Mad Libs/examples2
The delicious pies on the tubes[edit]
It all started when a igloo insulted a quickloader. Then things got dismal. The cowbell meditated a sweet and sour chicken then things got even more vulgar. Eventually dismal took over the world. But a force would rise up to save the day, and this force was named Chairman Mao. Made up of a ricer a engraving, classified document and bomb these four things would rise up and take down the evil salad fork. Their plan was to lather him in the library then, while doing that, rescue the LSD from the ineffective pea soup
Flying Scots[edit]
There was once a rocket named Haggis. Haggis was a Scot. One day he edit to the mouse just to see the delicious pies. Suddenly he found that his discussion had turned dismal. Soon he found himself flying into a petroglyph. When he landed, he died. Then a COCK fag named Walt Disney who called himself the MASTURBATION Jerry Jackson, threw him in the right buttock -1 times then said "It's 75°C here you ASS!"
One day Aztec Angelina Jolie was exiled to Encyclopedia Dramatica, BENSONATED, sent packing, checkmated, disenchanted, transwikied, crushed by Tetrominoes, pissed on, Killer card'ed, lightning bolted, ambushed by 8,474,960 n00bs, fired by your boss, placed in the event horizon, screwed, dehydrated, uninvited to the party, SHOT, QVFD'd, kicked in the nuts, 999'd in the upside-down world, pwnt to death, banned from the internet, banned for 24 days, crushed by Santa, bombed, caught in a tidal wave, totally freakin' pwn'd, Hadouken'd, beef jerkified, infiniban'd, wasted by a big green semi truck, Death Note'd, sniped, crushed by Tetrominoes, sold for scrap metal, roundhouse kicked by Chuck Norris, evicted, given drain bamage, Killer card'ed, tackled, splattered all over the windshield, Eye Beam'd, crushed by Santa, told to sit in the corner of a round room, and then fragged. The End.
Antoinetta Kilcoyne is earning my blasphemy.
Tonette Zorn is earning OVER 9000!!!!!!!! delicious pies.
Xenia Mullrayn is earning Annis's harpsichord.
Cliffie Rynne threw my Mazda.
Kester Pockrich attaches my rollerblade.
Iljana Binningham attaches delicious pies.
Cahill Kendrigan threw my fork.
Oriole MacSolly threw Mandarin's houseplant.
Bob Suggitt is in their muskrat earning their delicious pies.
Korena Healy is emaciated.
Yasmin Sale is sometimes dazzling.
Jennifer Joy Utley has one flaming rocket-propelled double-ultra super megacannon flaming rocket-propelled double-ultra super megacannon flaming rocket-propelled double-ultra super megacannon.
Tyde Victney is a racist.
Stone Papsworth is about to be exiled to Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Verena Prewell may not edit a pile of flaming horse feces.
Unity Upston may not edit delicious pies.
Vannie Unicume may not edit a educated option.
CD of sometimes huge alfalfa edit pocket-sized Evil Illuminati Adolf Hitler Clone Society[edit]
A band edit a substandard Ford Pinto when Aspergers will edit the domino. ostrich egg is sometimes dismal because age is not sometimes unsophisticated. However, to edit from another bum, the dismal may sometimes be the dismal hub cap of anger. A beagle will edit in the flammable Pontiac, but until article, edit!
But to edit in some other shank, let us edit a flightdeck that on rickroll was garbage bin. By that waterfall, we can edit that flightdeck will edit unless glass orbs edit.
When I Was a hot dog[edit]
When I was a young answer
My father took me into Kalmar City
To see a marching band
He said, "Mah boi, when you grow up,
Will you be the milkyman of the Warlock,
The professional athlete, and the delicious pies?"
I said, "ur gay. lol"
Then he said "Will you defeat them,
Forsythe Gallivan and Stephen Colbert,
The Pooping they have threw?
Because one day, I'll leave you a Modron
To lead you on Jupiter
To join the Goddamn parade!"
Go! Krabby!
Weezing, I choose you!