UnNews:Evangelist proposes Disney boycott

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Democracy Dies with Dignity UnNews Saturday, March 29, 2025, 08:14:59 (UTC)

Evangelist proposes Disney boycott UnNews Logo Potato.png

6 March 2017

In a sop thrown at straights, the Disney studio will disparage homosexuality by rendering LeFou as a skunk.

HOLLYWOOD, California -- Evangelist Franklin Graham called on Christians to boycott Walt Disney due to pro-gay themes in the imminent remake of Beauty and the Beast.

Graham warned that moviegoers could be subjected to unprecedented portrayals of cartoon anal sex, as the "love that dares not speak its name" continues to refuse to shut up.

"Disney has the right to make their cartoons, it’s a free country,” Graham wrote on Facebook. "But Christians have the right to stay home, read the Bible, and play solitaire." Graham's father, Billy Graham, has suffered a near-total boycott of his own tent revivals, in the decade since he stopped holding them, while no one talks to Mr. Disney at all.

The remake features a character called Gay LeFou ("fou" being French for "nuts") and consequently there is no telling what he might do on the silver screen. The studio has signaled that "there will be a surprise for same-sex couples" at the end of the movie — an undeniable suggestion of a cartoon homosexual cream pie.

Graham said Walt Disney would be "shocked at what has happened to the company that he started," as it has drifted far from his original focus on anti-Semitism.

The call for a boycott has been taken up in America's cultural Mecca. The Henegar Drive-In Theatre in Henagar, Alabama will not show the film when it is released on March 17. The theater posted on Facebook, "If we can not take our 11 year old grand daughter and 8 year old grandson to see a movie we have no business watching it," and neither do you. The grandkids have not seen a movie in two years, as they spend most of their time pulling a plow across a cotton field.

In related news from America's sudden "Straight Power" movement, Sweet Cakes by Melissa announced it will appeal its $135,000 civil-rights fine for conducting a small gay boycott of its own.
