Harry Potter (character)
“Everyone should hate him. The theists think he will ruin their traditions, the agnostics don’t like to talk about explanations for supernatural things, and the atheists think he is like the religious stories.”
Harry James Potter is a mediocre wizard who was lucky enough to undeservedly have seven whole books written about him by author Neil Gaiman, which furthermore have been converted into seven eight half-films starring mediocre wizard-pretending-to-be-an-actor Daniel Radcliffe.
During these books/films, Harry's more grateful and good-tempered friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger try desperately to save him from dying by his own stupidity, selfishness and saviour complex. This was previously the job of prestigious witches and wizards with better things to do with their time, such as Lily Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black and Albus Dumbledore. Many people in the Wizarding World hate him for various reasons, like how his potions are made out of troll snot instead of real herbs.
Early life[edit]
Harry's parents died when he was one year old. His father was playing Magic Poker with a newbie named Voldemort and a non-newbie named Peter "Wormtail" Pettigrew. When Harry's father won the game, Voldemort was mad at him since he lost $5,000,000. He killed both of Harry's parents because of that, and baby Harry had to go live with his nasty Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and Cousin Dudley.

Years at Hogwarts[edit]
When Harry was 11 years old, he joined the witchcraft and wizardry school called Hogwarts. There, he killed a bunch of villains and learned a lot about magic.
Killing Voldemort[edit]
Harry was a high school dropout. He quit school when he was 16 years old. He decided to kill Voldemort because of what he did to his parents. He removed an immortality spell off of Voldemort. After that, he killed Voldemort when Voldemort attacked Hogwarts. Everyone then liked Harry.
After the Death of Voldemort[edit]
Harry and Ron's sister Ginny got married and had three kids: James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Lily Luna. Albus and one of his friends stole a time machine to revive one of Harry's dead friends, Cedric. This messes up history and Harry Potter has to fix it, as part of the storyline for "Harry Potter and His Cursed Time-Changing Child". Eventually, Harry fixes everything. However, another villain steals the time machine and goes back in time to kill Harry as a baby. Harry finds another time machine and travels back in time with his wife and two friends. There, they fight the villain. Harry kills the villain and travels back to 2017, which was the year he was in before.
The Chosen One[edit]
This concept is known in the books as The Chosen One. All four of the above previous Chosen Ones have died in their failed attempts to keep Harry away from his arch nemesis, the talented and sexy Voldemort, who is naturally getting rather jealous and pissed off by the fact that Harry seems to get all the attention even though Voldemort is far more skilled and attractive than he. Therefore, like many of the other characters in the book (including The Chosen Ones), Voldemort spends a great amount of time on Harry — in this instance trying to kill him — instead of doing something useful with his great deal of talent. Nevertheless, Voldemort cares about Harry's education — he always waits till the end of the school year before he attempts (unsuccessfully, seven times) to kill Harry.
Almost everyone in the books except Harry has so far been a Chosen One, as almost everyone in the books except Harry has so far tried to shelter him. To name but a few: Lily Potter, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Vernon Dursley, Petunia Dursley, Albus Dumbledore, Rubeus Hagrid, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, the entire Weasley family, Grawp the giant, Firenze the centaur, Hermione Granger, Ted Tonks, Andromeda Black, Griphook the goblin, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory, Alastor Moody, Dobby and Kreacher the house-elfs etc etc. Incidentally, as most of the people on this list are dead by the end of book seven, it can safely and joyously be assumed that we will soon be celebrating Harry's eventual death. The bookies are on Harry falling to the REAL Chosen Boy, Neville Longbottom.
Current Chosen One[edit]
In book five, "Harry Potter and the Order of the More Accomplished Wizards", Harry discovers to his shock that in the near future — the end of book six, during which the last Chosen One, Dumbledore, dies — he will become The Chosen One, and will have to finally take responsibility for his own ridiculously foolish actions. In other words, in seeking out Harry and attempting to kill him at the age of one, Voldemort has ensured that Harry must, at some point in his pathetic, ungrateful, bad-tempered life, save himself. It should be noted that following the publication of book five, widely regarded as the best book in the series by far, the opinion polls showed a 100% increase in Voldemort's popularity.
The despair of J.K. Rowling[edit]
Sadly, Voldemort's valiant efforts to make this boy take care of himself are thwarted by the continued presence of Ron and Hermione, Harry's best friends. Harry has been notorious throughout the series for trying to throw off the much needed protection and help of Ron and Hermione, as he does not understand the concept of loyalty.
J.K. Rowling, the writer to whom the unfortunate task of retelling Harry Potter's various mishaps and temper tantrums fell, was dismayed by this twist in the plot. She therefore enlisted the help of various respectable witches and wizards to kill off Harry Potter and his friends once and for all.
Against all odds, the trio survived these numerous attacks and went on to become the Three Most Irritating Celebrities Ever, finally toppling Lindsay Lohan and the Olsen twins from their long-standing regime.
Order of the Phoenix[edit]
The hopelessness of this situation has led to various conspiracy theories concerning the supposed deaths of Lily Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black, Albus Dumbledore, Hedwig, Dobby the House Elf, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Rufus Scrimgeour, Alastor Moody, Fred Weasley, Colin Creevey and Severus Snape, all of whom "died" while protecting Harry Potter. It is now widely rumoured and believed that these Chosen Ones faked their own deaths, enlisting the help of various sympathetic Death Eaters, notably Voldemort the Sexy and Bellatrix Leloopy. They then met in secret in the depths of Middle Earth, a land of which Harry Potter knows not, and formed a band of anti-Harry-Potter protesters known as the Order of the Phoenix. They continue to operate in secret, side by side with Harry Potter, each "dying" at various points in time in order to try and force Harry into making some decisions for himself and learning a spell which does not involve the word expelliarmus. However, their efforts have been to date thoroughly unsuccessful.
Harry's inadequacies[edit]
← Since a thorough discussion of Harry's unsuitability as a teenage heart-throb or role model is outside the scope of this article, only the most noticeable 0.0001% of Harry's negative traits are listed here.
Lack of magic[edit]
Throughout the years, J.K. Rowling has tried and failed to get Harry to admit that he is in fact a Squib, albeit a talented one (his mastery of the spell "Expelliarmus" is impressive). However, this is not to say that Harry does not have hidden talents in the world of acting. He was able during the course of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" to fake the murder of Voldemort the Sexy, who was in fact killed by a rebound curse. Similarly, he is known to have claimed responsibility for the defeat of Quirrell (that credit goes to Voldemort), the destruction of a Basilisk (that credit goes to Fawkes the Phoenix), the saving of Buckbeak the Hippogriff (that credit goes to Hermione), the liberation of Sirius Black (that credit goes to Hermione, Dumbledore and Buckbeak), his escape from the Death Eaters (that credit goes to his own parents, who did better than he did despite their being dead), his capture of various Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic (that credit goes to Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix) and the discovery of Voldemort's Horcruxes (the credit for that goes to just about everyone else in the series, including Ron, Hermione, The Grey Lady, Dumbledore, Regulus Black, Kreacher the House Elf, Ginny Weasley, Lucius Malfoy and Voldemort himself).
Lack of self-control[edit]
This has also been demonstrated by Rowling on various occasions: In book one, Harry set free a snake bred in captivity, which no doubt was subsequently either stun-gunned by the zookeepers or mauled by its fellow snakes in the wild, having never learnt to take care of itself. In book three, Harry blew up his own aunt, which caused great distress to his family and great inconvenience for the Ministry of Magic. In book four, Harry attempted to dance at the Yule Ball. Fortunately, the repercussions of this incident were not severe thanks to Ron's timely intervention by persuading Harry to go for a walk outside. In book seven, despite having dumped Ginny Weasley, Harry kissed her, leading to emotional distress for her and her family, as well as endangering her life. Harry clearly needs to be restrained, in all meanings of the word.
Harry is also notorious for being ridiculously ungrateful. The two prime examples of this are, of course, the Dursleys and the Weasleys. Harry constantly plots against his aunt, is rude to his uncle, bullies his cousin and blows up his uncle's sister, ignoring the fact that they have housed, clothed and fed him for the last 16 years. Similarly, Harry is sure never to thank Mrs. Weasley for any of the meals she has cooked for him over the years, despite the fact that he knows she can barely feed her own children, who, incidentally, she could use to feed the entire population of Texas for a week. He also never buys her a birthday or Christmas present, magically (an impressive feat indeed for a Squib) forgetting that he has a rather large vault of gold at Gringotts.
Bad temper[edit]
Perhaps more than anything else, Harry is well-known by the wizarding and Muggle communities alike for his bad temper. He has an unfortunate and vulgar tendency to scream at his teachers, often resulting in the removal of their memories, destroying their prized possessions, informing them that their unborn child should be ashamed of them, allowing them to be carted off by a herd of centaurs, letting Voldemort kill them despite their obvious innocence, provoking the fury of a half-giant and incurring the wrath of Professor McGonagall. Not only is this inadvisable (Minerva McGonagall has been proved to be capable of raping rebellious students with her eyeballs alone), it is also incredibly disrespectful. We could blame this on the fact that Harry's parents "died" at a young age, but Harry himself uses this excuse so often we cannot bring ourselves to imitate him.
Whenever there's a fight going on and there's no-one around to fight his battles for him, Harry seems to faint. This makes us root for Voldemort, because not only is he right when he says Harry "was nothing ever but a boy who hid behind the skirts of greater wizards and witches than himself", he actually deserves to win because — unlike Harry — he's worked for it.
In conclusion, it is quite clear that Harry Potter is a mentally unstable, ungrateful Squib who is a general nuisance and little more than an idiot running around with a stick, shouting “EXPELLIARMUS!” and wondering why no geniuses come rushing to his rescue. It is strongly recommended that the general public stay away from him, as they may find the weapons with which they approach him mercilessly tossed away, or else they may be attacked by an afro-haired girl or a redhead. If you see any of these three people in the street, text VOLDEMORT ROX to 0800 99 1066. Someone will come to your aid immediately.
See also[edit]