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Raspberry vinaigrette: so it doesn't taste like salad anymore.
A condiment is a sauce you put on food to hide how awful it isto make it taste even better.
Here are some of the 48 varieties Uncyclopedia currently has:
- Butter or Margarine
- Honey
- Ketchup/Catsup, or Green Ketchup
- Maple syrup
- Mustard
- Salt
- Soy Sauce
- Sugar
- Tabasco
- Vinegar
- This is a disambiguation page — words should always mean more than one thing, and we're working hard to ensure that each word you look up refers to at least two completely unrelated articles. If an article link referred you here, you should make it to point directly to the article where you think the confused link-maker thought it would point, or go nuts and pick one at random. Just make sure it doesn't point here.