Contributors of audio bits and pieces. The ones responsible. The guilty. Those who will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.
Perpetrator of The Uncyclopedian's Song. Guilty of creating Oo Aa Iiee & Playing With Myself. Interim, temporary, defacto, UnTunes Despot-for-life. Fatty lover. Renaissance troll extraordinaire. In his secret underground lair studio, aural cacophonies of the lowest order are conceived, gestated, and finally born in a grotesque splatter of audible gore. Fear him! Point and laugh at him! Ahhhaahaahahahaha!!
Creator of the Grammy Award Winning songs Middle Aged Suburban White Guy Rap and I Like Cats (The Other White Meat). What else does Todd have up his sleeve? Check out the folksy, unromantic "Stinky Love Song", and his recent semi-acclaimed side-project Death Cab for Cajek.
Creator of Hip Hop Sucks. Profile added due to Tooltroll's request. Enjoys eating pie. Does some techno tunes in MadTracker and SchismTracker (will probably be using SchismTracker more often due to getting Linux to connect to the internet sorry, can't record). Also made the atrocious rap Yo yo wassup yo mom my limo walloo yo gay and the jazz/reggae tune Police, Don't Hurt Me (which is kinda funky).
Performer of I Love You, which is a random love song. He wrote the lyrics to this song, his brother wrote the tune. Hopes to record more songs for UnTunes. Can't think of anything else to write in this biography, so just writing some random crap.
With a voice that makes puppies cry, AtionSong wrote, recorded, and mixed The National Anthem of the United States and Oscar's Rap (I'm a Wilde Guy). He spends most of his time sighing and watching the seconds slowly tick off of his clock.
Songwriter who one day hopes his balls will drop so he can rap to his retarded clever parodies. Also created Thirteen Year Old Rap. Give him a beat that isn't too fast, and he'll rap to it. Not really. He does do beats for any kind of song on request.
Not the best singer, but he tries. Created Don't Ban Me, Admin. If you really think he did well, tell him. He will be surprised. Very surprised. Super surprised. He is a failure.
SysRq is an underground singer/songwriter/guitarist/bassist/pianist who still thinks saying pianist because the censors don't care is funny. His quirky, almost dark humor comes out in his heartfelt songs, and his talent for words as well as music come shining through with every note. His first song on UnTunes, Home on a Friday Night (released under his previous name, Gustav), is a classic for all audiences to enjoy on their iPods while beating up their older sister in the back of their Ford Explorers. Also resposible for the vocals on I Kissed a Girl (And I Threw Up), written by Orian.
RAHB, ever vigilant admin, writer, scientist and penis connoisseur, is also a musician. He makes weird experimental freak-out music in his basement during the late hours of the night and wee hours of the morning. In his other spare time, he likes to pretend he's a successful comedy-folk guitarist who gets lots of girls and fans who are touched by his half-sarcastic, but semi-serious lyrics that he isn't actually any good at writing. He dreams of one day becoming a world-class fashion designer.
SirIsaac, a pseudo-rock musician, tried to learn guitar but then decided it'd just be more fun to futz around with Garageband. He now will take requests, just as soon as he figures out what the hell you're parodying.
Wrote, and recorded most of A.S.B.O.s (Next Door). Guitarist, writer, and generally an all purpose Joe of most genres, sleepygamer will work for food, money, secks, chocolate, or a spot cream that doesn't make things worse. May do requests if it's possible. Works best in heavy metal styles, but works well with rock and indie styles. Will gladly do vocals if you want. Note: I didn't sing in A.S.B.O.s. My dad did. I did the speech though. Hah.
Mainly plays bass guitar, but also plays guitar and trombone. And keyboard. Does a lot of audio editing and recording and stuff. Recorded Won't Get Banned Again and recorded and played guitar for Artsy and Misunderstood: A Bedroom Emo Song. Did some other stuff too!
Yeah, I mostly just sing, although if necessary I could play some trumpet. I sang and helped to write UnTunes:Won't Get Banned Again, as well as UnTunes:Johnny Feelgood and the Latex Minions LIVE at the Big Corporate Superdome, and I sang UnTunes:Artsy and Misunderstood: A Bedroom Emo Song, on which I just ad-libbed all the vocals. Aren't I fantastic?
Played the tuba in marchiing band, the valve trombone in jazz lab, but now sings karaoke, and plays an auto-harp Anthem. Did some other stuff too!
He wrote one freakin' UnTune. Whoopy freakin' doo. He did add the Hitler & Stalin gifs on the main space.
The founder of JNNN TV Anda, he wrote Do They Know It's Kwanzaa? and Never Gonna Give Sonic Up. He also wrote and composed Lagu Duit Kopi (Coffee Money Song). The original writer for the song is unknown, but was believed to be RAHB according to JNNN TV Anda. The most recent song he wrote and composed was Chicharron, in which it has a Reggaeton feel to it.
Wrote the, albeit appalling, lyrics to his parody of Polly by Nirvana and just managed to play the song on guitar too. Also wrote the lyrics to Bearded Lady, a parody of Elton John's Tiny Dancer, also appalling.

Oman based, Welshian Fezzul joined with his orchestra at an un-named point in history whilst trekking the harsh deserts of the Middle East as part of an IB Maths assignment. Having got together they were discovered by musical Guru and genius hairstylist, Snixy the Hilarious Chihuahua. Once found they went straight in to the studio, then straight out again, because there was a bad smell. Once they found a clean studio they recorded their first single Subterranean IB Blues, which went straight to the hit lists... of the local Mafia. They are currently in semi-hiding. Fezzul is noted for mild eccentricity, looking like a middle-class messiah and talking in a charming British accent. On no account should he be allowed to sing without first treating his voice electronically. Little is known of the orchestra, it is possible that they are just a metaphor.

This undead reaper of souls knows next to nothing about life, so he wrote and performed Are We Human Or Are We Cancer? to expand his knowledge. Needless to say, he still doesn't know much.
In 1990 Acrolo and some woman with a harp formed the borderline popular duo who are slightly famous for introducing the slow, hypo tensive, alternative, pre-progressive, folk rock with a slight hint of indie genre to the music world. They chose the name "All Your Bass Are Belong To Us" after failing to create bass for their songs which they thought they could steal from other artists. They created the one hit wonder called Ur So Phat and you don't even like food.
After noting that the music world was totally lacking in a capella bands, Sifi hired four drunken artists, and, in three minutes, created the underground quartet, The Liposuction Recipients (which some have claimed is really just Sifi recording his voice four times in harmony). The band released their first single, "Blueberry Muffins", which didn't actually become a major hit, aaaand they're kind of pissed at that.
Ever wonder what happens when two guys spend four days trapped in a room with a guitar, bass, drums, recording equipment, and 16 bottles of Yeager? Wonder no more as John Lydon and J Veezy bring you "Songs From the Prison Yard" a collection of songs written about or during various prison stays. The first single Stalker released to rave reviews from one British guy, who promptly retracted his review after finding out the song was not called "Soccer". Homeless and horny, John Lydon and J Veezy carry on with their vision, although neither one really seems to know what that is.

Described by Rolling Stone Magazine as "a guy who ... makes ... music," EMC has released such memorable hits as It's Too Late (To Lose Some Weight), If I Was Admin, Sniff Thine Prick (with Olipro) and The Bathroom (remix). His 10-minute long recomposition of Hip Hop Sucks, performed by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra at the 2010 Superbowl Halftime Show, annoyed and confused audiences and has since been blamed for the Colts' loss. Another feat is his single Ode to Bubble Buddy, which reached #137 on the Estonian Pop Music Charts. He was asked in 2011 to write the theme music for upcoming ABC drama miniseries "Lamps & Linens", but was promptly fired after confessing he had sold all of his instruments to help support the ongoing genocide in Darfur.
Silent Partners
Those who format, organize, and maintain this space. The quasi-guilty. 4th against the wall, after tunesmiths, politicians and lawyers.
A contemporary progressive musician who likes music that is older than himself. Although his character is a little bit weird, his musical taste is undoubtedly one of the best in the universe, noted by his purple guitar and Prince look alike. Above all, he never created his own music because he is too busy eating his lunch and creating new looks for UnTunes.
One of the revolutionaries, he helped make this happen by causing a majority at the right time. He hangs around offering his input when it is wanted, and generally makes sure everything is running smoothly. Think of him as that executive guy that stands in the background looking important.
Robotic Graphic Designer responsible for creating the abominations lovely images you see. He sits in front of his Mac slaving away at album art most of the day.