Uncyclopedia:Hall of Shame/PuppyOnTheRadio
Features: 42.5
Six Hats, Guide to a Postmodernist Art Exhibition, Psyché, Number bases, Isaac The Tank Engine, Lateral Thinking, UnScripts:steal Bank Customer Service training video, UnNews:Australia says "You just don't understand our humour!", Love, Street Fighter, Microsoft Knowledge Base, Stereotype, Intelligent Mathematics, Monitor, UnDebate: Is it ever right to restrict freedom of speech?, HowTo:Change a Spare Tire, Creationism colonisation, Game:Alone in the dark, Tropical cyclone, Lateral thinking puzzle, Occam's Razor, Bruce Wayne colonisation, Chatroulette, Daily News, UnBooks:Where do babies come from?, Karate Kid, God's answering service with Sog1970, Lonely Hearts Column (with Black flamingo11 and these users), Decentiousness, Science Fiction as colonisationation, Thank God it's Friday, HowTo:Be Happy, Mathematics, Counting to potato with Mockingbird ST, God as colonisation, India with Funnybony, Salvador Dali, Political correctness, Fifty shades of grey, HowTo:Become the king of pop, Twitter, Investigative journalism, History of the world, Melbourne, Scam letter with Anton199's polish, I'm not a racist, but..., Box-spring, An Open Letter from "Protect the Overtly Offensive Foundation",