Uncyclopedia:Anniversaries/April 3

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Chalk Angel - see Angels

April 3: Vivaldi Appreciation Sunday

  • 10,000,000 BCE - The Grim Reaper is born. He will initially be informed of deaths by his Grim Beeper. Later, he would have a Facebook app telling him when someone dies.
  • 468 BCE - Hashish is patented by the Incas.
  • 1220 - The Dark Ages are briefly illuminated by a massive explosion in Syria.
  • 1666 - Sir Marquis Baron Vivaldi walks to the crossroads lugging a harpsichord and sells his soul to Satan.
  • 1777 - Vivaldi writes his first Satanic backward message, later stolen by the Led-Zep dudes.
  • 1888 - Vivaldi returns from Hell and composes a new record, A Change of Four Season, later stolen by regressive metal band Dream Theater who exclude the word "Four".
  • 1945 - Someone proclaims that if you play John Cage's 4'33" backwards, you'll hear Vivaldi's second Satanic message.
  • 1948 - The Marshall Mathers plan to flood Europe with rap music commences.
  • 1974 - Tornadoes sweep the U.S.A, inspiring the invention of the tumble drier.
  • 1982 - A Heavy Metal dude releases Vivaldi's tribute album Ultimate Classical Bong.
  • 1986 - The D.J. murder rate is at an all-time high, blamed on the provocative lyrics of a single by hardcore rap collective The Smiths. (pictured)
  • 1996 - The Unabomber is arrested for crimes against tasteful nomenclature.
  • 1995 - Due to a Linux error, April 3, 1997 actually starts in 1995.
  • 2007 - Bloody Vivaldi and the Martini Gore, the Baroque Death Metal Vivaldi tribute band, is formed.