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Isn't it shiny? Aluminum also un-heavy! Cool right?

Aluminium is a metal that is not only unheavy, but also stronger than steel, whilst being less heavy. Aluminium is however, not a light metal, as it is not moving at the speed of light. Therefore, it is not light, but rather, un-heavy. It is also shiny, and shiny means good, but as matte is good (because it is like, not as noticeable) but when other stuff isn't matte, it stands out really nicely, like my Ford Mustang in Need for Spe... oh, sorry for going off on a tangent. Anyhow, it can be painted any color. But the paint will not stick for long unless it is wrapped in duct tape. Also, aluminium has great thermal properties, which is why it is used in heatsinks, or cooling systems, as it transfers heat, or something like that.


This magical metal, is utilized in the production of:

  • Airplanes, as they need to be un-heavy, as airplanes are not supposed to be heavy, which would make the airplane sink due to the weight, and therefore, not fly.
  • Foil, as aluminium makes for a stark contrast on the character displayed by steel, giving a dionysian counter, to the appalonian nature of steel, who displays a ovidian perspective, rather than aluminium's forward ideology.
It's soo cool, this car is almost all aluminium! IT'S AWESOME. Oh wait.. this is for informational purposes. Yeah, it's aluminium.
  • Cars, because cars that are un-heavy, are more efficient, and since the gas at Chevron is like, $4.52 to the gallon, its insane man! You won't believe how hard it is to find cheap gas, save drilling for your own oil, and then getting it refined.
  • Computers, you won't believe how many computers have aluminium components in them, or have aluminium cases. For example, the heatsink in my computer has aluminium fins, which disperse the heat well. One failed attempt at using the properties on aluminium for a heatsink, is the Apple III computer. I mean, that thing had no ventilation! It was like, just a block of aluminium. I think it was on a computer website, something like, worst 20 computers or something. That thing was fun to read.
  • Armor, since it is so un-heavy, yet still strong, Light but strong armor is obviously better than heavy but weak armor.
This is the one I have, isn't it cool?
  • Yo-Yos, there are many aluminium yo-yos in the market nowadays, Not only are they better than the plastic yo-yos, but damn... they look cool.


In the past, aluminium was about as valuable as silver, because mining it back in the day was extremely difficult, and silver and aluminium kind of look the same, so they could be interchanged. That metal thing on top of the Washington Memorial, was aluminium, but then they changed it to silver, or maybe vice versa. It would be stupid to put silver on top, because silver can oxidize and get tarnished and stuff. Or maybe they treated it with something. Anyways, when aluminium mining was simplified, the price went down. So, when the price went down, lots of stuff started using aluminium, and that made it much better, because the aluminium replaced the steel in some things, making said things more un-heavy. In fact, many things today have abandoned steel in favor of aluminium.

Fun Facts[edit]

  • It's smooth when polished
  • It's worse than copper for conductivity
  • It's Zinc... or something
  • It tastes weird
Periodic table of the elements
H He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lm Ts Og
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No