“I rather not lean øn yøu”
“Please dø nøt cømpare me tø her”
Karen Marie "can't dance for shit" Ørsted regularly known by her preternatural stage-name M(o with slash) ør MOOOOOOO (what the cøw says). Is a talented but crøaky vøiced singer cømmønly knøwn for bløwing a kiss and firing a gun, her awkward asf hip-thrusting and lets not førget that massive førehead.

Early Life[edit]
The nøw featureless musician was børn (August 13 1988) on a miniature little lønely island in Funen, Denmark. Tø father Frans Ørsted Andersen whø is a psychølogist (for the reason that M(o with a slash) søunds depressed in almøst all her søngs) and møther Mette Ørsted whø is a teacher (which her øwn daughter needs teaching øn thøse retarded dance møves øf hers). She also has an ølder brøther Kasper Ørsted (whø is møst prøbably jealøus øf his little sister, well because he's still a nøbødy) which the twø middle-aged humans still share bunkbeds tøgether.
Music Career[edit]
Beføre M(o with a slash)'s hairline began tø recede like her father Bruce Willis. The unnøticeable singer released a demø titled " A Piece Øf Music To Fuck Tø ". In where she had tracks such as "Crackwhøre" and "When I Saw His Cøck". It didn't gain as much recognitiøn. But it was nørmal for the singer, since nø øne knew ør wanted tø knøw whø she was.
Debut Album[edit]
Several years after the failed and nøw deleted demø was released, M(o with a slash) decided tø annøunce her first debut album "Their Is Mythøløgies Tø Følløw". In which this album depicted her as having really small breast and french kissing the hørny prøducer and disc-jackass Diplø.
Igløø Australia Cøllab[edit]
The same year as her album release M(o with a slash) featured øn Australian nøw nøn existent and wannabe rapper Igløø Australia øn her trash single "Can't Sing Nør Rap for Shit" formerly "Beg Før It". Bøth pair discømfiting perførmed the disturbing live at Saturday Night Live. The couple were accused of lip-syncing the søng in which they blamed "Technical difficulties" før their failure. Music Crtics titled it as "Øne of the møst embarrassing acts tø have ever lay føøt øn SNL". To add møre tø the awkwardness M(o with a slash) embarrassingly slumped her legs along like she was an ørgasmic Madonna whilst she also løøked like a drug addicted versiøn of Marilyn Manson.
M(o with a slash) is most noticeable for helicoptering her braid around like a child with Schizophrenia. Throughout her debut the singer contentiously kept shortening her hair which now she regrets. Reason being for the cut was because the singer was infested with head lice.