UnNews:McCain held in Libya on visa violation

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Democracy Dies with Dignity UnNews Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 05:08:59 (UTC)

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25 April 2011

Senator John McCain acknowledges cheers from al-Qaeda fighters one hour before being arrested by Libyan immigration police.

TRIPOLI, Libya -- U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) was has been arrested by Libyan immigration officials for violating the country's strict visa requirement, plus a litany of other criminal charges. McCain entered the country illegally through Benghazi with the help of criminals and outlaws known as al-Qaeda.

McCain, a former prisoner-of-war hero, had been flown into Bengazi by an American military plane, which illegally entered Libya’s airspace. He met with Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda fighters and vowed to assist them in overthrowing Libya’s lawful government by armed insurrection. McCain told the terrorists, “Helping you guys break local law is the least we can do for 9/11.”

Immigration officials took McCain into custody when he tried to pass a government checkpoint while driving a stolen battle tank without a valid Libyan driver’s license. The senator was taken to Tripoli where he is being held until all foreign intervention against Libya is stopped.

According to a Libyan government report, McCain has been formally charged with the following crimes:

  1. Illegal entry.
  2. Failure to obtain a valid tourist visa.
  3. Cooperating with a known terrorist organization.
  4. Meddling in Libyan politics.
  5. Operating military equipment without being in the Libyan military.
  6. Driving without a valid driver’s license.
  7. Speaking Libyan with an American accent.
  8. Failing to offer official respect to the leader, Muammar Gaddafi.
  9. Espionage and sedition.

Washington, D.C. insiders had no comment on McCain’s illegal trip to Libya, but the outsiders wondered about his capture by a foreign government, “What? Not again.”
