Uncyclopedia:Top10 08

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Welcome to Uncyclopedia's Top 10 voting. The rules are simple. You go through all of the featured articles of the last year (that were by themselves hand picked ,by voters like you, to be in the top three of every month. So in theory there are like 36 articles below), and you pick your favorite 10 from those 36. You only get 10 votes, so choose wisely. Also, you may only vote once for each article you decide to vote for. After awhile, or whenever we feel like it, we'll end the voting and the 10 articles with the most votes will become Uncyclopedia's Top 10 of 2008. If there are any ties I don't know what will happen, so try to avoid ties.

All entries are in alphabetical order for easier finding. Sign your votes using #{{u|your name}}. IPs, that is, users who are not logged in and/or do not have an account, should use 3 tildes(~) to vote. IP votes are counted as half a vote. Please update the score when you add your name.

Remember: Only 10 votes.

A-level (November)

Score: 3
  1. Sonic80
  2. Mr. Briggs Inc.
  3. MrN9000

Andy Rooney (November)

Score: 7
  1. Modusoperandi
  2. Necropaxx
  3. SysRq
  4. Colin "All your base" Heaney
  5. Tagstit
  6. IronLung
  7. Olifri

A bunch of aristocrats fucking. Awesome vid (January)

Score: 18
  1. Under user
  2. SysRq
  3. Roman Dog Bird
  4. TheLedBalloon
  5. 15Mickey20
  6. Thekillerfroggy
  7. Sonic80
  8. Docile hippopotamus
  9. The Thinker
  10. Ironfist
  11. Saturnine
  12. Syndrome
  13. Sawblade5
  14. Parsat
  15. DJ Irreverent
  16. Moneke
  17. linosaur2
  18. DjGentoo

Campaign Leaflet (April)

Score: 3
  1. Under user
  2. SysRq
  3. Moneke

Cell biologists are cooler than molecular biologists (October)

Score: 3
  1. SysRq
  2. Hyperbole
  3. Linosuar2

Creepy guy who lives across the street (October)

Score: 2
  1. Snake7
  2. Simsilikesims

Edward the Gibbon (March)

Score: 1
  1. Modusoperandi
  2. Moneke

Enid Blyton (November)

Score: 6.5
  1. Mordillo
  2. Orian57
  3. Hyperbole
  4. Mhaille
  5. Cap'n Ben
  6. MrN9000

Eurovision Song Contest (May)

Score: 4
  1. Colin "All your base" Heaney
  2. 15Mickey20
  3. Cap'n Ben
  4. Moneke

Fish Puns (October)

Score: 6
  1. Necropaxx
  2. Mhaille
  3. OrangePip
  4. Prettiestpretty
  5. MrN9000
  6. DjGentoo

Hillyard & Brickman Corporation (March)

Score: 5
  1. RAHB
  2. So So
  3. Rogpyvbc
  4. Thekillerfroggy
  5. The Thinker

HowTo:Be A Supervillain (September)

Score: 9
  1. Under user
  2. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  3. Simsilikesims
  4. Orian57
  5. Rogpyvbc
  6. Aks47u
  7. Parsat
  8. Fixman
  9. GenerationX

HowTo:Rob A Bank With Your Penis (October)

Score: 14.5
  1. RAHB
  2. Mordillo
  3. So So
  4. SysRq
  5. TheLedBalloon
  6. Roman Dog Bird
  7. Sonic80
  8. Dr. Skullthumper
  9. Jamalkeys
  10. Mr. Briggs Inc.
  11. Oskrawr
  12. chloejayne
  13. Sawblade5
  15. Linosuar2

Igor (December)

Score: 2
  1. Snake7
  2. Poobear

Insomnia (July)

Score: 2
  1. SysRq
  2. Orian57
  3. Chloejayne

Iron Maiden (December)

Score: 2
  1. Simsilikesims
  2. Poobear

Isaac Newton (August)

Score: 3
  1. Electrified mocha chinchilla
  2. An Ape that Only Exists on Thursdays
  3. MrN9000

Jerry Falwell (April)

Score: 5
  1. Modusoperandi
  2. Colin "All your base" Heaney
  3. Electrified mocha chinchilla
  4. Syndrome
  5. Moneke

Jew Claw (August)

Score: 7
  1. Necropaxx
  2. Electrified mocha chinchilla
  3. Thekillerfroggy
  4. Sycamore
  5. Mhaille
  6. Mr. Briggs Inc.
  7. Fixman

Jimmy the Cowboy (December)

Score: 4
  1. Necropaxx
  2. TheLedBalloon
  3. Hyperbole
  4. Cap'n Ben

Lewd Acts of the Apostles (August)

Score: 8
  1. Modusoperandi
  2. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  3. TheLedBalloon
  4. Thekillerfroggy
  5. IronLung
  6. Mhaille
  7. OrangePip
  8. Prettiestpretty

Marie Curie (February)

Score: +1
  1. An Ape that Only Exists on Thursdays

My visit with Aunt Myfanwy (December)

Score: 5
  1. Orian57
  2. Hyperbole
  3. IronLung
  4. Nytrospawn
  5. Mhaille

NASA (October)

Score: 0

Physics Act of 1707 (August)

Score: 1
  1. Sawblade5

Pripyat River (August)

Score: 5
  1. Joe9320
  2. Sycamore
  3. Modusoperandi
  4. TheLedBalloon
  5. Mhaille

Rafael Nadal (June)

Score: 13
  1. Under user
  2. So So
  3. Roman Dog Bird
  4. 15Mickey20
  5. Sonic80
  6. The Thinker
  7. Nytrospawn
  8. The Woodburninator
  9. DJ Irreverent
  10. Poobear
  11. Mrfoyster
  12. Moneke
  13. Linosuar2

Rashōmon (October)

Score: 6
  1. Sycamore
  2. Mordillo
  3. Modusoperandi
  4. Necropaxx
  5. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  6. Guildensternenstein

Rough Pubs (February)

Score: 8
  1. Mordillo
  2. Under user
  3. Colin "All your base" Heaney
  4. IronLung
  5. Mhaille
  6. Hindleyite
  7. Sawblade5
  8. Moneke

Sania Mirza (August)

Score: 12.5
  1. So So
  2. Roman Dog Bird
  3. Hyperbole
  4. Rogpyvbc
  5. 15Mickey20
  6. Thekillerfroggy
  7. Sonic80
  8. Cap'n Ben
  9. The Woodburninator
  10. DJ Irreverent
  11. Poobear
  12. Mrfoyster

Star Wars (Japanese Opera) (May)

Score: 21
  1. RAHB
  2. Joe9320
  3. Mordillo
  4. Modusoperandi
  5. Colin "All your base" Heaney
  6. Bradaphraser
  7. Simsilikesims
  8. TheLedBalloon
  9. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  10. Docile hippopotamus
  11. The Thinker
  12. Cap'n Ben
  13. Mr. Briggs Inc.
  14. Oskrawr
  15. MrN9000
  16. Parsat
  17. DJ Irreverent
  18. Mrfoyster
  19. Moneke
  20. Linosuar2
  21. DjGentoo

The Gathering Horror (August)

Score: 3
  1. 15Mickey20
  2. Cap'n Ben
  3. Mr. Briggs Inc.

The white guy in All-4-One (June)

Score: 10.5
  1. So So
  2. Necropaxx
  3. SysRq
  4. Colin "All your base" Heaney
  5. Roman Dog Bird
  6. Hyperbole
  7. Thekillerfroggy
  8. Sycamore
  9. Docile hippopotamus
  10. The Thinker

Thou (July)

Score: 1
  1. SysRq

Turing Duck Test (June)

Score: 21
  1. RAHB
  2. Mordillo
  3. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  4. SysRq
  5. Simsilikesims
  6. Roman Dog Bird
  7. Hyperbole
  8. 15Mickey20
  9. Docile hippopotamus
  10. The Thinker
  11. An Ape that Only Exists on Thursdays
  12. Cap'n Ben
  13. The Woodburninator
  14. Sawblade5
  15. One_Wing
  16. Parsat
  17. Fixman
  18. IronLung
  19. Mrfoyster
  20. DJ Irreverent
  21. DjGentoo

UnBooks:Gone With d' Wind (February)

Score: 3
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Parsat
  3. Prettiestpretty

UnBooks:Great Abridged Literature (November)

Score: 6
  1. Mordillo
  2. TheLedBalloon
  3. Hyperbole
  4. Docile hippopotamus
  5. Nytrospawn
  6. Cap'n Ben

UnBooks:My New Life as a T-Rex (June)

Score: 15
  1. RAHB
  2. Under user
  3. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  4. SysRq
  5. Simsilikesims
  6. TheLedBalloon
  7. Orian57
  8. Tagstit
  9. Docile hippopotamus
  10. Locke02
  11. Mhaille
  12. The Woodburninator
  13. Aks47u
  14. Fixman
  15. Mrfoyster

UnBooks:Official Informational Guide to the 2008 Beijing Olympics Games (March)

Score: 8
  1. Joe9320
  2. Bradaphraser
  3. Cap'n Ben
  4. Parsat
  5. DJ Irreverent
  6. Moneke
  7. Mrfoyster
  8. Linosuar2

UnBooks:One Hundred and Seventy Three Haikus About Stuff; Mostly Office Supplies (Annotated And Abridged) (July)

Score: 5
  1. RAHB
  2. Mordillo
  3. The Thinker
  4. Aks47u
  5. Mrfoyster

UnBooks:The Night I Slept with Björk (July)

Score: 7
  1. RAHB
  2. Mordillo
  3. Regret Tenenbaum
  4. Hyperbole
  5. 15Mickey20
  6. The Thinker
  7. Prettiestpretty

UnBooks:Travel Guide For All Countries (March)

Score: 1
  1. Simsilikesims

Unidentified man in green firing turret (May)

Score: 6
  1. Under user
  2. Necropaxx
  3. Snake7
  4. An Ape that Only Exists on Thursdays
  5. Thekillerfroggy
  6. Moneke

UnLegends:The Land Where The Sun Shines Not (May)

Score: 4
  1. RAHB
  2. Cajek
  3. The Thinker
  4. Cap'n Ben

UnMovie Review: The Dark Knight (September)

Score: 15
  1. Sycamore
  2. Under user
  3. So So
  4. Modusoperandi
  5. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  6. Bradaphraser
  7. Simsilikesims
  8. Orian57
  9. TheLedBalloon
  10. Sonic80
  11. Docile hippopotamus
  12. DJ Irreverent
  13. Fixman
  14. Mrfoyster
  15. Linosuar2

UnNews:God Rewrites the Bible (September)

Score: 6
  1. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  2. Hyperbole
  3. TheLedBalloon
  4. OrangePip
  5. Aks47u
  6. GenerationX

UnNews:Militant atheist decides her car keys never existed (December)

Score: 5
  1. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  2. Colin "All your base" Heaney
  3. Simsilikesims
  4. Sawblade5
  5. DJ Irreverent

UnNews:Movie character fails to heed helpful advice (October)

Score: 13
  1. So So
  2. Necropaxx
  3. Colin "All your base" Heaney
  4. Simsilikesims
  5. Orian57
  6. Thekillerfroggy
  7. Sonic80
  8. Docile hippopotamus
  9. Mr. Briggs Inc.
  10. Sawblade5
  11. Poobear
  12. GenerationX
  13. Mrfoyster

UnNews:Nature Now Rated NC-17 (June)

Score: 0

UnNews:You Are Reading This Headline; About To Click On It (January)

Score: 4
  1. Necropaxx
  2. gwax
  3. Snake7
  4. Sawblade5

UnScripts:Average Cop (April)

Score: 13
  1. RAHB
  2. Under user
  3. Colin "All your base" Heaney
  4. Orian57
  5. Regret Tenenbaum
  6. Thekillerfroggy
  7. Docile hippopotamus
  8. The Thinker
  9. YesTimeToEdit
  10. Tagstit
  11. Parsat
  12. DJ Irreverent
  13. Fixman

UnScripts: Genesis, Episode II: In the Garden of Eden (July)

Score: 9
  1. RAHB
  2. Under user
  3. So So
  4. Modusoperandi
  5. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  6. Colin "All your base" Heaney
  7. Regret Tenenbaum
  8. OrangePip
  9. DJ Irreverent

UnScripts:The JFK Shootout of 1963 (February)

Score: 3
  1. Sycamore
  2. Roman Dog Bird
  3. Sawblade5

UnTunes:I Am The Very Model of a Crazy Fundamentalist (January)

Score: 2
  1. Rogpyvbc
  2. Modusoperandi

Why?:Am I a Power Ranger? (September)

Score: 13
  1. Necropaxx
  2. Orian57
  3. Tagstit
  4. Regret Tenenbaum
  5. Sonic80
  6. Docile hippopotamus
  7. YesTimeToEdit
  8. The Woodburninator
  9. MrN9000
  10. Sawblade5
  11. SysRq
  12. Fixman
  13. Mrfoyster