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Generic stubs[edit]

Template Effect Comments
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
This article is a stub. The article submitter may also have been beating himself over the head with a baseball bat . You can help Uncyclopedia by taking over where he left off.
Unofficially, this is the most common form, because it's so easy to insert. It randomly displays one of three messages:
  • one calling the submitter a hack,
  • one claiming that the submitter smokes crack, and
  • one that uses the word "stub" excessively (but this one is programmed to be much less likely, presumably because it would get too annoying from overuse).
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
This article is a stub. But there's nothing funny about that............Heheheheheheheh.
Exactly what you see.
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
This article is awesome. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just jealous.
Exactly what you see.
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
If I were the expectant father of this Uncyclopedia entry, I'd push my wife down the stairs and tell everyone it was a miscarriage. You can help Uncyclopedia by cleaning it up.
Exactly what you see. (Ewwww...)
(Used on)
random unfinished article
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
This article is a toe. It has been stubbed. Please help Uncyclopedia by medicating it.
Exactly what you see.
(Used on)
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
Gr33n.jpgThe author of this article was feeling lazy or uncreative. Therefore this article is a stub. So fix it.
(Used on)
Blood Spatter.jpg
Suicide stub
(Used on)
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
This article has been snubbed. Its feelings have been hurt. You can help Uncyclopedia by sleeping with it.
Um, 'kay...
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
Th isar tic le isastub. T hea rti clesub mit terma y al sohave be ensmo kin gcrac k. Yo ucan hel pUncy clope diab yexpa nding it.
Eltcaxy waht uoy ees.
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
This article is just like a n00b, really short and ugly, you can help Uncyclopedia by sening this article on it's way to non-n00biness,
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
Yoda A stub, this article is. By expanding it, help Uncyclopedia you can.
As you see exactly this article is.
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
Happystubpicster.jpg This article isn't happy enough. That's right! You should Teach it to be happy! I'll teach your Grandmother to suck eggs!
Exactly what you see.
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
What kind of article is this? It's kind of a crap! Let's improvement Uncyclopedia gives us much pleasure in the way. Do it here! Do it now!
Exactly as you see.
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
It appears that this article was written by typing "cat /dev/urandom > ~/article" and uploading.
You can be help by replacing the random bits.
Exactly what you see.
(Used on)
For potato stub pages.

Stubs by category - general use[edit]

Template Effect Comments
(Used on)
Category name must be specified with all of these tags:
(Used on)
Article added to specified category
(Used on)
Try refreshing the page and see the stub change.
(Used on)
Wilde Stub
(Used on)

Category-specific stubs[edit]

Template Effect Comments
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
This article was written by a man-pig. You can help Uncyclopedia and feminists worldwide by castrating the author.
Color stub
(Used on)
Color or colour-related stubs only
(Used on)
Sexuality-related stubs only
(Used on)
Sexuality-related stubs only
(Used on)
Sexuality-related stubs only


Template Effect Comments
(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
Sample stub. Test it by doing something random and using this template.
Aids in the creation of other stub templates. Example produced by:
{{Allstubs|Sample stub. Test it by
|doing something random|
and using this template. |}}

Instead of line breaks, though, it actually uses &nbsp right next to a colon, to produce the space.
Note that all articles with this template are added to Category:Stubs. If you don't like that, AllstubsNoCat below is a solution.

(Used on)
Bloink1 solid.png
This article will need to be expanded.
This article is a stub-like item. The article submitter may also have been doing something random while using this template.. You can help Uncyclopedia by fixing it.
This is like Allstubs in a different order. Example produced by:

{{Allstubs1|1|stub-like item
|2|doing something random
|3|while using this template.
|4|fixing it}}

but there are neither line breaks nor instances of & n b s p ; (without spaces).

(Used on)
Article is auto-added to Category:Stubs
(Used on)
Article is not added to Category:Stubs

See also[edit]