Game:Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle/aisle
"What's this?" you think, "An aisle, blocking my way down this aisle? Not on my watch!"
You attempt to pick up the aisle. The aisle you are standing in. In a surprising turn of events, you actually do it, and are feeling rather pleased with yourself- things are starting to look up, and you start to think that maybe that psychic was being overly pessimistic about your certain death at some point today.
Yes, life is good, you think, holding the aisle above your head- unfortunately (and entirely predictably) at that point Sir Isaac Newton rushes into the aisle- that is, the same one which you are holding above your head and standing in- and starts screaming at you about the nature of the physical universe and how you are the son of a whoremonger. Perturbed, you back away, but, alas, too late- you accidentally step off the aisle, plummet six feet and land hard on your own foot. This causes you to drop the entire aisle on your own head, crushing you horribly underneath it.
The remaining shoppers continue down the now empty aisle.
- *** You are filing a bug report to Unfocom ***
But wait...
You feel a tremendous wrench – the hand of God coming down to wipe clean the temporal chalkboard. The world dissolves, and then quickly floods back into existence, restoring its state as it was before you made your move.
But somehow, things aren't set up exactly the same as last time....
Late Thursday night. You've had a hard day and the last thing you need is this: shopping. Luckily, the place is pretty empty and you're progressing rapidly.
On to the next aisle.
The aisle stretches to the north, and back to the south. The shelves on either side of you block your view of the rest of the supermarket, with only the brightly colored aisle markers visible.
You have stopped your trolley next to the pasta section, bright plastic bags full of pale skin-tone shapes.
There is a brunette woman a few meters ahead, filling her trolley with sauces.
A shiny metal phone booth sits in the center of the aisle.
Your move:
- Pick up phone booth
- Pick up aisle
- Pick up phone booth and aisle
- In Soviet Russia, phone booth and aisle pick up you!!
- Use the phone booth
- Examine phone booth
- Examine aisle
- Examine me
- Examine woman
- talk to woman
- talk to me
- talk to phone booth
- sing
- inventory
- go to the magazine aisle
- look north
- look south
- look east
- look west
- look left
- look right
- look up
- look down
- look out
- look away
- go north
- go south
- go east
- go west
- go left
- go right
- go forward
- go backward
- jump
- jump back
- fly up
- tunnel down
- travel to past
- travel to present
- travel to future
- undo
- redo
- wait
- fall asleep
- wake up
- eat food
- eat the phone booth
- push booth
- fill booth
- draw booth
- dig around booth
- dig booth
- your mom
- pinch me
- cast Frotz
- cast Meteo
- cast Ultima
- cast Tom
- cast Magyck Myssile
- get the hell outta here
- enter shadow
- explode with the energy of a thousand suns
- win game
- let the dogs out
- get eaten by Domo-kun
- attempt to pronounce "xyzzy"
- say it again
- plugh
- go north, north, south, south, west, east, west, east, B, A, start
- remove cockroaches from mouth
- rm -rf *
- close this window
- vandalize the page
- Grawp vandalize
- recurse
- dial "666-666-6666" on the phone booth
- see my vest
- decline Latin verbs
- swear very loudly
- push buttons, push buttons like you just don't care
- Oscar Wilde on Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle
- become a professional screenwriter
- How do I stop the Grue from eating me?
- Leave aisle
- Buy pasta
- open PUTPBAA version 2.0
- do something
- play RuneScape
- breakdance
- look at pants
- look in pants
- Do absolutely nothing
- change clothes
- Ask the brunette out to a date in Atlantis.
- opt for the fetal position
- Huff kittens
- Pinch the brunette's buttocks
- talk to grue
- Flip the buggy over and crawl under it and ask the lady for a bottle of sauce so that you can survive for another day
- learn to speak every single language known to man (and several known to monkeys!)
- spontaneously combust
- Try to fight a Grue, and lose badly
- Leave this site and watch YouTube videos
- This option is really the one which will make you win
- die
- come to a horrible existential realization
*Secret option!
Super-secret option!
Double super-secret option!