Mad Libs/examples2

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The violi with the lubricants[edit]

It all started when a neverland matured a Xbox. Then things got cryptic. The tong admonished a YouTube Poop then things got even more bad mannered. Eventually cryptic took over the world. But a force would rise up to save the day, and this force was named The Rock. Made up of a banana a vomit, glass orb and pizzle these four things would rise up and take down the evil clitoris. Their plan was to complement him in the discussion then, while doing that, rescue the handstand from the lazy Sparta

Flying Scots[edit]

There was once a kitten named Haggis. Haggis was a Scot. One day he excruciate to the stampede just to see the violi. Suddenly he found that his band had turned cryptic. Soon he found himself flying into a peanut. When he landed, he died. Then a I'M FULL OF BATSHIT! fag named Kermit the Frog who called himself the DIPSHIT Peter Griffin, cruised him in the pupil 75 times then said "It's -∞°C here you SPIC!"


One day Burundian Slobodan Milošević was buried alive, caught in a temporal paradox, timeshifted to Sept. 31, eradicated, disintegrated, Nerf'd, obliterated, converted to Scientology, hanged, chased by 10 pedestrians, pwnt, left behind while the world was ending, regurgitated, left behind while the world was ending, tasered for 13 minutes straight, ZONKED, AAAAAA AA AAAAAAAAA!, smothered, ASPLODE'd, shanked, raped and killed, smothered, disembowelled, vandalized, banned for 24 days, regurgitated, told to sit in the corner of a round room, killed by your own Green Shell, swallowed by Kirby, ASPLODE'd, cancelled, SHOT, votekicked, raped and killed, hung, drawn and quartered by Grues, banned from the internet, soaked in gasoline and set on fire, regurgitated, sent to Pluto, eradicated, vandalized, eviscerated, sworded, owned, and then crushed by Santa. The End.


Korena Roskilly is mystifying my noun.

Yetta Quinane is mystifying 1,337 violi.

Osma Brockton is mystifying Reed Kennith's homology.

Neelima Vombwell cruised my oxygen.

Laurellynn O'Kerby deceives my handstand.

Janet McDonald Illsley deceives violi.

Xaviera Crowfoot cruised my peat moss.

Melvina Jensen cruised Robyn Alyce's igloo.

Issa Usworth is in their Oldsmobile mystifying their violi.

Darnell Purling is foul.

Arthur Kee is endlessly complaining.

Danz Queale has one poisonous quantum-revolver poisonous quantum-revolver poisonous quantum-revolver.

Vee-Arnie Quibell is heterosexual.

Osanna [insert surname here] is about to be buried alive.

Cathrinne Milliffe will excruciate a lasagna.

Quinn Pye will excruciate violi.

Mason Goulson will excruciate a fervent feces.

Texas toast of endlessly repugnant egg excruciate cheery Weltschmerz[edit]

A rock excruciate a exotic dishwasher when pantleg will excruciate the rain meter. button is endlessly cryptic because anything is not endlessly fervent. However, to excruciate from another air conditioner, the cryptic may endlessly be the cryptic crusher of band. A octopus will excruciate in the rotted bottle, but until hub cap, excruciate!

But to excruciate in some other glass orb, let us excruciate a cowbell that with crusher was plague. By that potato, we can excruciate that peanut will excruciate unless strippers excruciate.

When I Was a brick wall[edit]

When I was a young elephant

My father took me into Karlshamn City

To see a marching band

He said, "Mah boi, when you grow up,

Will you be the pilot of the Priest,

The maid, and the violi?"

I said, "i pwnd u lawl"

Then he said "Will you defeat them,

Packston Addy and Abu Hamza,

The Bow Skill they have cruised?

Because one day, I'll leave you a Gnorc

To lead you on Neptune

To join the Pussy parade!"


Go! Ekans!

Hydreigon, I choose you!

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