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This page displays the 30 most recently updated featured images. For a complete list, see Uncyclopedia:VFP/featured.


Grue crossing.jpg

Grue crossing.jpg - 24 total votes ( 33 / 9 )
Grue crossing.jpg

The Grue Crossing signs have proven to be an effective way to prepare drivers for an encounter.

Image credit: Kaizer the Bjorn


Penis de milo.jpg

Penis de milo.jpg - 9.5 total votes ( 19.5 / 10 )
Penis de milo.jpg

The famed Penus De Milo statue depicting Hermaphrodite, in the Temple Of Sheemayle.

Image credit: RadicalX



Leonardo.jpg - 20.5 total votes ( 31.5 / 11 )

Even as a child, Leonardo da Vinci showed a gift for art and anatomy.

Image credit: Rei



Helloapocalypse.jpg - 34.5 total votes ( 37.5 / 3 )

"Who's Afwaid of a Widdle Apokowips?"

Image credit: Modusoperandi


Bass player.JPG

Bass player.JPG - 18 total votes ( 24 / 6 )
Bass player.JPG

Cliff Williams of popular music combo AC/DC seen here practising his scales on his custom bass guitar. This bass couldn't produce any tunas, or even any tunes.

Image credit: Col.swordman


Pontius pilot.JPG

Pontius pilot.JPG - 24.5 programs not at fault ( 35.5 / 11 )
Pontius pilot.JPG

The Pontius Pilot is infamous for some functionality issues. One typical complaint is that the Microsoft Crucifixion program often crucified incorrect and important data, such as the Messiah. Thankfully for its users, the file would miraculously reappear two days later after descending to the Recycle Bin, not three as some mathematically illiterate biblical scholars would tell you.

Image credit: Savethemooses



Aoushot1.jpg - 22 total votes ( 30 / 8 )

A screenshot from Age of Umpires II: Age of Cricket. In this example, we see the classic "Shotgun-Seven" formation being used to maximum effect. Any good Umpire would note that this places a good deal of emphasis on the left side, making it easy enough to sneak in the stray foul wicket.

Image credit: Hindleyite



Goatsebusters.jpg - 12.5 deleted images ( 18.5 / 6 )

There's something strange, and it don't look good. Who ya gonna call?

Image credit: RadicalX


Armstrong moon.JPG

Armstrong moon.JPG - 11 lunar trumpet solos ( 14 / 3 )
Armstrong moon.JPG

The famous 1969 Life cover featuring The Apollo Program's culmination, the successful landing of Louis Armstrong on the Moon.

Image credit: Gerrycheevers


Armed monkeys.jpg

Armed monkeys.jpg - 5 total votes ( 26 / 21 )
Armed monkeys.jpg

The popular term "guerilla warfare" is something of a misnomer; these are actually chimps.

Image credit: Sunsneezer


Apple pie chart.jpg

Apple pie chart.jpg - 10 total votes ( 19 / 9 )
Apple pie chart.jpg

The apple pie chart: A winning presentation.

Image credit: Okochama


American goths.jpg

American goths.jpg - 17 total votes ( 18 / 1 )
American goths.jpg

Unfortunately, despite traditional farmers' resilience across the ages, the "American Gothic" lifestyle just isn't what it used to be.

Image credit: Splaka


And THIS is how you fuck a bear!.jpg

And THIS is how you fuck a bear!.jpg - 14 raw bears ( 14 / 0 )
And THIS is how you fuck a bear!.jpg

This photograph, recently discovered in the Bundesarchiv, gives a rare insight into the inner workings of the Third Reich

Image credit: Concept: Zombiebaron. Image: Bizzeebeever


America nrv2.jpg

America nrv2.jpg - 12 total votes ( 25 / 13 )
America nrv2.jpg

One of God's many duties involves making sure all the world's contributions are of an acceptable standard. Unfortunately this involves the tedious task of clearing out a large amount of crap every so often. Dissidents who note that this stamping and clearing arbitrarily kills millions are placed on the "naughty" list.

Image credit: Spang



Ahmadinejad-jihad-my-ride.jpg - 18.5 A Splosions ( 21.5 / 3 )

Popular Al Jazeera reality series "Jihad My Ride" features, among other Muslim celebrities, Mahmoud "I-Wanna-Jihad" Ahmadinejad taking normal automobiles and making them "The Bomb".

Image credit: RadicalX



Africamapclear.PNG - 14 total votes ( 24 / 10 )

Africa is widely known by those in the US to be Earth's shittiest continent. For one thing, the land is wracked with hunger, poverty, disease, and genocide. It is also filled with monkeys, like those parks where they tear your car to shreds. Not a pleasant place, all things considered. (Rwanda sucks and has a very retarded name.) Things from Africa include: zoo animals, human trials, like monkeys; lots of fruit...um... AIDS? AIDS is from there, right? And black people? Hey, is that where African Americans came from? Yeah? Well, who knew?

Image credit: Jordanus



Admin-pms.png - 20 total votes ( 24 / 4 )

The pill for what ails our administrators.

Image credit: RadicalX



9-11.png - 18 total votes ( 22 / 4 )

9-Eleven, a world-wide chain of convenience stores serving the needs of those who seek to overthrow whichever hated oppressor is in vogue at the time, is now owned by a conglomeration of businessmen operating out of Afghanistan for tax purposes. People often call them when they need fat. In a bun.

Image credit: FreeMorpheme



28gayslater.png - 9 total votes ( 9 / 0 )

28 Gays Later is a post-apocalyptic horror/shocker film released in 2008. It has become a cult film in the city of San Francisco, as much of its imagery and drama hit home with many fans describing it as the most hoboerotic experience since Top Gun. The film's sequel, 28 Twinks Later, proved to be a box office disappointment.

Image credit: Sonje



1up.jpg - 19 up ( 25 / 6 )

Quenching the thirst of millions of plumbers across the nation, it's the ultimate soda.

Image credit: CartoonDiablo



100AcreSuspects.jpg - 17 Jars of Honey ( 19 / 2 )

"The greatest trick Christopher Robin ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

Image credit: Mhaille



Matrixdickjoke.jpg - 14 Subliminal Messages ( 15 / 1 )

"After a while you don't even see the code any more. You just see dicks... penis... gay... euroipods..."

Image credit: Isra1337


Tide Pods Candy.JPG

Tide Pods Candy.JPG - 6 total votes ( 6 / 0 )
Tide Pods Candy.JPG

Insert image caption here

Image credit: Insert image credits here


BSoD box art.png

BSoD box art.png - 6 total votes ( 6 / 0 )
BSoD box art.png

Insert image caption here

Image credit: Uyabba



GalleryofWTF.png - 5 quid for entrance ( 5 / 0 )

The 21st century realist art left many masterpieces. The Gallery of World's Tableaux of Fame hosts many artworks from different parts of the world.

Image credit: 90s Kid21



FoxSpoof.jpg - 22 fortresses besieged ( 27 / 5 )

In an effort to extend its presence to areas that were previously only covered by UnNews, Fox News has founded a subsidiary in Middle Earth to stay competitive on the misinformation provider market.

Image credit: Kharpert


Fifa2010 logo.png

Fifa2010 logo.png - 19 bullets in a soccer player ( 19 / 0 )
Fifa2010 logo.png

The revised logo for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa has been designed to incorporate the host nation's actual national sport...

Image credit: Sonje



TsarwarsIV.jpg - 23 hairy men in golden thongs ( 23 / 0 )

Tsar Wars Episode IV, No Hope

Image credit: Sannse



ColossusofBarbie.jpg - 14 total votes ( 21 / 7 )

One of the seven wonders of the pre-feminist movement, the Colossus of Barbie stands as a silent sentinel, ever-watching, over Toydom's Valley of the Dolls. In an ode to its majesty, Percy Bysshe Shelley declared:

That all the world remains, to seem, unchanged,
Her triumph o'er the rivers, wrath, and range,
Of her immortal gaze, fixed cold with steel,
I dare not but apease her wealth with meal.
But, yet, Man has not seen her to the test;
What's more, pity I couldn't bugger her like all the rest.
This is evidence that when the monument was built, people were of the belief that God was indeed a woman. Take that, Benedict XVI!

Image credit: Prettiestpretty



Stephenmartyr.jpg - 11 civilian casualties ( 14 / 3 )

St. Stephen the ProtoMartyr, the first adherant of the Christian faith to be martyred.

According to the New Testament Acts of the Apostles, Stephen attached sixteen sticks of dynamite to his chest, detonating them in a crowded market in Jerusalem, killing 32 Zionists and 2 Great Satans, and wounding dozens more. Stephen is venerated as a Saint by the Catholic Church, and in many countries St. Stephen's Day is a publicly recognized holiday.

St. Stephen is depicted here in a 12th century Orthodox icon. The grenade in his hand is probably anachronistic.

Image credit: Isra1337