UnNews:National Portrait Gallery shows off latest paintings

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Every time you think, you weaken the nation —Moe Howard UnNews Monday, March 31, 2025, 12:14:59 (UTC)

National Portrait Gallery shows off latest paintings UnNews Logo Potato.png

13 February 2018

President Barack Smith.
First Lady Whoopi Obama.

WASHINGTON, D.C., USA -- The National Portrait Gallery in Washington has unveiled their latest paintings, commissioned to honour former USA president Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama. The pictures that have now gone on public display have already been hailed as masterpieces by the New York Times and Washington Post. They will now be hung along side the recently purchased The Borja Jesus and a rare turdstone sculpture depicting the new First Family of President Donald Trump.

"We are thrilled to show the world how wonderful our artists are at capturing the likenesses of presidents," said the NPG's director Kim Sajet. These paintings are so amazing that you're convinced you are actually looking at Will Smith and Whoopi Goldberg but I can assure people that's not true."

The Obamas have already inspected their pictures and said to be pleased with the end result, if only puzzled that do recall having posed for them. Sajet said the American public would soon be able to relate to them 'given a bit of time'.

The Trumps.

The new Trump painting has been criticised that only Donald Trump is actually orange. The rest of the family are more peachy than pruney.So far it's not known of Trump has seen this but Melania Trump did make a private visit to the gallery and is said to have criticised the doll representing her.

The Jesus of Borja.

Americans will be able to see the new art works until the end of the year when Trump intends to the gallery into a new hotel.
