Uncyclopedia:Ban Patrol/archive33

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The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were shot through the heart, and you're to blame.

JIMLIISGAY (TalkContribs (del)EditcountBlock (rem-lst-all)LogsGroups) -Asshat. -OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN18:49, 14 Jan

The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment. (TalkContribs (del)Block (rem-lst-all)WhoisCityProxy?WP Edits) - Cyberbully. Rabbi Techno Icons-flag-gb.png kvetch Icon rabbi.gif Contribs Foxicon.png FOXES 14:50, January 13, 2010 (UTC) (TalkContribs (del)Block (rem-lst-all)WhoisCityProxy?WP Edits) - Vandal. Rabbi Techno Icons-flag-gb.png kvetch Icon rabbi.gif Contribs Foxicon.png FOXES 14:59, January 13, 2010 (UTC)
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
  • And you this because...?
  • Left a warning. In big capital letters. ~Jewriken.GIF 08:37, January 13, 2010 (UTC)
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been excused from finger painting classes until further notice.
The users listed below were checked out by: TheLedBalloon at a time when he should've been doing actual work or sleeping.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were shot through the heart, and you're to blame.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were stampeded by some angry baby seals.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or received a complimentary pair of short trousers to wear as punishment.
Although creating IP talkpages is frowned upon, I'm going to do in this case and ask him to stop while he reads HTBANJS. If he continues creating short, crap articles then he's fair game. Rabbi Techno Icons-flag-gb.png kvetch Icon rabbi.gif Contribs Foxicon.png FOXES 16:14, January 9, 2010 (UTC)
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined a garage band.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user at quite a speed actually - they were already banned when I got here, now my banstick is feeling let down....
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined a garage band.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Ludovico technique.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were stampeded by some angry baby seals.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were stampeded by some angry baby seals.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were shot through the heart, and you're to blame.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the Choir Invisible.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have formed a new religion.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the salvation army.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were shot through the heart, and you're to blame.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have stopped, collaborated and listened.
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were knowing me/knowing you aha there is nothing we can do.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Ludovico technique.
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or received a complimentary pair of short trousers to wear as punishment.
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have formed a new religion.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user at lunchtime.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the Choir Invisible.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
The users listed below were checked out by: Roman Dog Bird.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the Choir Invisible.
The users listed below were checked out by: RAHB.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the salvation army.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user at kinda now-ish.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Ludovico technique.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the Choir Invisible.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or received a complimentary pair of short trousers to wear as punishment.
Not a bannable offense. Talk first, BP later. Did you leave a message for him on his talk page? ~Jewriken.GIF 21:07, December 7, 2009 (UTC)
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined a garage band.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Ludovico technique.
The users listed below were checked out by: RAHB.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Ludovico technique.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user at a time, and a place.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or received a complimentary pair of short trousers to wear as punishment.
The users listed below were checked out by: RAHB.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Ludovico technique.
The users listed below were checked out by: RAHB.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or received a complimentary pair of short trousers to wear as punishment.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were stampeded by some angry baby seals.
  • Think this one is a false positive. ~Jewriken.GIF 21:51, December 2, 2009 (UTC)
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
The users listed below were checked out by: RAHB.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have stopped, collaborated and listened.
The users listed below were checked out by: RAHB.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were knowing me/knowing you aha there is nothing we can do.
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the Choir Invisible.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have stopped, collaborated and listened.
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were knowing me/knowing you aha there is nothing we can do.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were stampeded by some angry baby seals.
  • You'll be happy to know they offer good deals on Bar Mitzvahs. ~Jewriken.GIF 19:27, November 29, 2009 (UTC)
  • Banned by...Rcmurphey? Who is this guy? ~Jewriken.GIF 19:27, November 29, 2009 (UTC)
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or received a complimentary pair of short trousers to wear as punishment.
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were knowing me/knowing you aha there is nothing we can do.
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Ludovico technique.
The users listed below were checked out by: RAHB.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have formed a new religion.
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000 at Andorin's grandads wifes shower.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined a garage band.
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were stampeded by some angry baby seals. (TalkContribs (del)Block (rem-lst-all)WhoisCityProxy?WP Edits) - persistant vandal. Rabbi Techno Icons-flag-gb.png kvetch Icon rabbi.gif Contribs Foxicon.png FOXES 13:15, November 25, 2009 (UTC)

The users listed below were checked out by: RAHB.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have formed a new religion.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were shot through the heart, and you're to blame.
  • Unless I'm missing something here, that was his talk page header and seems to be unrelated to your message. ~Jewriken.GIF 16:07, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
His note precedes mine lexically, but was added half an hour afterward. Spıke Ѧ  16:27 24-Nov-09
I noticed, but again - it's his talk page and he doesn't respond directly to your message. In any case, it wouldn't be a bannable offense. ~Jewriken.GIF 16:46, November 24, 2009 (UTC)
Agreed; again, he may need to be told the basics of collaboration. Thanks. Spıke Ѧ  18:20 24-Nov-09
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were stampeded by some angry baby seals.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have stopped, collaborated and listened.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the salvation army.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or received a complimentary pair of short trousers to wear as punishment.
Attention all those who put down ban reasons such as "Bad Person" or "Monkey Breath": Please put an actual explanation of why you've BPd this person. Violators shall be sent for a week in the Cajek academy for the criminally insane.

~Jewriken.GIF 08:46, November 19, 2009 (UTC)

Appreciate you're a known prophet, but the guy doesn't have a single contribution. ~Jewriken.GIF 08:45, November 19, 2009 (UTC)
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been excused from finger painting classes until further notice.
I FIKED IT OKAY --Flammable 02:36, November 18, 2009 (UTC)
Terrific! Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 02:43, 18 November 2009
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the salvation army.
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were shot through the heart, and you're to blame.
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined a garage band.
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were stampeded by some angry baby seals.
The users listed below were checked out by: RAHB.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given a small dead mouse.
The users listed below were checked out by: RAHB.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have stopped, collaborated and listened.
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have stopped, collaborated and listened.
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the Choir Invisible.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Ludovico technique.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have joined the salvation army.
The users listed below were checked out by: MrN9000.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were shot through the heart, and you're to blame.
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have stopped, collaborated and listened.
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given the Cain treatment.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been excused from finger painting classes until further notice.
The users listed below were checked out by: Mordillo.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were knowing me/knowing you aha there is nothing we can do.
The users listed below were checked out by: RAHB.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been excused from finger painting classes until further notice.
The users listed below were checked out by: Under user.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or have been given a small dead mouse.
The users listed below were checked out by: Modusoperandi.
They were either banned by the above, banned by someone else,
or were shot through the heart, and you're to blame.
  • Try chatting with him on his talkpage first. Then, if asshattery ensues, ban. If you do it in the wrong order you'll be talking to yourself. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 11:12, October 31, 2009 (UTC)