UnNews:Sanders says he didn't say it

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Every time you think, you weaken the nation —Moe Howard UnNews Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 00:11:59 (UTC)

Sanders says he didn't say it UnNews Logo Potato.png

14 September 2020

Bernie: "I never said any of that crap."

LENINGRAD-ON-THE-CHAMPLAIN, Vermont -- Former Democratic Party Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders denied that he told nominee Joe Biden he didn't have "a snowball's chance in hell" of getting elected.

Earlier in the campaign, he famously denied he had told Elizabeth Warren she didn't have a snowball's chance, because she was "a broad." The resulting mortification may have contributed to Warren's decision to pull out of the race, days before a juicy primary election, conceding to Biden weeks before Sanders did.

President Donald Trump has not denied he told anyone they don't have a chance of winning. However, he has denied he said foreign military casualties are "chumps" who don't deserve having the President lay a wreath at their grave in France, especially if it involved standing in the rain that could possibly wash the orange out of his hair. The report in The Atlantic cited four anonymous aides in the Presidential entourage. Judicial Watch has filed a Freedom of Information request for anyone working for the President at any time in 2017 who did not disclose his name, but the federal government claims there are no "responsive" results, virtually proving the charge. In July 2015, Trump did call the late John McCain a "chump" for getting himself captured and tortured in a prison camp in North Vietnam. However, by all accounts, McCain was a chump.

Sanders told MSNBC, "All I said is that we have got to do more as a campaign than just go after Trump. Joe has some pretty strong positions on the economy," which, incidentally, were written by Sanders. The Sanders economic plan is a version of the Green New Deal where Americans would still be permitted to eat hamburgers, only not drive to pick them up.
