Uncyclopedia:Emmanuel Goldstein Award of Excellence in the Distribution of Misinformation

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This award recognizes superb reporting in UnNews Audio segments. The winner becomes a CUN and will get this snazzy and cumbersome template! {{EGAoEitDoM}} Wasn't that snazzy?

Emmanuel Goldstein Award of Excellence in the Distribution of Misinformation

Here's a page on HowTo:Do An UnNews Audio.



Participants can consider diction, the technical quality of the recording, excellence in deadpan or excellence in theatrics, excellence in background music or special effects--but the ultimate question is who did the best at making you laugh with UnNews Audio features in the month.

Eligibility for nomination

To be nominated for the Goldstein Award, a user must:

  • Be a registered member, not an IP.
  • Have recorded at least three "full" UnNews articles in his career--there is a separate award for audio narration of mainspace articles--and should have recorded at least one in the month in question. (Unless you are TheSlyFox)

You cannot nominate yourself. The nominator adds {{VoteEGA}} to the user page of the user nominated. This announces the nomination and invites the nominee, and anyone else who visits that user page, to come vote.

Nominations must be signed. Comments and explanations are welcome. Nominations will please use the level two headline format for the name of the nominee.

Nominations end one week from the end of the month.


You may vote ONCE for your favorite broadcaster. Votes must be signed; and as with nominations, comments and explanations are welcome. On the first of the next month, the winner is announced.

Past Winners

Todd Lyons (3) • BradaphraserOliproZim_ulator (4) • RangeleySeverianUnunbiliumFlyingfelineBraydieMordillo (3) • KenvalyiContestantComposure1ZombiebaronRAHB (2) • The UnIdiotLjlegoModusoperandiZana Dark (2) • SPIKE (14) • NickJonesUSADexter111344TheSlyFox

See here for details.

Official nominations for March