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Past adopters[edit]

Adopter Admin? Accepting adoptees Activity On Uncyclopedia / Notes
Anton199 No I guess so. Wait, I mean yes. Yes, I do. Very irregular, but still quite significant (for me, at least). I have been an Uncyclopedia editor since early 1700s, when it was just starting out as a printed project no King or Tsar wanted to finance, hence I consider that the experience I have acquired is sufficient to help you out, if you need it. I've written a fair amount of articles, UnSignposts and reviews. I love collaborating on articles and discovering the way other people write, so we might work on something together - if you wish, of course.

You can talk to me here.

Frosty yes, no not really REPEALED sure why not? I am on most All days (I have no life you see), though occasionally I may disappear for a while. I do not write many articles, but I am happy to help those trying and offer advice. I mainly work behind the scenes and do the stuff you probably don't want to do. I own you therefore!

Contact me on my talk page.

Mhaille Maybe Pick up the phone, I'm always home. Call me any time. Around In a round about way this crazy page was actually my idea. Fairly decent record with featured images and articles, I consider myself pretty n00b-friendly.

Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap.

ScottPat No. Yes. That's why I'm on this page. I stick around a lot. I've been here, a while now and I know quite a bit about the site now. I've written many articles with some features and I'm chief editor of UnSignpost. I already help out random noobs who join anyway and welcome them so I joined this to make my helping official.
Squidfest No. I will help you either succeed or fail so spectacularly that you become legend. I am an avid reader of Uncyclopedia, and I have been lurking around the HowTos a lot. This is my life. Please. For the love of god, someone, anyone, talk to me. Despite being here for only a few months, I spend most of my time trying to learn how to be funny and not just stupid. I learned some of it the hard way, and have recieved my fair share of handjobs pats on the head for some of my work. If you want a way-too-eager collaborator, talk to me. Seriously. Come on, guys, don't make me beg.
180px-Symbol apathy vote.svg.png Zana Dark I'm far too smart to be an admin. Maybe if you give me chocolate. I'm around here somewhere... Lurking in the shadows... Every once in a while I'm funny, but it depends on who you ask... My specialties are templates, prose, formatting, and copious amounts of unlegal activity.

Just talk to me...