The Walking Dead Universe

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The Walking Dead Cinematic Universe
The Walking Dead Logo.png
Active 2010-present
Created by Robert Kirkman
Scott M. Gimple

The Walking Dead Universe (TWDU), or The Walking Dead Cinematic Universe, is a close relative of the Marvel Cinematic Universe — with the focus not being about superheroes, but on the flesh eating zombies walkers that inhabit the world.

After the success of the first season of The Walking Dead in 2010, AMC took some "creative inspiration" from its cousin, the MCU. However, TWDU didn't actually start until 2015, when the first spin-off, labelled as a "companion show", was released with Fear the Walking Dead. But even then, Fear, for its first three seasons, was more of a prequel — which, unlike Star Wars, didn't ruin the story that was made beforehand, but is set afterwards.

Because of this, most claim that the Walking Dead Universe was truly set up in 2018, with the fifth episode of season nine in the original show, after main character and reason to watch the show, Rick Grimes, was "rescued" by the Civic Republic Military, who at this point were only referred to as "Random Helicopter People", which according to Gimple, was to set up another, ultimately cancelled, spin-off show — which would follow these helicopter-people hybrids and their struggles to fit into a bigotry society.

Despite this, the show carried on with another two seasons of boring, badly written storylines, and upon its conclusion with the eleventh season in 2022, the idea to include a post-credit scene with Grimes to set-up more shows and "expand the universe" was made, and executed poorly — as the three spin-offs that they planned were leaked months in advance.

Dead Saga[edit]

Phase One[edit]

Watch order Series
1 The Walking Dead
Jedi Master Rick Grimes fights Harry Potter after going back in time with Marty McFly.
Rick Grimes awakens from a coma after being shot with a water gun, and finds that everybody is dead. Well, not everybody, but mostly everybody. He then goes on a journey to find his sea-life loving son, and cheating whore of a wife, while combating the now living dead during both the day and the night. He eventually finds them, along with crossbow biker Dickson, his cop partner Shawn Welsh, and a group of other expandable background characters. After the CDC building blows up, and being told that science is now defunct in a science-fiction show, Rick and the gang hide out on a farm for an entire season doing fuck all.

Rick and the group leave the farm after the crop get infected and turn into zombie veggies, they then break into a prison and stay there until a pirate guy comes and wants the prison, even though he already has a pretty nice walled off community, but hey, the show has gotta show. So the pirate blows the prison up with a tank because his new sort-of adopted daughter dies, but then the pirate dies after almost killing Rick (who by this point has been breaking down crying every second episode from seeing the ghost of his dead wife, who is probably having a ghost orgy in heaven when not haunting Rick) by a chick with a dick sword. Anyway, the prison is gone, and the group go for a walk to 'recollect', but then they almost get turned into some cannibal chow, but survive after finding god — or someone that still believes in him, to be exact. They then get invited to be the next dance troupe at Alexandria, a posh community.

After some drama, and a lot of killing, Rick becomes the leader of the place and goes to war with Trevor from Grand Theft Auto V, Jeffery Dean Negan, and his army of saviors. After a lot more killing, lasting a whole two seasons, Rick and his new alliance of survivors win. With season eight now over, Morgan, a somewhat side character turned almost main character, leaves the show to become the main-main character of Fear, so that people will now watch that for both bad writing and bad acting.

With his wife and son now dead, Rick calls for an Uber to come get him but is unable to pay, so he is taken hostage by some army people in stupid black helmets.

With Rick still prisoner-of-war, and Michonne off to go look for him, Dickson and Karen become the new leads — who somehow defeat a country singer in a zombie mask, and join, then de-join, before rejoining a group of Stormtroopers from The Commonwealth. The series finale ends with Michonne still looking for her non-legal wedded husband, and Dickson also leaving to look for his non-blood related brother (who once locked his real blood related brother to a roof to fend for himself with a SWAT team).

Watch order Series
2 Fear the Walking Dead
Although being made afterwards, the first three seasons of Fear are set during the two months in which Rick is still in his coma. Despite being a spin-off, no connection to the main show is made, excluding all the zombies, of course. It follows Mad-at-son, who is only sometimes mad at her son Mick, but often mad at her daughter, Alycia, who should have just stayed on The 100 (which would later be retconned to be Walking Dead canon).

After Morgan joins the show, Morgan gets a new gang for a lot of non-important shit. After more and more non-important shit happens, Texas gets nuked, before returning to non-imporant shit happening again. Eventually, Morgan and the gang defeat an island of children, only taking them eight years to do so. The season eight mid-season finale ends with stick-master Morgan, and little stick-trainee Mo, also go off to look for Rick themselves. With the finale reuniting Alycia and Mad-at-son along with a mini girl, for yet another potential spin-off.

Phase Two[edit]

Watch order Series
3 The Walking Dead: Beyond the World in Eighty Days
Set within the Civic Republic, whose Military are the ones who took Rick, a bunch of kids go on some stupid quest to find their dad. Somehow, they start in season one being too scared to kill an "empty", but have no problem killing skillfully trained soldiers in the second season.
Watch order Series
4 Tails of the Walking Dead
Six episodes of zombie boredom, retconning stuff that didn't need it, and making the universe's timeline even more confusing. Along with the fact that every character was a cat.
Watch order Series
5 The Deadvengers
All the main characters from previous shows (besides from Rick, who is still prisoner of the CRM) come together to fight off an Alien Invasion, where it is revealed that they created the Wildfire Virus to cripple the human race — in order to win the next Galactic Olympic Games, where Earth had won the last three times.

Phase Three[edit]

New Dead City

Maggie and Negan head to New York to rescue her son Hershel from a crocodile guy or something. It ends with the pair heading off to Philadelphia to look for their friend and throat slitter, respectively.

Dickson Washes Up

This show is also about the search for Rick, but due to untold reasons, Dickson is sent to France — where he runs into Rick's brother, who was on holiday when the apocalypse started. After more running, and swimming, the two return to America, and resume the search for their brother — both figuratively and biologically, respectively.

This pirate man also appeared in the Pirates of the Caribbean, linking the two franchises for the next epic Endgame blockbuster cross-over.
The Devengers 2: Rick Lives

The Devengers reassemble... a Lego set that was taken apart. Afterwards, they rescue the greatest character ever to grace our TV screens, who at this point has been missing from the entire franchise for over ten years.

Multiverse Saga[edit]

Phase Four[edit]

Captain Grimes: Civic War

Rick, now a captain within the Commonwealth Army, defends the Commonwealth after the Civic Republic Military attacks. In Europe, the film was retitled to The Walking Dead: World War Walker

Rick Grimes 2000

In an alternate timeline, Rick awakens from his coma, only to find that the aliens from the first Devengers film have invaded much earlier in this universe. In response, he joins the Jedi Order and goes to town on pirates, aliens, zombies, mormons, and Nazi's.

Dr. Jenner and the Multiverse of Deadness

Dr. Edwin Jenner from the first season of The Walking Dead, and the post-credit scene in the season two finale of World Beyond, recruits all the Rick Grimes' in every universe for something about love, actually.