Dungeons & Dragons: Real Life Edition/Character Classes
Your Character Class is the primary definition of what your character can and can’t do in the extraordinary world of D&D:IRL. Your class shapes what attacks you have, what powers you gain, how much money you make, and how often you get laid, among other things. Will you be a no-nonsense White Collar Worker? An asshole professional Athlete? A practical joke playing White Collar Worker? The possibilities are limitless.
Choosing the correct class is extremely important. You should keep in mind what classes other members of your part are or plan on being, and pick a class that supplements theirs. There are four basic Class Roles; an ideal group should have at least one of each. An Authority Figure commands the group, and often has powers that grant group bonuses. A Grunt Worker is someone that gets their hands dirty, and does most of the actual combat and work. A member of the Support role grants combat advantages to party members, and typically has a very specific skill set that can be utilized in certain situations. Finally, an Entertainer will have the most specialized set of skills, but will also have the most potential for generating income and other perks necessary to advance in a quest.
Character Classes
Blue Collar Worker
Class Traits
- Role: Grunt Worker
- Power Source: High School GED
- Key Abilities: Strength, Constitution
- Job Proficiencies: Basic Manual, Complex Manual, Menial
- Item Proficiencies: Basic Tools, Complex Tools, Simple Electronics
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Work Ethic, +5 Manual Agricultural Labor, +5 Manual Industrial Labor, +2 Menial Job
- Defense Modifiers: +2 Physical
- Hit Points at Level 1: 12 + (highest grade level achieved in high school)/2
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
- Feats: Paying the Mortgage, Raising a Family
- Epic Destinies: Eventual College Education, Pension Collecting
Class Features
- Cheat: Blue Collar Workers can—and often do—cheat their patrons out of something: whether it be an honest auto inspection or a Union Health Plan that doesn't completely cripple the company they work for. They get a 35% monetary bonus when they perform a service for pay.
- Union: Blue Collar Workers have the ability to join up with other Blue Collars to form a “Union.” When part of a Union, Blue Collars gain a +1 all modified skills and all defenses, and take a -3 penalty to Work Ethic.
- Common Sense: The most simple solution to a problem often makes itself known to Blue Collars before anyone else; +3 Insight.
Blue Collar workers are a basic class made up of high school grads and college drop-outs. They are turned to whenever manual labor has to be done, as they are in fact good for little else. A reliable, if boring class to play.
White Collar Worker
Class Traits
- Role: Grunt Worker
- Power Source: College Education
- Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
- Job Proficiencies: Basic Office, Complex Office, Menial
- Item Proficiencies: Basic Electronics, Complex Electronics, Basic Sex toys
- Skill Modifiers: +5 Office Work, +5 Paper Sorting, +2 Electronics, +2 Literacy, +2 Math, -2 Dancing, -2 Running
- Defense Modifiers: +1 Mental, +1 Verbal
- Hit Points at Level 1: 12 + (amount of money wasted in college)/$4000
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
- Feats: Paying the Mortgage, Starting a Family, Midlife Crisis, Suicide Contemplation
- Epic Destinies: Retirement, Eventual Suicide
Class Features
- Spam E-Mail: White Collars can cripple friends and foe alike at will by sending copious amounts of junk e-mail. Each junk e-mail sent lowers Work Ethic by -1 for friend and foe alike.
- Job Dissatisfaction: Once per week, role five d20. If all five come up 20, you go on a shooting rampage in your place of employ. This grants a permanent +10 to Small Arms Proficiency and a -10 penalty to Charisma.
- Conformity: If you so choose, you can take a -2 penalty to Uniqueness in return for a +1 bonus to Office Work, Paper Sorting, and Electronics. You may do this as many times as you like, until your Uniqueness reaches 0.
Like Blue Collar Workers, White Collar Workers are a bland but reliable class to play. However—unlike Blue Collar Workers—White Collar Workers work with their brains rather than their brawn. They are typically much smarter than other members of the basic labor force, and as a result tend to make more money. However, they are often dissatisfied with their line of work, to the point of being dangerously unstable.
Class Traits
- Role: Grunt Worker
- Power Source: Their Gun
- Key Abilities: Strength, Agility, Constitution
- Job Proficiencies: Basic Martial, Complex Martial, Basic Manual
- Item Proficiencies: Basic Electronics, Small Arms, Heavy Arms, Explosives
- Skill Modifiers: +5 Guns, +5 Explosives, +2 Rape
- Defense Modifiers: +2 Physical, +2 Spiritual
- Hit Points at Level 1: 24
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 6
- Feats: Shellshock, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Suicide Contemplation
- Epic Destinies: Honorable Discharge, Dishonorable Discharge, Eventual Suicide
Class Features
- Following Orders: You must do whatever the Authority Figure in your party orders you to do.
- Support the Troops: You gain a +1 to Spiritual Defense for every Blue Collar Worker in your party.
- AWOL: At the start of every encounter, roll five d20. If all five come up 20, you leave the encounter and do not have to fight.
- Crazy War Stories: Every time you tell a war story, you gain a +1 bonus to Charisma until the end of the day.
Soldier excel at one thing, and one thing only: combat. As a result, they could be the best or worst class to play in the game depending on the situation. Needless to say, if you like combat play as a Soldier.
Class Traits
- Role: Grunt Worker
- Power Source: Their Gun
- Key Abilities: Dexterity, Constitution
- Job Proficiencies: Basic Martial, Criminal
- Item Proficiencies: Basic Electronics, Small Arms, one other of choice
- Skill Modifiers: +5 Police Evasion, +5 Rape, +5 Murder, +5 Theft, +2 Guns, -5 Literacy, -5 Math
- Defense Modifiers: +2 Physical, +1 Verbal
- Hit Points at Level 1: 15 + (number of charges brought against)
- Hit Points per Level Gained: (number of charges brought against previous level) + 2
- Feats: Jailtime, Prison Escape, Good Behavior
- Epic Destinies: Going Straight, Getting Murdered
Class Features
- Drug User: Positive effects of all drugs consumed are doubled.
- Gang: Criminals gain a +1 bonus to all defenses for every other Criminal in the party.
- Drive-By: Criminals gain a +2 Proficiency bonus to all weapons while in a car.
- Street Cred: Grants a +1 bonus to Charisma to all party members.
Although Criminals might not be the most admirable group of people, having one in your party will likely prove useful. Their skills and bonuses are completely unique from any other class, and their uncanny knowledge of the streets might prove invaluable in a large urban dungeon.
Class Traits
- Role: Grunt Worker
- Power Source: None
- Key Abilities: Dexterity
- Job Proficiencies: Menial, two other of choice
- Item Proficiencies: Basic Electronics, Complex Electronics, one other of choice
- Skill Modifiers: +10 Video Games, +10 Masturbation, +5 Guns, +8 Rape, +2 Literacy, +2 Math, -10 Sex Positions, -10 Dancing
- Defense Modifiers: +4 Verbal
- Hit Points at Level 1: 12 + (times you have had sex) + 8
- Hit Points per Level Gained: (times you have had sex previous level) + 5
- Feats: Losing Virginity, Going Outside
- Epic Destinies: Dying a Virgin
Class Features
- Nerd Physique: During the character creation process, roll a d20. If the number rolled is greater than 10, add 30 pounds to your total weight. If it is less than 10, subtract 30 pounds from your total weight.
- Geek Charm: Take a permanent -4 penalty to Strength and Charisma.
- Boiling Rage: Every week, you gain a +2 bonus to a weapon Proficiency of your choice.
Despite the negative connotation a Loser carries with him, he is in fact very useful. The number of things a Loser can bring to the table are limitless. Like...
A good Loser is an important part of any group.
Class Traits
- Role: Support
- Power Source: Medical School
- Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity
- Job Proficiencies: Basic Medical, Complex Medical
- Item Proficiencies: Basic Electronics, Complex Electronics, Medical
- Skill Modifiers: +10 Medicine, +10 Surgery
- Defense Modifiers: +3 Mental
- Hit Points at Level 1: 12 + (number of years spent in College and Medical School)/2
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
- Feats: Tropical Vacation, Private Practice, Malpractice Lawsuit
- Epic Destinies: Retirement, Goodwill Trip to Africa
Class Features
- Co-Pay: Doctors gain a monetary reward every time they perform a medical service.
- Surgery: Doctors can give allies—and themselves—bonuses to ability scores by performing surgery at the cost of $10,000 per ability point.
- Vacation: Doctors can leave the game and return at will.
Although pricey, Doctors are an important class to have around. Their ability to heal and improve other party members can prove invaluable—if you can foot the bill.
Class Traits
- Role: Support
- Power Source: Law School
- Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
- Job Proficiencies: Complex Office, Simple Legal, Complex Legal
- Item Proficiencies: Simple Electronics, Legal
- Skill Modifiers: +5 Paper Sorting, +10 Litigiousness, -2 Running
- Defense Modifiers: +2 Mental, +3 Verbal, -1 Spiritual
- Hit Points at Level 1: 12 + (percentage of settlement taken as payment)/5
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
- Feats: Tropical Vacation, Private Practice, Major Lawsuit
- Epic Destinies: Retirement
Class Features
- Protection of the Law: In combat, all allied characters within a 5 square radiance gain a +1 bonus to Verbal and Mental defense.
- Injury Settlement: If an ally is injured in combat, both you and that ally can gain a large monetary reward by taking the case to court.
- Fast Talk: Lawyers can decrease an enemy’s Verbal defense by -1 for one turn as a secondary action.
Lawyers are an expensive support class, but could be well worth it if played correctly. A good Lawyer is invaluable in combat, though not necessarily directly as they will typically be your weakest character physically.
Class Traits
- Role: Support
- Power Source: College Education
- Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution
- Job Proficiencies: Academic
- Item Proficiencies: Simple Electronics, Academic
- Skill Modifiers: +5 Math, +5 Literacy,
- Defense Modifiers: +1 Mental, +1 Verbal, +1 Spiritual
- Hit Points at Level 1: 12 + (grade level you teach)/1.5 (rounding down)
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
- Feats: Tenure, Grad School Completion, College Professorship
- Epic Destinies: Retirement
Class Features
- Patience: If a Teacher fails in a combat action, they gain a +1 bonus to Constitution until the end of the encounter.
- Knowledge is Power!: All party members gain a +1 bonus to Intelligence.
- Union: Although not Blue Collar Workers, Teachers gain the same bonuses Blue Collars do in a Union.
Teachers are the least expensive of the Support characters, and as a result the monetary rewards of enlisting a Teacher are likewise diminished. However, the combat bonuses a teacher grants are just as useful as those of a Lawyer or Doctor, and a Teacher is often the most apt in combat of all the support classes.
Class Traits
- Role: Support
- Power Source: College
- Key Abilities: Intelligence, Dexterity
- Job Proficiencies: Science
- Item Proficiencies: Basic Electronics, Complex Electronics, Scientific
- Skill Modifiers: +10 Science, +10 Math, -4 Running
- Defense Modifiers: +4 Mental
- Hit Points at Level 1: 12 + (number of degrees) + 3
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
- Feats: Invention, Discovery,
- Epic Destinies: Nobel Prize
Class Features
- Government Funding: Depending on the complexity and nature of your research, you gain monetary aid from the government.
- Scientists' Charm: Take a -3 penalty to Charisma.
- SCIENCE!: All party members within a 5 square radius gain a +2 bonus to Intelligence during combat.
Scientists are good at science. There's really not much more to say. No one reads the flavor text anyway.
Class Traits
- Role: Entertainer
- Power Source: Muscles
- Key Abilities: Strength, Agility, Constitution
- Job Proficiencies: Basic Manual
- Item Proficiencies: Basic Tools, Simple Electronics
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Work Ethic, +10 Running, +10 Gymnastics, +10 Balls
- Defense Modifiers: +2 Physical
- Hit Points at Level 1: 12 + (number of laces/octagons on their sport's ball)
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 6
- Feats: Undeserving College Scholarship, Going Pro
- Epic Destinies: [Your Sport] Hall of Fame
Class Features
- Shot at the Pros: After creating your Athlete, roll 50 d20s. If all 50 come up as a twenty, you make it to the Pros. If not, you're fucked.
- Pro Athlete: If you succeed in making it to the Pros, you gain a +3 to Strength, Agility, and Constitution; Gain much more money making power; and gain the ability to take on the Celebrity Class as well.
- Endorsement: If you are a Pro Athlete, you can gain endorsements from large companies and make even more money. If not, you're fucked.
- Celebrity: Athletes can take the Celebrity Role if they go Pro. See Celebrity.
Athletes are good at sports.

Class Traits
- Role: Entertainer
- Power Source: Creativity
- Key Abilities: Dexterity
- Job Proficiencies: Art
- Item Proficiencies: Art
- Skill Modifiers: +10 Creativity, +10 Uniqueness, +10 Alcoholism, +5 Smoking, +10 Sexual Deviance OR -10 Happiness -10 Honest Work
- Defense Modifiers: +1 Mental
- Hit Points at Level 1: 8
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 2
- Feats: Selling an Artwork, Alcoholism
- Epic Destinies: Earning a Living Wage
Class Features
- Talent: After Character Creation, role a d20. If you roll above a 15, you are talented in real art. If you roll below a 5, you are talented in modern art. If you roll in between, you are mediocre and worthless.
- Paint the Town Red. Artists can use paintbrushes to paint things different colors.
- Pretension: In combat, artists gain a +4 bonus to Verbal defense at the expense of a -2 Intelligence penalty.
Artists—just like in real life—are useless. Most are depressed college students or gay Grad-students that don't care much for working. It is highly recommended that you never play one ever.
Class Traits
- Role: Entertainer
- Power Source: Creativity
- Key Abilities: Intelligence
- Job Proficiencies: Language
- Item Proficiencies: Literary
- Skill Modifiers: +10 Creativity, +10 Bull Shitting, +10 Uniqueness, +5 Alcoholism, +5 Smoking, +10 Sexual Deviancy OR -10 Happiness, -10 Honest Work.
- Defense Modifiers: +1 Mental
- Hit Points at Level 1: 10
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 2
- Feats: Best Seller, Alcoholism, Contemplating Suicide
- Epic Destinies: Earning a Living Wage, Alienation from the Real World.
Class Features
- Play, Film, or Book Talent*: During character creation, decide whether you want your writer to write plays, films, or books. Roll 1d20 and then add your Intelligence and Wisdom modifiers to determine your literary talent. This will effect what type of plays/films/books you write. 1-3 Horror, 4-6 Fantasy, 7-9, Romance/Comedy, 10-12 Mystery, 13-15 Sci-Fi, 16-18 War, 19-20 Classical, 21+ Artistic Bullshit.
- Horror: Horror writers are often cryptic and paranoid folks who gain a -2 to all saving throws but a +2 to Wisdom due to how cryptic they are. They generally do mediocre unless they become a celebrity.
- Fantasy: Fantasy Writers are typically more successful than others and gain a +2 to Spiritual Defense but receive a -2 to mental. They easily become celebrities.
- Romance/Comedy: Romance/Comedy Writers may write comedy as easily as they do romance and gain a +2 to verbal in favor of a -2 to Intelligence. They can easily become celebrities.
- Mystery: Mystery writers have none of the penalties of Horror writers and all of the benefits, except they rarely become celebrities.
- Sci-Fi: Sci-Fi writers gain a +2 to Intelligence but a -10 to Happiness and become a celebrity upon writing a best seller or founding a religion.
- War: War Writers gain as -4 to Intelligence but easily become a celebrity. They may imitate the soldier class three times a month.
- Classical: Classical Writers gain a further -10 to Happiness or +10 to Sexual Deviancy and +10 to Alcoholism, and a -15 to fame until they die. They may not become celebrities while alive.
- Artistic Bullshit: Art writers are immediately celebrities as soon as they publish a single work and gain a further +10 to Bull-Shitting.
- Pen Name: At level 4 if a writer chooses he may take a Pen name and re-roll for his style of Literature.
- Writers Block: Once a week, roll 1d20. If you roll a 5 or lower you will suffer from a bout of Writers Block and lose -4 to Mental, Verbal and Spiritual Defense. If this happens more than twice your charisma will be damaged every week by 5 points until you roll above a 5. If it reaches zero you commit suicide or die of poor health associated with depression and bad habits.
- Pretension: Much like artists, in combat, writers gain a +4 bonus to Verbal defense at the expense of a -2 Intelligence penalty.
The Literary and often depressed counterparts of artists. Writers can generally be considered bull-shitters that care little about the real world and instead choose to make random shit up and put it on paper in order to earn a living. The vast majority of Playwrights are gay, Screen writers are rich, pretentious assholes, while most book writers are depressed alcoholics, unless they are fantasy writers who tend to be much like playwrights. It is highly recommended you never play one.

Class Traits
- Role: Entertainer
- Power Source: Acting
- Key Abilities: Charisma
- Job Proficiencies: None
- Item Proficiencies: None
- Skill Modifiers: +10 Acting
- Defense Modifiers: +2 Verbal
- Hit Points at Level 1: 10
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 4
- Feats: Famous, Acting Award
- Epic Destinies: Acting Legend
Class Features
- Career Choice: Roll five d20, and add up the total of the five rolls. If your roll is below 30, you are an acting failure. If it is 31-68, you are a Stage Actor. If it is a 69-75, you are a Porn Star. If it is above 75, you are a Screen Actor.
- Stage Actor: Stage Actors gain a +2 bonus to Mental and Verbal defense, and a +2 bonus to Intelligence. However, they make the least amount of money.
- Screen Actors: Screen Actors make the most money, but have none of the bonuses the other two Acting sub-classes get. They also gain the Celebrity Class as well.
- Acting Failure: Gain a +1 bonus to Menial Job.
Actors are an interesting class to play. Though weak in combat, they are most likely to gain the additional Celebrity Class, which has a number of valuable bonuses and perks. However, if you are an Acting Failure you're fucked.
Class Traits
- Role: Entertainer
- Power Source: The Power of Rock
- Key Abilities: Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma
- Job Proficiencies: Music
- Item Proficiencies: Music
- Skill Modifiers: +10 Song Writing (All), +10 Music
- Defense Modifiers: +2 Mental, +2 Verbal
- Hit Points at Level 1: 12
- Hit Points per Level Gained: (number of sharps in an F scale)
- Feats: Record Deal, Gold Album, Platinum Album
- Epic Destinies: [Your Genre of Music] Hall of Fame
Class Features
- Musical Talent: During the Character Creation phase, roll a d20 and then add your Dexterity and Intelligence modifiers to determine your Musical Talent. This will effect what type of Musician you are. 1-3 Rapper, 4-6 Pop Musician, 7-9 Rocker, 10-12 Broadway Performer, 13-15 Prog Rocker, 16-18 Classical Musician, 19-20 Legend.
- Rapper: Rappers gain a +2 to Charisma, take a -2 penalty to Intelligence, and make little money unless they become a Celebrity.
- Pop Musician: Pop Musicians gain a +1 bonus to Charisma, take a -3 penalty to Intelligence, and are automatically a Celebrity.
- Rocker: Rockers gain a +2 to Dexterity, and make moderate amounts until becoming Celebrities.
- Broadway Performer: Gain a +10 bonus to Gayness, and rarely become Celebrities.
- Prog Rocker: Gain a +2 to Dexterity and Intelligence, and are moderately successful until becomeing Celebrities.
- Classical Musician: Gain a +3 to Dexterity and Intelligence, but have lesser chance of becoming Celebrities.
- Legend: Legends gain a +2 bonus to all ability scores, make a great deal of money, and instantly become Celebrities.
Class Traits
- Role: Authority Figure
- Power Source: College Education
- Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
- Job Proficiencies: Complex Office, Leadership, Entrepreneurial
- Item Proficiencies: Basic Electronics, Complex Electronics, Basic Sex Toys
- Skill Modifiers: +2 Office Work, +2 Paper Sorting, +2 Electronics, +5 Entrepreneurial Ability, +2 Literacy, +2 Math, -2 Dancing, -2 Running
- Defense Modifiers: +1 Mental, +1 Verbal
- Hit Points at Level 1: 12 + (commission on the Franklin account)/$1000
- Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
- Feats: Midlife Crisis, Tropical Vacation, Climbing the Corporate Ladder
- Epic Destinies: Retirement, Tell-All Book Deal
Class Features
- Personal Trainer: Businessmen can buy skill points at the rate of $5000 per skill point.
- Caffeine Fix: Consuming caffeine grants a +1 to all defenses until the end of the encounter.
- Smugness: At the start of every encounter, role a d20. If the number is greater than 10, grant yourself a +2 Charisma bonus until the end of the encounter. If the number is below 10, take a -2 penalty to Charisma.
- Sexual Harassment: Businessmen take a -4 penalty to Charisma when they perform the sex act with other members of the same class.
Although similar to White Collar Workers, Businessmen differ in three important ways. They make more much money, they are more satisfied with their jobs, and they have a different party role than White Collar Workers do. Because of these things, it is considered better to play as a Businessman than a White Collar Worker. Businessmen can use their incredible wealth the great advantage, and can quite literally buy themselves skill points.
Class Traits
- Role: Authority Figure
- Power Source: The General Public
- Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Charisma
- Job Proficiencies: Legal, Leadership
- Item Proficiencies: Academic, Legal
- Skill Modifiers: +5 Literacy, +5 Litigiousness, +5 Inherent Authority, -2 Dancing
- Defense Modifiers: +2 Mental, +2 Verbal,
- Hit Points at Level 1: 12 + (percentage of votes you got last election)/5
- Hit Points per Level Gained: (number of votes in favor)
- Feats: Public Office, High Level Position, High Level Appointment, Memoir Writing
- Epic Destinies: Retirement, Elder Statesmen
Class Features
- Appeal to Authority: Your supporters gain a +1 bonus to Verbal defense.
- Political Clout: During combat, you may roll a d20 to alter the outcome of an unfavorable event.
- Corruption: Politicians are permitted to accept bribes concerning the use of their Political Clout feature.
- Commander-in-Chief: Allied Soldiers within a 5 square radius gain a +2 bonus to Physical and Spiritual defense.
- Revisionism: Once per turn, a Politician may re-roll an unfavorable roll they made.
Politicians are the ideal Authority Figure for any party. Though they will not provide the monetary bonus a Businessman will, they make up for it in their ability to shape the way an encounter plays out using their political power. For a moral standpoint, they are also an extremely interesting class to play as they can be anywhere from super corrupt to somewhat corrupt.
Student Activist
Class Trats
- Role: Authority Figure
- Power Source: Books
- Key Abilities: Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
- Job Proficiencies: Leadership, Literary
- Item Proficiencies: Picket Signs, Poorly Xeroxed Papers, Blogs
- Skill Modifiers: +10 Knowledge (Politics), +10 Knowledge (Philosophy), +5 Public Speaking, +5 Literacy, +5 Plagiarism, +5 Paranoia, -15 Common Sense, -5 Happiness.
- Defense Modifiers: +5 Verbal, +5 Mental, -10 Spiritual
- Hit Points at Level 1: 10+ Every book you've read in agreement with your Political Alignment.
- Hit Points Gained Per Level: +2 for every Protest that actually gains more than ten followers.
- Feats*: Drawing a Crowd, Starting a Movement.
- Epic Destinies: Inciting a Riot, Getting Arrested, Political and Social Apathy.
Class Features
- Right to Rebel: All Activists in the presence of Politicians of an opposing alignment gain a +10 to Mental and Verbal Defense, but a -10 to Tear Gas Resistance and Taser Resistance.
- Protest: Activists gain a +5 Verbal Defense for every additional Activist in their party of the same Alignment.
- Eventual Apathy: At will, a Student Activist may change his class and swap all levels and class features for whatever they studied in College at the cost of reverting to Neutral Alignment.
True champions of their political alignment, Student Activists are one of the games most important classes. They embody the spirit of Democracy and public exchange that so many nations are built on. They aren't afraid to speak out against injustice and fight for what's right.

Class Traits
- Role: Authority Figure
- Power Source: The Power of Celebrity
- Key Abilities: Charisma
- Job Proficiencies: N/A
- Item Proficiencies: N/A
- Skill Modifiers: +1 to all skills.
- Defense Modifiers: +3 Verbal
- Hit Points at Level 1: N/A
- Hit Points per Level Gained: N/A
- Feats: Living Legend
- Epic Destinies: Legend
Class Features
- Famous: Permanent +3 bonus to Charisma, and a +1 bonus to every player in your party's Charisma.
- Above the Law: Celebrities are 50% less likely to be tried and convicted of their crimes.
- Grovel: You hold absolute power over all non-Authority Figure classes.
Celebrities cannot be picked at the beginning of the game. Rather, one must earn Celebrity status. Some classes have a much better shot at it than others, though the shot consistently remains slim. However, the perks of being a Celebrity—not to mention the cash you'll rake in—are well worth the effort, even if it is a bit of a long shot.
See Also
Fuck, where do I pick Feats? Table of Contents