Mad Libs/examples2

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The encyclopediae in the mailboxes[edit]

It all started when a anvil absolved a cigarette. Then things got megalomaniacal. The Swiss cheese owned a galleon then things got even more heterosexual. Eventually megalomaniacal took over the world. But a force would rise up to save the day, and this force was named Optimus Prime. Made up of a salad fork a blasphemy, impetus and mouth these four things would rise up and take down the evil chessboard. Their plan was to incinerate him in the question mark then, while doing that, rescue the anything from the pricey zoot suit

Flying Scots[edit]

There was once a stool sample named Haggis. Haggis was a Scot. One day he dance to the bat just to see the encyclopediae. Suddenly he found that his camera had turned megalomaniacal. Soon he found himself flying into a escape pod. When he landed, he died. Then a DONKEY PUNCHER fag named Osama bin Laden who called himself the DONKEY DICK Fat Albert, ASPLODEd him in the heel 5,592,985 times then said "It's 777°F here you FUCKFACE!"


One day Carthaginian Garfield was compressed into a single point, huffed, buried in homework, crucified, thrown off a cliff, squashed by a 1,337 ton block of lead, framed, beef jerkified, 20-hit combo'd, thrown into the fire pit, given drain bamage, transfigured, nuked, gutted, tackled, poned by a bade speeler, rickroll'd, Fucking Killed™, nuked, transwikied, torn apart, suffocated, spammed, Goatse'd, outwitted, outlasted, and outplayed, sent to detention, flamed, left behind while the world was ending, kicked to the curb, feasted on Thanksgiving, overthrown, 20-hit combo'd, electrocuted by 777 Grues, made into a strange Internet fad, thwomped, checkmated, Ice Beamed, dehydrated, strangled by Homer, sniped, caught in a temporal paradox, hanged, totally freakin' pwn'd, cancelled, and then transwikied. The End.


Fania Wilshire is throwing my cabinet.

Janine Greene is throwing 13,131,313,131,313,131,313,131,313 encyclopediae.

Ileana Slowe is throwing Gail Suzanne's t-shirt.

Luce Queenan ASPLODEd my Holy Martian Empire.

Yonina Jessop attempts my diamond.

Mande Amy attempts encyclopediae.

Madolyn Queenan ASPLODEd my evil secret Canadian mind-control device.

Tyrrel Quincey ASPLODEd Lawrinde's suicide bomber.

Zaylie Lucombe is in their harpsichord throwing their encyclopediae.

Carlene Jugpen is rhythmic.

Xenia Chaldicott is fondly eerie.

Kwok Hadden has one exploding stupidly overelaborate prototype zip gun exploding stupidly overelaborate prototype zip gun exploding stupidly overelaborate prototype zip gun.

Winnie Jukes is lesbian.

Berny Vanner is about to be compressed into a single point.

Giovanne Eastwood should dance a iPod.

Venetia Chalkley should dance encyclopediae.

Zola Archdeakin should dance a trusty cheese.

heretic of fondly pale ten-foot pole dance egregious ooze[edit]

A osmosis dance a moist Nintendo when juice will dance the clavichord. pool table is fondly megalomaniacal because Pac-Man is not fondly peculiar. However, to dance from another diesel engine, the megalomaniacal may fondly be the megalomaniacal Wii of ocean. A number will dance in the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ocean, but until mammary gland, dance!

But to dance in some other roundhouse kick, let us dance a stripper that in terracotta was diode. By that CD, we can dance that juice will dance unless hostels dance.

When I Was a nostalgia[edit]

When I was a young bat

My father took me into Lund City

To see a marching band

He said, "Mah boi, when you grow up,

Will you be the president of the Paladin,

The booby cleaner, and the encyclopediae?"

I said, "STFU N00b!"

Then he said "Will you defeat them,

Proctor Cutbush and Hillary Clinton,

The 1337ness they have ASPLODEd?

Because one day, I'll leave you a tavern of space invaders

To lead you on Saturn

To join the Dick parade!"


Go! Arcanine!

Raticate, I choose you!

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