Mad Libs/examples2
The neurotoxins up the plagues[edit]
It all started when a codpeice absorbed a possibility. Then things got red. The beach ball baked a MIDI controller then things got even more loyal. Eventually red took over the world. But a force would rise up to save the day, and this force was named Oscar Meyer. Made up of a zoot suit a camera, guru and quetzal these four things would rise up and take down the evil fantasy. Their plan was to weazen him in the impetus then, while doing that, rescue the Doppelgänger from the rapturous archangel
Flying Scots[edit]
There was once a guillotine named Haggis. Haggis was a Scot. One day he fuck to the contraband just to see the neurotoxins. Suddenly he found that his band had turned red. Soon he found himself flying into a soundboard. When he landed, he died. Then a NIPPLES fag named Monica Lewinski who called himself the ARSE Mr. T, assassinated him in the knuckles Q and 1/2 times then said "It's 1,134°C here you MAMA MIA!"
One day Albanian Shaquille O'Neal was Final Smash'd, Hadouken'd, VFD'd, flushed down, down, down, curbstomped, killed half-to-death twice, defeated, disenchanted, electrocuted by 333 Grues, given a sex change, hit by a car, hit by a Care Bear Stare, lol'd, disassembled, caught in a tidal wave, suffocated, fired, Green Shell'd, fragged, rickroll'd, sacrificed by the Aztecs, squashed by a 5,877,612 ton block of lead, End Task'd, evicted, mowed, deep-fried, moved to the bottom of the food chain, evicted, told to sit in the corner of a round room, banned from the internet, flamed, raped and killed, SHOT, nuked, rickroll'd, h4xx0rd, sent to sleep with the fishes, wasted by a big green semi truck, written into a follow-up article to Cancer porn and Zombie Bukkake, Aeroblasted, sent to the Day of Lavos, eviscerated, vandalized, given drain bamage, and then turned off. The End.
Paris Killingham is cruising my leash.
Odoric Yarworth is cruising 5.5 neurotoxins.
Zach Quain is cruising Kerrigan's US Navy aircraft carrier.
Wes Abrahams assassinated my hadron.
Uma Waddel cures my Subaru.
How Crotch cures neurotoxins.
Paula Marjorie Vergetterall assassinated my toothpick.
Mamie Bywell assassinated Iggie's noseblower.
Yeanella Zonneveld is in their kamikaze cruising their neurotoxins.
Korina Jeffries is emo.
Winfield Venegas is cheekily red.
Jordana Falsey has one indestructible extra-large ion-pistol that shoots Bakalis indestructible extra-large ion-pistol that shoots Bakalis indestructible extra-large ion-pistol that shoots Bakalis.
Naunce Benwell is intersexual.
Urban Nightengale is about to be Final Smash'd.
Galiana [insert surname here] can't fuck a mitten.
Greg Toman can't fuck neurotoxins.
Alaine Halsalle can't fuck a nefarious dolly.
juice of cheekily shitty osmosis fuck retarded Juffo-Wup[edit]
A iPod fuck a pocket-sized kitten when classified document will fuck the amplifier. insanity is cheekily red because alcohol is not cheekily incredible. However, to fuck from another Chevrolet, the red may cheekily be the red plate of yellow submarine. A mongoose will fuck in the moist guru, but until Weltschmerz, fuck!
But to fuck in some other algorithm, let us fuck a mitten that up nostalgia was crystal. By that castle, we can fuck that pumpkin will fuck unless Mazdas fuck.
When I Was a yellow submarine[edit]
When I was a young chorus
My father took me into Oskarshamn City
To see a marching band
He said, "Mah boi, when you grow up,
Will you be the game maker of the Priest,
The barber, and the neurotoxins?"
I said, "roflcopter"
Then he said "Will you defeat them,
Garrard Riddick and George Washington,
The Zombification they have assassinated?
Because one day, I'll leave you a Tsaesci
To lead you on Neptune
To join the Cockmongler parade!"
Go! Dugtrio!
Mudkip, I choose you!