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US states[edit]


Code Result What links here Description
US flag.png This user is American
...and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of American Uncyclopedians)
What links here
{{AngolanUser}} What links here
{{AustralianUser}} What links here
800pxd-Flag of Australia svg.png This user is an Australian, so don't be surprised if s/he goes on about "barbies", "cuppas", "maaates" and other things. Pity him/her. I do.
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600px-Flag of Azerbaijan.svg.png This user is Azeri
Watch out, or you'll be fed
the pilaf of doom!

(List of Azeri Uncyclopedians)
What links here
Belgian.gif Ceci n'est pas un Belge
...because Uncyclopedia
frowns upon cursing.
(List of other pas Belge Uncyclopedians)
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{{BrazilianUser}} What links here
{{User Boris Johnson}}
Boris johnson mayor of london.jpg This user is a Brit and a Johnsonite

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Cannabagreen.jpg This user is Canadian
...and mildly smug about it!
(List of Canadian Uncyclopedians)
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DrapeauCanada.png.png This user is Canadian
...and thinks you're a hoser!
What links here
Canadian Flag.jpg This user is Canadian
Feel free to leave
(List of Canadian Uncyclopedians)
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Condor1949.gif This user is Chilean
and knows who's the owner of Nuts4Nuts
(Uncyclopedistas Chilenos)
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Walmartchinaflag.png This user is Chinese and is proud of his country made of red blood of sacrificed communists. 中华人民共和国
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ColombianFlag.jpg This user is Colombian
...and is smuggling cocaine!
(List of Colombian Uncyclopedians)
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Cuba flag large.png This user is Cuban,
¡all your base are belong to Fidel Raúl!
(List of Cuban Uncyclopedians)
What links here
Cz Flag.gif This user is Czechoslovakian
and can spell better than you!
(List of all the Czechoslovakian Uncyclopedians)
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1920-cheese-danish.jpg This user is a Dane
... And unabashedly proud of it! (List of Danish Uncyclopedians)
What links here
Hollandse molen.jpg This user is a Dutchman
and thinks the national football team of Holland is the best on planet earth.
(List of Dutch Uncyclopedians)
What links here
Estonian Flag.gif This user is a crazy Estonian
... who will pwn ya all!
(List of all the crazy Estonian Uncyclopedians!)
What links here
EUflag.jpg This user is a Eurocrat
please help Uncyclopedia by taking him to Brussels.
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Europeanunion.svg This user is €uro
...and denies their "real" citizenship
(List of European Uncyclopedians )
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Eurotrash.PNG This user is Eurotrash and provides a nude cleaning service for 10 Euros.

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Scottish flag.png This user is pretending s/he has more than
Scottish ancestry

...because Scots are more awesome than Americans.
(List of other Scottish Uncyclopedians)
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Flag of Finland.svg This user is Finnish
...and unabashedly ashamed of it!
(List of Finnish Uncyclopedians )
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Flag of the Philippines.svg This user is a Filipino. Don't look him in the eye and avoid any sudden movements - or else he'll bite you in the ass like a rabid dog.
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Flag of Greece.png This user is Greek

And if you give him a word, any word!
he'll prove to you that it originated from Greek

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{{IcelandicUser}} What links here
Flag of India.svg This user is Indian.
He can only talk in English and C++.
(List of Indian Uncyclopedians)
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LeprechaunMoon.png This user is secretly training to be a Leprechaun, and believes themselves to be Irish.
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Irish-Flag.gif This user is Irish
...to be sure, to be sure.
(List of Irish Uncyclopedians)
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Israeliflag.jpg This user Israeli
...Home of some angry Jews
(List of Israeli Uncyclopedians)
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Italy-flag.jpg This user is Italian and
is more attractive than you.

(gli italiani)

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Mexico flag.gif This user is Mexican and has crossed el Rio Bravo. They don't understand gringo language.
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800px-Flag of Moldova.svg.png This user is Moldovan
...and has therefore probably migrated to Oregon to drive Matthlock insane!
(List of Moldovans driving Matthlock insane)
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{{NZ User}}
This user is a Kiwi
...and will someday earn the respect the Aussies stole from them!
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US flag.gif

This user is not American
...and unabashedly proud of it.
(But he's not saying where he is from
in case y'all come and bomb the hell out of it.

(List of NonAmerican Uncyclopedians)

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Polandomg.gif This user is not Polish.
Isn't that great?
What links here
Viking waxe.jpg This user is the decendant of Vikings and is proud of his/her family history of pillaging.
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Norwayflag.pngThis user is proud of being from Norway as a true Norwegian!
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Pakistan flag.png This user is Pakistani
...and unabashedly ashamed of it!
(List of Pakistani Uncyclopedians )
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This user is from wonderful Poland
...and is out to get your teen daughter!
(List all Poles infiltrating Uncyclopedia)
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Barr Irn-Bru 6 X 330 Ml Pack.jpg This user is fae Bonnie Scotland
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This user is proud to be Serbian
And if you mess with him,you're in a big trouble!
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Saflag.jpeg This user is South African
...and therefore keeps elephants as pets.
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Flag of South Korea.svgThis user is South Korean.
Pass the Gochujang!
What links here Cycles between 4 phrases. Allows custom taglines.
Flag of Sweden.png This user is Swedish
...and unabashedly ashamed of it!
(List of Swedish Uncyclopedians )
What links here
Flag of Sweden.png This user is Swedish
...and unabashedly gay because of it!
(List of Swedish Uncyclopedians )
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Swissflag ani.gif This user is Swiss
...say cheeeeese!
(Your money is in good hands)
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Tricanada.PNG This user is TriCanadian
...and is damn proud of it!
...and is damn proud of it!
...and is damn proud of it!
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British flag.gif This user is a total UKer
and is terribly polite
(British Uncyclopedians)
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Uruflag.jpg Este usuario es Uruguayo
y toma mate hasta en el baňo...
(Unciclopedistas Uruguayos)
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276px-Yorkshire rose.svg.png This lad is from grim nuoth and prard of it.
What links here