'em near the weaponry and they'll be fine. Really.
- 31. This battlestation is fully operational.
- And so is this one. And this one. And this one. And this one.
- 30. The Saga of Carlow Crab
- Truly a modern tragedy.
- 29. Selcitra nettirw Sdrawkcab
- 28. There is no Cabal. Really.
- 27. Remember when Lincoln shot JFK in a Ford?
- Like, repeatedly?
- 26. Category:Stupid bands from Myspace who think Uncyclopedia is their personal vanity space
- You have It consumes (and Splaka) to blame.
- 25. Huge amounts of junk, trash, and rubbish.
- 24. That whole Atheism thing...
- Remember that? Yeah...
- 23. The short, regrettable life of Rangley
- 22. The silence of Emmanuel Chanel.
- #Uncyclopedia founder by night, useless inanimate waste of text by day.
- 21. "Yes, that's right...
- ...anyone who edits my incredibly offensive/stupid/unfunny/mean-spirited/unoriginal/shitheaded article to be less incredibly offensive/stupid/unfunny/mean-spirited/unoriginal/shitheaded must be a vandal!"
- 20. "Wow, I'll bet there isn't a single article on Uncyclopedia that wouldn't be improved by...
- ...adding a crudely-produced swastika or Hitler image to it!"
- 19. "Wow, I'll bet there isn't a single article on Uncyclopedia that wouldn't be improved by...
- ...dropping an enormous template that attempts to marginalize the author as a liberal/conservative/religious/terrorist/communist/fascist conspiracy nut onto it!"
- 18. "Wow, I'll bet there isn't a single article on Uncyclopedia that wouldn't be improved by...
- ...adding some ultra-clever variation of the words 'all your base are belong to us' to it!"
- 17. "Wow, I'll bet there isn't a single section of the Village Dump that wouldn't be improved by...
- ...adding a blatantly-repetitive series of list items to it!"
- 16. The UnMerchandise vapourware
- 15. Video game wars
- was funny at first...
- 14. The numerous Euroipods Crusade references, sometimes direct puns
- 13. Great Namespace Reform of 2005
- ...thrudging through gazillions of broken redirects is no fun.
- 12.
- 11. Uncyclopedia's Google rankings go through the floor.
- Are they trying to tell us that "misinformation" isn't useful to the average netizen?
Top 10
- 10. For the last time, there IS NO INBRED CABAL.
- 9. Sock puppetry as performance art.
- 8. MediaWiki Search.
- 7. Insertwackynamehere's Response to Chronarion's State of the Wiki Address.
- The next A Million Little Pieces in the making. Try getting your feel-good story past Oprah now!
- 6. Chronarion's State of the Wiki Address.
- Does this guy ever do ANYTHING right?!?!
- 5. Chronarion slashdots Uncyclopedia. Twice. In two weeks. Dupe.
- 4. Kakun
- Is there really any need for an explanation? We love him, really!
- 3. The Order of Uncyclopedia and Awards
- Collect all 144, including the award for creating the largest number of new and useless awards!
- 2. Encyclopædia Dramatica threatens legal action
- Could have become the trial of the century. Instead it was just kind of sad.
- 1. Euroipods
- The scandal that rocked a nation.