Forum:Community To-Do List
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Ban Nerd42 --
-Op & Ban
Slap STM, Ghelae, and Nerd42 with a halibut
Slap Dawg, STM,
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6636 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.
- Top post.
- Read this entire goddamn list
- Acquire more wit
- Less noobs
- Don't let anybody edit (some exceptions)
- Base jumping
- Delete a page --
09:16, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- Learn to dance
- Find out what this button does
- All it did was summon a grue, which has escaped somewhere farther down this list.--User:Jayrod/sig 03:29, 3 August 2006 (UTC)
- NO CLICKING LINKS!!! Mr. Briggs Inc. 11:51, 15 August 2006 (UTC) Eh?
- Burn more noobs on the fires of our raging cynicism -- Sir Mhaille
(talk to me)
- Increase growing community spirit by inviting more noobs. --⇔ Sir Mon€¥$ignSTFU F@H|MDA|+S 09:27, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- Crush spirits of recently invited noobs by infinite banning them
- Make a deposit at bank
- Rob bank -- Sir C
Holla | CUN 20:16, 10 August 2006 (UTC)
- Go out drinking with Cornbread. Modusoperandi 20:35, 10 August 2006 (UTC)
- Feed dog
- Less grues --
09:31, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- More grues --User:Nintendorulez 16:34, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
- Burn dog -- Rad 02:57, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
- Feed grues -- Sir Mhaille
(talk to me)
- Feed grues with n00bs FreeMorpheme 13:07, 1 August 2006 (UTC)
- Replace all image files with pr0n
- Fap. --User:Nintendorulez 16:34, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
- Run some untested third-party software from Moldova on the server
- Overwrite Uncyc database with cracked copy of Halo 2
- Have pie -- Sir Codeine K·H·P·B·M·N·C·U·Bu. · (Harangue) 10:37, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- Ban --Splaka 04:59, 1 August 2006 (UTC)
- Save world
- Destory world --The King In Yellow (Talk to the Dalek.) 18:24, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
- Change mind and save world again.
- Block users
- Block users
- Block users
- Block users
- Block users
- Block users
- Block users
- Block users --
Sir Flammable KUN
(Na Naaaaa...)
18:07, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- Channel Oscar Wilde to improve our wit and humor.
- Rewrite the rules so the noobs can understand them, and make a script that creates a link to the rules for noobs.--2nd_Lt Orion Blastar (talk) 19:31, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- Block all who aid n00bs.
- Block all who aid those who aid n00bs.
- Block all who aid those that aid those others that aid n00bs.
- Block all who have any connection to those who aid n00bs. --Señor DiZtheGreat
CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 19:39, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- Figure out just what it is about n00bs that causes such a massive outpouring of negative emotions.
- Continue pouring out negative emotions. --User:Nintendorulez 16:34, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
- Figure out where this Grue came from, and why the button holds so much power.
- Have more pie! c • > • cunwapquc? 19:51, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- Tell Some User it's because of their inherent n00bishness, n00bocity, n00besquity, n00bisms, n00blikenesses, n00balties, take your pick. --Señor DiZtheGreat
CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 20:24, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- Add more humor
- Remove more suck –H. 21:41, 31 July 2006 (UTC)
- Add chainguns -- 20:07, 1 August 2006 (UTC)
- Ban auto-aim scripts --Superbo 20:36, 1 August 2006 (UTC)
- Block more users.
- Delete more articles.
CELEBRATE BENSON'S PERMABANNING.- Stop using allcaps, it's stupid!
- Eat pie. ~ 18:31, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
- Get hax -- 20:48, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
- DE-STROY THE DOC-TOR! --The King In Yellow (Talk to the Dalek.) 13:34, 3 August 2006 (UTC)
- In Soviet Russia, bad Russian Reversal jokes need to delete YOU! --Señor DiZtheGreat
CUN AOTM ( Worship me!) (Praise me!) (Join me!) AMEN! 21:54, 3 August 2006 (UTC)
- Spam links to my userpage on
stupidusless lists of other people's linkwhoreyness. --Brigadier General Sir Zombiebaron 02:08, 10 August 2006 (UTC) - Find out just who the hell this benson guy is
- Overclock my computer that little bit more,
- Buy new processor, again
- Make more pics that no one likes
- Make more pages that no people visit
See doctor to increase dosage, againcheck!- Mix said medication with alcohol, again
- Tell purple monkey to put back my hipwaders and stop watering my plants
- Buy plants
Appear on "COPS", againcheck!- Get bail money. Modusoperandi 07:35, 10 August 2006 (UTC)
- Add more things to this list.--Sir Silent Penguin
"your site makes no sence" The illusion is complete 13:41, 10 August 2006 (UTC)
- Fart on a cat
- Kill a mime
- Hack into the interweb
- Solve Physics --
23:34, 10 August 2006 (UTC)
- Cure for
cancercommon cold--Sir Silent Penguin"your site makes no sence" The illusion is complete 10:05, 11 August 2006 (UTC)
- Take over the world.
- Make BENSON an admin
- Make BENSON a bureaucrat. --User:Nintendorulez 16:34, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
- Stop huffing kittens
- NEVER! --User:Nintendorulez 16:34, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
- Take two and call Chron in the morning
- Delete anything related to an overused internet meme
- Remove any and all Chuck Norris references from Uncyclopedia
- Figure out new meme with which to torture Crazyswordsman
- Laugh maniacally
- Cry quietly, on the inside. Modusoperandi 08:31, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Kill those responsible for adding the Chuck refences. --User:Nintendorulez 16:34, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
- Use in-jokes often, but wisely
- Be funny and not just stupid Crazyswordsman...With SAVINGS!!!! (T/C) 18:05, 12 August 2006 (UTC)
- Agree. --User:Nintendorulez 16:34, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
- Rest on my laurels.
- Rake my underpants.
- Remember that I'm not wearing any.
- Wonder why I'm telling you all this.
- Deleaf my ass. -- Imrealized ...hmm? 23:48, 12 August 2006 (UTC)
- Reformat Uncyclopedia Server and install Windows XP Pirate Edition on it, then apply some HeadOn directly to the forehead. --2nd_Lt Orion Blastar (talk) 00:02, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead.
- HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead.
- HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead.
- HeadOn, available over the counter at pharmacies nationwide. --
16:17, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Try to figure out why the hell I just made a page loosely based on "The Love Boat". Damn you, Captain Stubing!
- Take deep breaths. Whaaa, woooo... whaaa, woooo. Modusoperandi 16:26, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
Create new section headers randomly. ~ 16:28, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Remember that n00bs are our future
- Remember that it's "fewer n00bs", not "less n00bs" -- Sir Armando Perentie
KUN FP 16:42, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Choose my own adventure
- Get into an argument Modusoperandi 16:47, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Futily attempt to wreak the coding of the page. </HTML>
- Frown when it doesn't work yet try to repair it anyway. :-( <HTML>
- Peaksay Igpay Atinlay.
- Vabnalise!™ sduifvskdfjnbs,kdjnbslkjbnslkgnbsalkjgnb omg lolz0rz
- Return to normality.
Make fake section headers
- Realise that said fake section headers are real. :—(
- zomg itz t3h 1337z0rz!
- HATE HAET HAT! --The King In Yellow (Talk to the Dalek.) 15:59, 18 August 2006 (UTC)
- Compose a random Computer-piano piece by randomly hitting keyboard.
- jk nfji ri i fi jnodgi n iosujv alufb98 e98h nkigp;asofihb[q0-rb a! ~ 17:20, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Attempt to decode the prophecies of Ghelae. Modusoperandi 17:25, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Tell Modusoperandi that the prophecy is in random-keyboard-language, just in case it helps. ~ 17:33, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- But I've already optioned the film rights for "the Ghelae Code"! Modusoperandi 17:40, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Ooh, good, when'll it be released? ~ 08:16, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- I dunno. The only info I have so far is that I've called the wrong number and that I shouldn't use 911 for such "tom foolery". Weird how people get my name wrong...even the nice lady from Directory Assistance thought I was "R. Sole". Modusoperandi 08:27, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- I dunno. The only info I have so far is that I've called the wrong number and that I shouldn't use 911 for such "tom foolery". Weird how people get my name wrong...even the nice lady from Directory Assistance thought I was "R. Sole". Modusoperandi 08:27, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Ooh, good, when'll it be released? ~ 08:16, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- But I've already optioned the film rights for "the Ghelae Code"! Modusoperandi 17:40, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Tell Modusoperandi that the prophecy is in random-keyboard-language, just in case it helps. ~ 17:33, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Attempt to decode the prophecies of Ghelae. Modusoperandi 17:25, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Point out how this page is a new low for the Forums. --Brigadier General Sir Zombiebaron 17:26, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Point out how this page may be a new low for the forums, but is a new high for the Village Dump. ~ 17:33, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Giggle when people say "Dump". Modusoperandi 17:40, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Yeah, I'm with you on that one. But why do you want to start an argument? What kind of idiot would do that? Well? Well? What have you got to say for yourself? -- Sir Armando Perentie
KUN FP 07:50, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Wonder what Armando is on about ~ 08:16, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Er, sorry. It was Modusoperandi I was trying to get in an argument with, as per his post half a page above. -- Sir Armando Perentie
KUN FP 08:54, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Realise what Armando is on about ~ 08:56, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Oh, and when I said "I'm with you on that one", I meant Modusoperandi again. Giggling when people say "Dump". I'm easily amused. -- Sir Armando Perentie
KUN FP 09:06, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Be bored about the fact that Armando didn't realise that Ghelæ knew that, and keep on writing in italics for no apparent reason whatsoever ~ 09:08, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Do everything in italics because that's what all of the cool kids are doing. And Ghelae. Modusoperandi 16:23, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Kill Modusoperandi for insulting me (by not using a ligature in my næm, and putting a full stop at the end of an italic quote) ~ 16:27, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- For looking up the word "ligature", because it sounds like a euphemism. Also for getting a new keyboard that has a key for that cool pushed together "a" "e" thingy. Modusoperandi 17:06, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Kill Modusoperandi for insulting me (by not using a ligature in my næm, and putting a full stop at the end of an italic quote) ~ 16:27, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Do everything in italics because that's what all of the cool kids are doing. And Ghelae. Modusoperandi 16:23, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Be bored about the fact that Armando didn't realise that Ghelæ knew that, and keep on writing in italics for no apparent reason whatsoever ~ 09:08, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Oh, and when I said "I'm with you on that one", I meant Modusoperandi again. Giggling when people say "Dump". I'm easily amused. -- Sir Armando Perentie
- Realise what Armando is on about ~ 08:56, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Er, sorry. It was Modusoperandi I was trying to get in an argument with, as per his post half a page above. -- Sir Armando Perentie
- You're too late, Armando. I got into an argument with me earlier about whether or not to have another beer. A bunch of times. Now I've just awoken on my neighbour's lawn. The cop that's standing on my neck doesn't look too amused. Dunno why I brought my computer with me...must've seemed like a good idea at the time... Modusoperandi
- Wonder what Armando is on about ~ 08:16, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Yeah, I'm with you on that one. But why do you want to start an argument? What kind of idiot would do that? Well? Well? What have you got to say for yourself? -- Sir Armando Perentie
- Giggle when people say "Dump". Modusoperandi 17:40, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Wake up Cthulhu. -- Sir Armando Perentie
KUN FP 07:50, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Ask if he's got a sister. Modusoperandi 08:27, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Now there's a thought. Wonder what she can do with those tentacles. I'm guessing that once you've had cephalopod you never go back. -- Sir Armando Perentie
KUN FP 08:54, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Now there's a thought. Wonder what she can do with those tentacles. I'm guessing that once you've had cephalopod you never go back. -- Sir Armando Perentie
- Ask if he's got a sister. Modusoperandi 08:27, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
Make an entire fictitious Uncyclomedia Foundation
- Realise that, while the Uncyclomedia Foundation is supposedly fictitious, the corresponding server exists and is real.
- Ignore this discrepancy as, if Wikipedia said the Uncyclomedia Foundation is fictitious, it must be real. They wouldn't joke about something that important, eh?
- Wonder why this was done in this backward fashion if having a real Uncyclomedia Foundation could've been a means to transfer ownership of the project (if there is such a thing) back to the community, much like the Wikimedia Foundation attempted to do after it was too late to persuade the Encyclopedia Libre community from splitting to an independent project at the University of Seville, Spain.
- Ask if it would've done any good as the fictitious Uncyclomedia Foundation only has fictitious assets in any case.
- Allocate more virtual memory in which to inventory the fictitious assets of the fictitious Uncyclomedia Foundation.
- Question why this is worth doing if the only supposed assets are an autographed copy of UnMeta, some space on the project's one leased dedicated server and some useless domain names which aren't
- Conclude that nobody cares and go back to sleep.
- VFH this page
- After VFH fails, VFP this page.
- After the ban expires, VFD this page. Modusoperandi 22:01, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Heck, nominate the page for VFH, VFP, UGOTM, QVFD, VFD and NRV all at the same time. It won't be the first time we've had the same page simulentaneously on VFH and VFD - Babel:Lt/Finikieciai holds that distinction after being misfiled as "Italian" instead of "Lithuania". --Carlb 23:02, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Why not nom it for NOTM, WOTM, UOTM, UOTY, CVP, CRP and make a selection of Special Rules for it too? ~ 08:19, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- I can think of another page that was on VFH, VFD, and QVFD at once. --User:Nintendorulez 16:34, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
- After VFH fails, VFP this page.
- Score: +0
- Against nominating this page for anything. Modusoperandi 23:24, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- For nominating this page for everything and For pushing STM's quote to the bottom. ~ 08:19, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- For per Ghelae. Crazyswordsman...With SAVINGS!!!! (T/C) 16:33, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- Cha-cha real smooth. --
21:46, 13 August 2006 (UTC)
- Make a sockpuppet. Modusoperandi 18:55, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
- That's an excellent idea. 18:56, 14 August 2006 (UTC)
Make another header
“Quote Oscar Wilde.”
- Make another code for Modusoperandi to crack.
- vnsb-jdfhbg-kfh / yfxgvmjhygukdygb-zur7tgy-cvujy / bdf7g0-x8fyhg-dr89-y
- Ponder. Modusoperandi 08:02, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Crack! Do you encrypt your mother with that mouth? Modusoperandi 08:21, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Ponder. Modusoperandi 08:02, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Remember Hamlet's speech.
- Be.
- Not Be.
- That is the question.
- Suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.
- Take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing, end them.
- Sleep.
- By that sleep, say we end the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to.
- Die.
- Not remember the rest of Hamlet's speech. ~ 07:50, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Forget about Hamlet's speech. Nobody cares. -- The Colonel (talk) 07:54, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Forget about Col.swordman... and the rest of Uncyclopedia, and get a life.
- On second thoughts, that's not a good idea. ~ 07:57, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Be glad that our Poo Lit entries are somebody elses problem now.Modusoperandi 08:02, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Kill Emperor Palpatine and make sure he/she/it/aardvark has been crushed by Santa.
- Make another code:
- sxdfgt7 6tr5fvbuyi v87iub - 789ub njk 87yu6 gyubh 987guihb 087ihu 87uyjh. ~ 08:30, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Stop that! Don't make me go all "A Beautiful Mind" on you. Mmmmm, Jennifer Connelly...
- Eat more fiber. Modusoperandi 08:45, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Make another code, just to annoy Modusoperandi:
- sjkdfnb-idfuhg / lsiufdhj-lisdufh / psfiuh-pdfg9uhn / sp9tu-hjsop9f8.
- RUN! ~ 08:57, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
Reach through the internet tubes and strangle Ghelæ.Nah.
- Find gross spelling error in one of my Poo Lit entries now that it's too late to do anything about it.
- Friggin' lose it!
- Take deep breaths. Whaaa, woooo... whaaa, woooo. Modusoperandi 09:04, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Make yet another code just to annoy Modusoperandi, and laugh when Modusoperandi reaches through the screen to hit me, but misses because I jumped out of the way (etc, etc):
- uhdkigu-siudyhg / oaiudth oisaeurh-oaiureh / oas9r8h gapoieruhg-aoleiu. ~ 10:39, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Ask Ghelæ for my bong back. Modusoperandi 10:44, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Wonder what Modusoperandi is talking about, then decide to not care and walk away. ~ 12:11, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Buy new bong, apparently. Modusoperandi 12:47, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Wonder what Modusoperandi is talking about, then decide to not care and walk away. ~ 12:11, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Ask Ghelæ for my bong back. Modusoperandi 10:44, 15 August 2006 (UTC)
- Agree with Ghelæ on something, for some reason.
- Freak out, just a little. Modusoperandi 07:45, 16 August 2006 (UTC)
- ==Make another header, if only to end this weird little BLAH!™==
- Qwerty uiop, Asdf ghjklk, Zxcvbnm. ~ 07:56, 16 August 2006 (UTC)
- Curl up into ball. Fight the encroaching darkness from the fetal position. Modusoperandi 08:03, 16 August 2006 (UTC)
Download dirty, dirty porn.Go to church. --Hotadmin4u69 [TALK] 16:38, 16 August 2006 (UTC)- Purge the Old Stuff!
- zomg itz t3h svv34rz0rz
- <make lots="of" fake="HTML"> tags <which have="no" known="possible"> uses </which></make>
- <recode HTML="with" these="tags" in="a"> futile <attempt to="take" over="the"> world </attempt></recode> ~ 15:46, 18 August 2006 (UTC)
Crazyswordsman...With SAVINGS!!!! (T/C)“Stop quoting me more than once on every page! We have other intellectualls who do this stuff you know.”
“Start quoting me. I mean, I'm Walt freakin' Whitman over here!”
--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 00:37, 21 August 2006 (UTC)
- Make a Walt Whitman article. Crazyswordsman...With SAVINGS!!!! (T/C) 01:07, 21 August 2006 (UTC)
- Take up Crazyswordsman's advice.--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 18:23, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Destroy the intellectualsdone!- Alter history
- Have former colleague assassinated in Mexico --
02:16, 21 August 2006 (UTC)
- Obsess over the Poo Lit results.
- Get over it.--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 02:47, 21 August 2006 (UTC)
- Feed anybody who uses bulleted lists to grues. Then ban them. --Cainad 06:19, 21 August 2006 (UTC)
Make another section header - Why Not?
- Use bulleted lists, just to annoy
SatanCainad. ~ 08:22, 21 August 2006 (UTC) - Change all the bullets to numbers -- sannse<staff/> (talk) 18:17, 24 August 2006 (UTC)
- PLace a bullet, then kill sannse. ~ 07:49, 25 August 2006 (UTC)
- ==Make another section header ENTIRELY BULLETS!==
- ~ 07:49, 25 August 2006 (UTC)
Nerd42's ideas which are differently weirder than usual
- PWN n00bs.
- Help n00bs only after they have been PWN3d to become better writers.
- Ensure that as many Uncyclopedia articles as possible use self-referential humor.
- Make the UnMeta Foundation into a real organization - I mean, hey, why not?
- Branch out into other forms of media.
- Add subliminal messages to UnMedia content.
- Complete takeover of world. (In Soviet Russia, world takes over YOU!!)
- Today the rest of the world, tomorrow Chuck Norris!
- Uhh ... yeah. --Nerd42Talk 18:23, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
Ban Nerd42 --
20:54, 26 August 2006 (UTC)
-Op & Ban Savet3hmooses Savethemeese Savethemosses Savethemooses! ~ 09:45, 27 August 2006 (UTC)
Slap STM, Ghelae, and Nerd42 with a halibut
19:36, 1 September 2006 (UTC)
Drop VFH template.--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 19:59, 1 September 2006 (UTC)Severian did it.--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 12:46, 6 September 2006 (UTC)
Slap Dawg, STM, Ghelæ, Nerd42 and Modusoperandi with two halibuts each. ~ 09:24, 2 September 2006 (UTC)
- Note to self; Fish for dinner--Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 14:49, 2 September 2006 (UTC)
Make a subheader for a change. Crazyswordsman...With SAVINGS!!!! (T/C) 20:53, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
Squish that subheader between 2 headers. --Sbluen 21:24, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
Make big header so all succeeding headers are subordinate to it. MUAHAHA! MUAHAHA! ~ 07:40, 4 September 2006 (UTC)
Make a tiny header to fuck with everyone. –H. 07:42, 4 September 2006 (UTC)
- Break Ghelae's invisible header that works, and don't sign it.
- = Remake said broken header, and do sign it... SPANG. ~ 08:26, 4 September 2006 (UTC)=
Have fun with staple guns
- ==Fake IRC==
- <Ghelæ> 16:47, 4 September 2006 (UTC)
Create a really big header that has several in-jokes in the title because it is mandatory -- 02:38, 1 October 2006 (UTC)
- Tell Insineratehymn that he forgot to mention Euroipods. Crazyswordsman...With SAVINGS!!!! (T/C) 09:13, 1 October 2006 (UTC)
^_^ Make A Header To Drive A Certain Admin Crazy ^_^
- Summary:
- Welcome ^_^
- Thank You ^_^
- Comment ^_^
- Vote ^_^
- Delete ^_^
- Ban ^_^
- Redirect ^_^
- Revert ^_^
- Improved ^_^
- +{{redlink}} ^_^
- +{{deadend}} ^_^
- +{{construction}} ^_^
- Moved ^_^
- +{{vanity}} ^_^
- ^_^
Make another header. Crazyswordsman...With SAVINGS!!!! (T/C) 15:49, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
Wonder why I hadn't found tis page sooner --User:Nintendorulez 16:34, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
- Attempt to make the whole page a singular # list.
- Fail miserably.
- Ban all who oppose BENSON
- Then kill them.
- Hell, just ban everyone.
- Then kill them.
- Hell, just ban everyone.
- Then kill them.
- Be more redundant.
- Be more redundant.
- Be more redundant.
- Be more redundant.
- Translate the entire wiki into AAAAAAAAA!
- Get more nakie pics of Sophia ^_^
- Unfeature and huff eur - *is shot* --User:Nintendorulez 16:34, 8 October 2006 (UTC)
- Switch AAAAAAAAA! to semiprotection. Crazyswordsman...With SAVINGS!!!! (T/C) 18:24, 8 October 2006 (UTC)