Mad Libs/examples2

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The mice during the diet pills[edit]

It all started when a card game legislated a quetzal. Then things got emaciated. The minecart agreed a CD then things got even more charming. Eventually emaciated took over the world. But a force would rise up to save the day, and this force was named The Doctor. Made up of a Sega a etch-a-sketch, potato masher and excrement these four things would rise up and take down the evil Democrat. Their plan was to hear him in the clavichord then, while doing that, rescue the bollocks from the hopeless arthritis

Flying Scots[edit]

There was once a antibody named Haggis. Haggis was a Scot. One day he insult to the squid just to see the mice. Suddenly he found that his sheep had turned emaciated. Soon he found himself flying into a stamp. When he landed, he died. Then a FUCKFACE fag named Tom Osborne who called himself the SUGARTITS Carlos Mencia, optimized him in the middle finger 80 times then said "It's -0°C here you BITCH!"


One day Malian Michael Jordan was set to hang with Saddam Hussein, popped, transmogrified into a worm, chainsaw'd, put in the dryer, dissected, infected with a computer virus, evicted, slow-cooked in 100-degree weather, Final Smash'd, strangled by Homer, swallowed by Kirby, tasered for 446,699,103 minutes straight, hung, drawn and quartered by Grues, lol'd, crushed by Santa, squashed by a x ton block of lead, hit for 6, checkmated, bombed by terrorists, owned, mowed, VFD'd, hit by a Care Bear Stare, hung, drawn and quartered by Grues, laid to rest, drownded, eaten by gators, Zidane'd, extinguished, dehydrated, BENSONATED, cheated on, crushed into a cube, de1337ed, forced to push a button every 108 minutes for no apparent reason, SHOT, deleted, eaten by gators, executed by snu-snu, drawn and quartered, eaten by gators, banned for 24 days, kicked in the nuts, and then Final Smash'd. The End.


Xaviera Godsalve is deliberating my deity of personal preference.

Yuakethia Hillier is deliberating 11 mice.

Yuakethia Jary is deliberating Gilman's llama.

Gearldine Fiddy optimized my hailstone.

Dalen Larner analyzes my lisp.

Norene Herrieven analyzes mice.

Zareen Zabel optimized my potato masher.

Irmina Urran optimized Niesha's deviant.

Travis Girle is in their railing deliberating their mice.

Terrilyn Whittred is peculiar.

Janice [insert surname here] is rudely vulgar.

Proctor Kevil has one deadly overpowered ninja-flamethrower plus deadly overpowered ninja-flamethrower plus deadly overpowered ninja-flamethrower plus.

Young Jaggs is a racist.

Warton Fluck is about to be set to hang with Saddam Hussein.

Ruthanne Antill might not insult a air conditioner.

Xene Quittington might not insult mice.

Kendrian Quigney might not insult a incredible Nintendo.

claptrap of rudely cozy bunny insult defective petroglyph[edit]

A pine cone insult a idiotic insanity when gymnasium will insult the mandate. apple is rudely emaciated because bass guitar is not rudely purple. However, to insult from another milk, the emaciated may rudely be the emaciated verb of clitoris. A dictator will insult in the congruent daffodil, but until goose egg, insult!

But to insult in some other zygote, let us insult a disaster that during rocket was Aspergers. By that hub cap, we can insult that dog house will insult unless lumbers insult.

When I Was a potato masher[edit]

When I was a young curry

My father took me into Sundsvall City

To see a marching band

He said, "Mah boi, when you grow up,

Will you be the milkyman of the Prophet,

The actor, and the mice?"

I said, "HATE HATE HAT!!"

Then he said "Will you defeat them,

Ellrod Fenwell and Tony Soprano,

The Grue Resistance they have optimized?

Because one day, I'll leave you a Cold One

To lead you on Mount Everest

To join the Motherfuck parade!"


Go! Snorlax!

Ditto, I choose you!

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