UnNews:Salmond shoots down helicopter over Aberdeen

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Where man always bites dog UnNews Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 06:58:59 (UTC)

Salmond shoots down helicopter over Aberdeen UnNews Logo Potato.png

7 April 2014

Alex Salmond, himself fired the missile into the air, showing to the Scottish people that he will have his freedom - and his oil.

ABERDEEN, UK -- Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond shot down a British Army helicopter over the city of Aberdeen. Salmond had recently declared Aberdeen an independent people's kingdom when a riot drove Scottish police out of the main city council buildings. In response to this, the UK Government stationed 10,000 "military advisors" in Scotland.

In a press availability, with his blue face paint shimmering in the heat of the moment, Mr. Salmond announced, "It was regretable that we had to down the helicopter — but it was Westminster's fault for sending it. We are tired of listening to Westminster drone on and on about how we should live our lives like Englishmen. We want our rights and we want our freedom." Salmond and his Scottish National Party have set an election this Wednesday on uniting Aberdeen with neighbouring Dundee to create a new "Scottish Kingdom." The Westminster government have complained that it violates British and international law for Salmond to restrict voting to SNP members.

Aberdeen, in Northeast Scotland, is a key stronghold to gain for the Scottish Kingdom as it is centre of oil imports from Scandinavia and the North Sea. "With Salmond in control of the pipelines," says UN peacekeeper Tasha Richardson, "Alex Salmond can cut off all the oil and gas for the whole of the UK."

David Cameron asserts that the helicopter was shot down over British soil and the action was unwarranted and tyranical, "He is an outlaw and, when found, will suffer the full wrath of British capital punishment." However, UKIP leader Nigel Farage said he admires Mr. Salmond. "To stand up to the West and prevail through clever handling of world politics surely shows that he is one of the greatest politicians of our era."

There are no reports of survivors of the helicopter crash, but experts say the chances of surviving a missile impact would have been extremely low. The people of Scotland have been asked to remain indoors and offer no resistance to the British troops as they pass through the region. Cameron hopes to have the district of Aberdeen secured by the end of the week so that things can return to normal.
