UnNews:Aussie shopper gets Playstation 5 for free

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Aussie shopper gets Playstation 5 for free UnNews Logo Potato.png

24 December 2022

Because of the incident, all PS5 consoles are now locked behind glass and will cost extra for staff to unlock it.

MELBOURNE, Australia -- A Melbourne man has got his Christmas miracle this year, after going into a Big W store and walking out with a brand new PlayStation 5 console completely free, and with a warrant out for his arrest.

"He just walked in," the store manager proclaimed. "Points a gun at one of my workers, demands a PS5, then just walks out!"

Victoria Police are boggled on how to handle the case, mainly wasting their time on figuring out which is more rare in Australia: a Playstation 5, or a gun.

Another strange addition to the case is why the suspect decided to leave with the digital version of the PS4 sequel, instead of the much better PS5 disc version that can play both new and old games. Police also suspect that the gun used in the robbery was a realistic looking gel-blaster — which also makes little sense considering that possession of a gel-blaster in Victoria is a worse offence than having an actual firearm.

The only clue left behind was the suspects' Everyday Rewards Card. When investigators checked the purchase history, they found that he had stocked up about $1000 (AUD) worth of credit points, which meant that he could have used those to buy the console legally. He also could have stolen more than just the console, like also the new Xbox Series X, or even the cash in the till.

Police are searching eBay, Facebook Marketplace, and Gumtree, in hopes that he plans on scalping it online — so that officers can finally buy one for themselves.
