UnNews:James Dobson accuses Barack Obama of being a "well-endowed negro"

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James Dobson accuses Barack Obama of being a "well-endowed negro" UnNews Logo Potato.png

25 June 2008

Racial purity, distilled water, and a man's essential fluids will get us through these difficult times. If not, we can drink some special Cool-Aid and be done with it.

MUNCHEN, Der Vaterland -- In his weekly radio program yesterday Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson exposed Democratic Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) as "a well endowed Negro" who is unqualified to become President of United States. Dobson's statement accused the Presidential hopeful of being preoccupied with sex.

"I can say that, without fear of reprisal, if elected, Barack Obama will institute a culture of jungle love the like of which have been unseen since God commanded man to write the Song of songs, the Canticle of canticles, the Song of Solomon will be spoken of aloud and he shall unleash the welfare loving, Cadillac driving male Negro's unto the white woman population in these God fearing Christian United States."

Dobson emphsized that Obama's sexual obession bordered on obscene.

"In his black apelike mind, Senator Obama is preoccupied with deflowering the innocence of our young nubile teenage girls - forcing himself upon the bodies budding with virginal tender skin, of taking our fully developed and sexually ripened woman and mounting them like a wildabeast, and even screwing our mature, yet sexually viable grandmothers with his 14" long penis."

"The American people need to know that the Gorilla is in our midst and he not only wants the female vote, but our women as well."

Reaction to Dobson's assertions were swift and certain.

"Dr. Dobson is simply playing upon the fears that, stereotypically, the black man has a larger genital endowment than your average white Irishman," said former President Bill Clinton. "He is afraid that once the American voter goes black, he'll never go back to voting for the Aryan race ideal promoted by Focus on the Family."

Obama's wife Michelle issued a statement in which she said that she would "pray for Dr. Dobson following these racially motivated remarks," and that "if Dr. Dobson is fearful that an Obama administration would exact revenge on his (Dobson's) family for owning slaves in previous generations, then that might explain his paranoia."

Not all of the comments however were against Dobson's statement.

Conservative talk-radio host Laura Ingram stated that "Dr. Dobson is simply speaking to the fears that any God fearing, Toby Keith fan has about Obama: that once elected that male Negro's in the United States will not only force their cherry dark full-brown mouths upon the prim lips white women everywhere, but that Whoppi Goldberg will be appointed to the post of Ambassador of the United Nations and that menthol cigarettes will become a part of every child's school program. We know that this will happen because we're the ones making it up!

For his part, Obama continued campaigning in the American heartland. When asked about the racial remarks, Obama smiled and said "Buzz me Miss Blue: I'm a credit to my race."

File:Where are the white women at?
