Forum:Alternate acronymns
I play this game in IRC on occassion. Let's see how many alternate meanings of common chatspeak terms we can come up with. Feel free to add more abbreviations/emoticons to prolong the fun. Multiple entries are allowed from individuals, but please try to be original in your jokes (ie, don't steal from others, YOU COMMIE!)--<<>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Fuck the what? —Hinoa talk.kun 17:34, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Fight the wang.
- Fetch the waffles. ~ 20:29, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Flap the wings. --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 08:18, Apr 21
- Free the Welsh! --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 08:18, Apr 21
- Fire the Windowcleaner. --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 08:18, Apr 21
>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Falling Unicycles
- Freaking Undergraduates! -
Admiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate
16:38, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Failing Undergrads.--<<
>> 17:30, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Forsaken urinals. -- 17:33, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Frightening ululation! -- 17:33, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Fucking untied.
- Failing Uterus --Lt. High Gen. Grue The Few The Proud, The Marines 20:46, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Formidable Ursine. --SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee 08:24, Apr 21
I really lose.--<<>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
Indy Racing League (DJ logged out) -- 15:17, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- I run languidly.
- Jerk! Kill!--<<
>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- (In response to a "Favorite presidents" question) Jefferson/Kennedy -- 17:35, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- (In response to a "Which two presidents would make the coolest killer-robot-hybrid" question) Jackson/Kennedy -- 17:35, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Jump, kangaroo.
- lots of lungs.--<<
>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Loads of lords. -- 15:37, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Lemons on loafs. -- 15:37, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Little oven lights. -
Admiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate
16:38, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- LotofLOLS.
Make money optional.--<<>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- More Money Okay? -
Admiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate
16:38, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- My Mom's Orgasm (O.o)
Over mold flies grow.--<<>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Overly malicious flying grues.
Right of flank, left. Make an opening.--<<>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Ridiculously overpaid flying lasagna monsters are overpaid.
Start naming a few users.--<<>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- So, no annoying falling unicycles?
tl; dr
- Too late... DINO RAPTORS!--<<
>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Too late... DINNER RAPISTS!--<<
>> 16:23, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Too late... DATING RAPPERS! -
Admiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate
16:38, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Too late... DATE RAPE!
- Too late... DIGDUG RAIDERS!--<<
>> 20:19, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Why the frown?--<<
>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Where's the Fudge? -
Admiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate
16:38, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Who's that freak? -- 17:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Wait! The fuzz!
Is my homosexual orc ~ 14:50, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- In my huge oriface. -
Admiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate
16:38, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- In my hungry orchestra.
- On my goal. With the fear being bears quelling. --User:The Improver/sig18:21, Apr 20 2008 (UTC)
- Oh, my goodness! Where's the food? By Brian's queefchamber.
- This game is fucked. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 19:26, Apr 20
- Ten Gallons In Fridge.
I really care. (No, really.) --Lt. High Gen. Grue The Few The Proud, The Marines 00:10, 22 April 2008 (UTC)
You lose at pinball.--<<>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- 'Insert Penis' -
Admiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate
16:38, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- A guy throwing his arms in the air and waving like he just don't care.
Hit the power button: (you lose at the internet).--<<>> 14:31, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Two people jump roping as seen from space.
Your car flipped over! ~ 14:48, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
Admiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate
16:38, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- You wake up at 3 am to pee and your cat is already awake.
Your car flipped over after having a flat tire! ~ 14:48, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- You wake up at 3 am to pee and your lopsided cat is already awake.
Your scud missile is primed and ready. ~ 14:48, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Two Pac-Mans racing.
- Speed boosting floorboard --Lt. High Gen. Grue The Few The Proud, The Marines 20:48, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- You are less than 3
- Ball sack [1] ~ 17:51, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Less than three.
- The Power of Love going far-left --Lt. High Gen. Grue The Few The Proud, The Marines 20:47, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
=E{ O }3=
- Calculator: Error. -
Admiral Enzo Aquarius-Dial the Gate
16:38, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Clouds floating away from the sun.
- Two midgets crashing headfirst into a brick wall. -- 17:34, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Multiball Pong. ~ 18:24, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Two people preparing for a game of tennis.
Get a job, nerd! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 20:39, 20 April 2008 (UTC)
- Well, that's just, like, your opinion, man. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 14:35, Apr 21
- Get a job, hippie! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 17:32, 21 April 2008 (UTC)
- This oppression, like, will not stand, man. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 18:04, Apr 21
- Cool. Wanna go protest something, man? Or we could go down to the creek and just watch it flow. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 18:07, 21 April 2008 (UTC)
- This oppression, like, will not stand, man. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
- Get a job, hippie! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 17:32, 21 April 2008 (UTC)