UnNews:Hotmails new anti-multiple accounts policy

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Democracy Dies with Dignity UnNews Saturday, July 27, 2024, 02:12:59 (UTC)

Hotmails new anti-multiple accounts policy UnNews Logo Potato.png

30 September 2006

Of the 6 successful Hotmail registrants, none work here at PupCo.

WOODS HOLE, Massachusetts -- Hotmail founder, Sabeer Bhatia, recently instituted the new "Anti-Multiple Accounts Policy" (AMAP), which brings down spammers and scammers and keeps hotmails bandwidth at a record low.

The "AMAP" Policy stops "multiple accounters" (or at least slows them down), from creating huge amounts of alternate mail accounts, by simply adding a new option to the sign up. This option is titled "E-mail Address", and it prompts the user to enter the address to their e-mail account. After pushing "Register", you are sent an activation code to your inbox.

"Starting this policy has been the best thing that has ever happened to Hotmail," states former Marijuana-Activist Mel Tedbrain, "we have only had about 6 successful registrations in the last 2 days. That really shows how many users on hotmail are scammers and people who enjoy creating multiple accounts for purposes unknown."

Some critics say that this policy prevents them from obtaining a hotmail inbox because they do not have an email address to enter into the prompt in the first place. Hotmails simple solution: Register another account with hotmail and use that account to get the activation code.

The staff at Hotmail believe there is a brighter and faster future for hotmail with more space, faster navigation, and barely any downtime.


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