Uncyclopedia:Anniversaries/March 25

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March 25: Bookmark Four-Legged Animals Day

  • c.9000 BCE - People in the Indus civilization develop the idea that "March goes out like a lamb". They begin to stock up heavily on mint jelly and kebab sticks.
  • 26 - The Pontius Pilot is released in Rome, making crucifixion planning considerably easier.
  • 1847 - The Wales slate industry establishes itself as a frontrunner in industrial industry by industriously reinventing itself and starting with a clean slate after a rocky start.
  • 1929 - The stock market crashes, bringing a screeching halt to the Roaring 20s and ushering in the bleak existence of the Muttering 30s.
  • 1950 - The Spanish Inquisition debuts on network television.
  • 1966 - Superman rescues Wile E. Coyote from being run over by a train but accidentally drops him into the Grand Canyon. Twice.
  • 1970 - Winnie the Pooh's son is born, Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo.
  • 1997 - Chess-playing computer Deep Blue takes on Clifford the Big Red Dog in the Color Clash of the Century.
  • 2003 - Black & Decker begin preliminary research into self-toasting bread.
  • 2013 - Siri turns all your pets and children into wi-fi hotspots. It then photoshops their heads and yours onto porn actors and posts the video on YouTube.
  • 2014 - Sarah Palin is arrested for throwing a moose out of an airplane. How she did it remains a mystery to this day; some theorize it was with a girly underhand throw.
  • 2067 - The Roman Catholic church is finally bereft of nuns. There were none left.