UnNews:Sanders bets on black voters in New Hampshire

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Sanders bets on black voters in New Hampshire UnNews Logo Potato.png

6 January 2016

The Socialist standard-bearer thought he saw one enter the room.

NASHUA, New Hampshire -- Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has bet the bank on African Americans in the state of New Hampshire.

Unfortunately, none of his aides have the courage to tell the old codger that there virtually aren't any. This state was known as "America's White Homeland" for 52 consecutive years until the recent fracking wave in even-whiter North Dakota.

Sanders has been going from whistle-stop to whistle-stop in search of receptive black voters, equally unaware that there are virtually no railroads in the state either. His message, of a $15-an-hour federal minimum wage and free health care is resonating — but only because in the empty rooms, his speeches bounce right off the walls.

The Sanders campaign had planned to target South Carolina, which is teeming with Negroes, but decided it would need an earlier bounce and switched focus to New Hampshire, which votes in five weeks.

Ex-Senator Scott Brown, who moved here from Massachusetts to get closer to his roots in the town of Rye as well as to the 2014 deadline for nomination papers, says the state used to have plenty of African Americans. They worked at the air base, before it became a "trade-port," and at defense contractors in this southern city, until their buildings switched to envio de dinero to Latin America.

It is very, very white in the state in February.

Sanders is the Senator from Vermont, a relative ghetto where fully 1 of every 20 residents are black, and everyone else faces intense social pressure to adopt a dark-skinned baby. Sen. Sanders will address blacks' concerns and propose solutions to improve their lives, paid for by banks, employers, and hospitals, which will probably never notice the added costs or least of all raise their prices or move to Canada or Mexico. But first, he will have to find some.

Sen. Sanders says Hillary Clinton's theme is less clear, which tends not to matter when there is no audience. Ms. Clinton was upstate this week, turning away questions why her call for the nation to believe women alleging they have been raped, does not apply to women alleging they have been raped by Bill Clinton. Instead, Ms. Clinton, who has admitted to "channeling Eleanor Roosevelt," vowed to get to the bottom of the Area 51 mystery, and volunteered that aliens, not meaning Mexicans this time, "have probably reached earth" — an assertion that would sink the Ted Cruz campaign if merely made by a volunteer's second cousin.
