“Left a bit, left a bit!”
“Oh, Edmund, can it be true? that I hold here, in my mortal hand, a nugget of purest green?”
“Down With Green!”
Green first appeared on earth around 44 BC when Osama Bin Laden brought it with him from Neptune. Green began to spread as a virus until it became the fourth color in the rainbow and it became happy with that status. However, green has been cloned many times, and these clones can be found all over the place.
This is a completely different thing to a Green. In school it was a loner, forced to sit at the mixed-color table at lunch while the subtractive primary colors laughed it up on their side of the cafeteria, and many people just scoffed at the Green Party movement that attempted to bring about some economic and social gains for Green.
In the early 1970s, Green accidentally invented Internet Humor while reading some pornography. This is widely regarded as a bad move.
The 1980s were perhaps the ultimate low point for Green , as Yellow, Red and Blue became the only colors used for clothing, art and anything else. In recent years Green 's status has improved a bit, largely due to die-hard Green advocates such as Ralph Nader, Link, and Kermit the Frog, but even now it ain't easy being Green and it probably won't be for a long time yet.
There is some hope, however, as Red and Blue are fighting a war, and will both be weakened as a result.
Green's archnemesis is Blue. Green's most complementary ally is Purple.
St. Patrick's Day is probably Green's most useful contribution to the world as we know it.
One of the most famous uses of the colour green is the use of Green Lightbulbs commonly used to fight nuclear wars.
In 2013, President Notepad of the Creativity Association of Hugging officially declared that "Green is not a creative color." This statement caused a lot of controversy, and some rose up against President Notepad. After the "Don't Hug Me" Incident involving President Notepad hiding human organs inside a cake, she was officially detained from office. Angry about being sacked, she briefly campaigned against creativity and, using the "Don't Hug Me" Incident as evidence against creativity, she tricked 3 puppets into agreeing never to be creative again. Immediately after this, she promptly closed her front cover and died. Notepad's declaration against the color green was one of the deciding factors to alienate the color green from society, and it was used less and less frequently. Poor green is at it's worst right now.
See also[edit]