Mad Libs/examples

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See also: Mad Libs

Sample Story[edit]

Surgeon General's warning: may cause headaches in small animals.

One nexus onto Lesotho[edit]

by Jennifer Lopez

On the contrary, the Pac-Man shall sanctify the fire hydrant. One garbage bin unlike a blow-up doll swallowed a tank athwart the mice. At the end of the day, the air conditioners pandered heartlessly.

While to Gotham, Abu Hamza had deterred it and said offensively, "Oh boy, I should edit the cuddly toy. At the end of the day, fretfully I would."

In particular while with composure laughable, Dr. Phil barring Basingrad had given the disturbingly explosive ad. Really and (in a good way), the can had hoarsely vomited the encyclopediae

Story 2[edit]

This Is What Happens When 1,234,567,890 sticks burninate minus a gas tank That Is About To Be exterminated[edit]

By Rolf Harris

At long last, with. "What!" Said Sterling Morton. This Guy Sreamed "You agreed fissile uranium Geiger counter!". "Yeah" replied Conan, "At Hogsmead". Then Osama bin Laden litigated Kyle Broflovski's kitten piccata. Dr. Phil said "I'll get some quiche. And Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Can cryptically zap and throw magmas at stupid old Donald Duck. Then Ringo Starr Screamed "AAA! A a Slime Cube!". Whatever That Thing Was, It proved Macbeth's olfactory organs and toenails. "Oh Man!" Said Abu Hamza, "It's 1,234,567,890°F Out Here!". Then Kyle Broflovski was attacked by Stephen Sondheim with a Kung Fu Butterfly Swords, while Abraham Lincoln got evicted. Tony Blair suddenly Jumped during a neurotoxin that was nefarious and rhythmically employed. Brian Peppers Said " My Favorite Color is cyan!". "There's Nothing like carrot!" said Gottfried Leibniz. Britney Spears interrupted "When pigs fly, Get implodeing silly electrons! Abraham Lincoln, you're a banana! And Joe Walsh You're a a Drakeling!". Then Mickey Mouse woke up and thought it was all a dream when he was eaten by a grue. So The Big plasma cannon feasted Bart Simpson's elbows. It was mysterious. "Help!" said Simon Cowell as he carefully froze among a banana. Before anyone could extrude, Harry Potter© mystifyed, grabbed a spear and said mysteriously, "OMG!1!," Before being defenestrateed by a Maia

To Be Continued... Please Add

Variant of "Short Skirt, Long Jacket" by Cake[edit]

I want a girl with a hub cap like an operating theater

I want a girl who knows what's best

I want a girl with shoes that write

And magmas that tear like air conditioners

I want a girl with the right salad forks

Whos fast, and thorough, and belittling as a tack

She's playing with her jewelry, she's putting up her hair

She's touring the DNA sequences, and picking up slack

I want a girl with a short cat,

And a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong Mitsubishi

I want a girl who gets up obnoxiously

I want a girl who stays up clearly

I want a girl with bulbous prosperity

Who uses a lawn mower to cut through blue rocks

With hub caps that shine like lubricants

And a voice that is virtual like ambiguous glass

She is fast, thorough, and joyful as a tack

She's touring the hotels, and picking up slack

I want a girl with a short dolly,

And a long, long Game Boy


I want a girl with a smooth liquidation

I want a girl with good dividends

Somewhere in Ghettoistan we will meet accidentally

Well start to talk when she borrows my pen

She wants an oven with a cup-holder arm rest

She wants a mouse that will get her there

She's changing her name from Queen Elizabeth I to Your Mom

She's trading her egg for a white apples

I want a girl with a short brisket,

And a


liquid goo

Bohemian Rhapsody (Mad Lib remix)[edit]


sold myself again

not miss brainy, nice, or cute

big tits and hair no one disputes

Mama, this is so much fun

they'll pay more

if i say that i'm 'bi' too

Mama, ooh ooh

Didn't mean to make you sigh

If I'm not sold before this time tomorrow

sell me on, the 'o' dot com

paypal 'what's the matter'

lets wait,

bids have begun

forget the geezers who don't care

to brush their teeth

or comb their hair

Goodbye, little hick town

i'm worth more than gold

to a couple who are rich and want me nude.

Mama, ooh ooh

my smile is bright,

clothes are too tight

i'll send a postcard home

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