Quantum physics

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“Quantum physics means that anything can happen, at any time, for no reason...”

~ Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth on Quantum Physics

No one really knows what quantum physics is. A lot of it is numbers and shit made up by Professor Stephen Hawking. Quantum physics is the study of discrete numbers. It seeks to understand the balance of natural forces against an increasingly chaotic system of counting. It is especially concerned with exact value of a zillion, and is also represented by fractal modules. Currently, no uniform theory has yet to emerge. However, the theory is currently based on the Master Equation, which is as follows:

which is in practice simplified to:

where E is equatorial girth, b is for Belizian, and s stands for the Surreptitious constant (approximately 1.435 - the Golden Mean [oooh, ahhh]). Given this equation, one may determine the exact length of a fat man's stomach. No one is quite sure why this value is also applicable to studying incredibly pointless numbers, although several scientists have proposed that, "Maybe God just has a twisted sense of humor like that".

The theory has recently been extended to the theory of consciousness and anything else New Agers or philosophers find of interest. This has caused great friction as philosophers dislike having to admit that they're chosen field is bollocks and that quantum physics along with nuclear physics has disproved fate (even though physicists cannot spell).

Quantum physics has also become the foundation for Quantum Murphydynamics, a comprehensive theory of inconvenience in the universe.

Current theory[edit]

Current theory holds several basic assumptions:

  1. Einstein is immortal, and is working on theories infinitely more complex than relativity.
  2. God has a sick sense of humor.
  3. The Egg came first.
  4. If you think you understand Quantum theory, you don't.
  5. Phi isn't only a letter. It's what harelipped people ask for when they walk into Greggs.
  6. The shortest distance between two points in a plane is a wormhole, not a line.
  7. Atoms are boring as hell, but the proton rocks.
  8. Light travels faster than you think.
  9. Murphy's Law is a classical approximation of a fundamental universal mechanism (see Quantum Murphydynamics)
  10. Sometimes you're better off not asking so many goddamn questions about everything

These assumptions directly imply that the value of any one number, other than the Golden Mean (oooh, ahhh) is impossible to know. This is the basis of relativity, a cardinal tenet of the theory: a number's value is something that someone just pulled straight out of their ass anyway. Quantum physics therefore is tantamount to a study of the nature of the ass-pulling. Put another way, Quantum Physics seeks to actually determine a number's true value. Therefore, the whole science is inherently contradictory. Oscar Wilde, famous father of the current model, stated that it was, "similar to more ass-pulling, except that the ass-pulled material is covered in less shit".

In addition, for Gaussian surfaces, the following equation is a lie:

Anyone who does not accept this is a traitor.

Past models[edit]

The most famous past model was the Einsteinian model, which was based on such ludicrous assumptions as:

  1. The Chicken came first
  2. The Earth is round
  3. Sex is something people only do on Wednesdays

[Editor's note: Given the third assumption, no more explanation seemed necessary]


Given that no number has any significance in Quantum physics, it follows logically that all numbers have some significance. These, excited physicists have developed into fundamental constants, which change whenever somebody measures anything. Some famous constants include:

  1. Avacado's Constant, something to do with vegetable decay rates.
  2. Boltzmann Constant, how hard something is to nail together.
  3. Loschimdt's Constant, defining exactly how funny names are.
  4. Planck Constant, the relationship between the effect of a standard plank to the back of the head and the number of pints you have consumed is proportional to 1 over the Plank constant.
  5. Schrodinger's Constant, describes the exact number of kittens huffed in one's lifetime, usually somewhere around 89.371562.
  6. Speed of Light, never fully determined, but believed to be somewhere between unbelievably fast and OMFG THAT WAS FAST!
  7. Hammer Constant, the constant rate at which all objects approach 0 speed (a stopping point, point of rest. This can be expressed as:)
  8. Horse Constant, which is a picture of a horse.

The big bang, according to quantum physics[edit]

Quantum physicists are fairly random as to what this branch of physics is about, but most agree that it explains how things can randomly happen without any reason at all, at a random time, in a random location. Taking this as basis, they made up a fairly believable theory on how the big bang happened:

"There was nothing. Then all the matter decided to appear randomly in the universe. Then, for no reason at all it all got compressed in a single point. Then it started to do some random things and exploded, getting randomly spread across the universe."

See also[edit]