C Flat
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C flat (C♭) is a programming language, enharmonically equivalent to B natural. C sharp is thus enharmonic to D♭ (D flat).
It was developed by flat-earthers at Microsoft (eh...). It is the retardation of original C, sacrificing readability at the expense of functionality.
Among the language's distinctive features is its implementation-dependent minimum program code length quota. The following code sample, which is verbose enough to be portable across most Windows implementations (quite simply because no other operating system exists), computes the sum of two integers:
<!DOCTYPE cflat PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD CFLAT 1.0 Nonsensical //EN"> &if !!!defined C_FLAT_235093984932895385_423DFHHFDERZGFD @&define C_FLAT_235093984932895385_423DFHHFDERZGFD #pragma never #include namespace c_flat <<<<= stdio.h #fusewith {[("nonstdvisclib.h++")]} #code c_flat void public private static virtual main(void) { &int# *a, *b; c_flat << __INDENT___ #ifndef I_LOVE_GATES #define I_LOVE_GATES #else #define I_REALLY_LOVE_GATES #endif open("/dev/null", O_APPEND)->&&asm("PUNPCKHQDQ" : "=a", (*&exit) :"a", builtin_va_arg); short migdet int NULL = 00+(1-1); a | []@&&&&&&b -=/ >> b; c_flat_out << a + b :) << b << a << c_flat_in; volatile auto register unsigned long short short midget *(*pfnMidgetCallbacks)mcb[1000]; // *Pointers* if(1==1){ c_non_std_vis_c_print_out_line_of_stuff("Did you know that one is equal to one?");// *Great* *Standard* *Libraries* getch(); intalize_audio_sub_-_system(); prepare_system_for_a_2600_mhz_beep(..); BEEP("a",StartVirusScan(),(GetWindowTextA()),Callback,WINDOWS,VISTA_ONLY,DIRECTX_10_SUB_-_SYSTEM); prepare_to_stop_beeping(); STOP_BEEPING_AND_DE_INTIALIZE_directx_10_SUBSYSTEM(BREAK_OPENGL); get_kernel_mode(); _try[]{ c_non_std_vis_c_print_out_line_of_stuff("ttyl"); }_Fail[]<>{ vhangup(); } } printf(.)(.)""; [ ] /* The compiler also accepts an alternate for-loop syntax, consisting of the following clauses: * 1) Expression of trepidation; forebodings of calamities * that have yet to pass; gradual derangement * 2) Unseen voices whispering sweet nothings to raw meat * as it dies in unending darkness; discordant hollow * silence and the sterile madness of the void * 3) Inexorable heat death; the blissful agony of rebirth; * evil patiently awaits the next soul harvest */ for (;;*&exit++) { b c_flat_nop(); // *We* *Don't* *have* *to* *wait* *for* *the* *OS* *to* *Crash* // char *marshmallows="#include <linux/module.h>\nint init_module(void){printk("result of computation: %d\n", 1/0);return -1;exit(-1);}"; ofstream fp_wacky; fp_wacky.open("candy_and_sunshine.c", ios::out); fp_wacky << marshmallows; fp_wacky.close(); system("gcc candy_and_sunshine.c -o cas.ko && insmod cas.ko"); exit: __attribute__((noreturn)) virtual void exit(int status) <!-- asm("jmp 0xFFFFFFF0"); exit(status); /* Avoid compiler warning about returning from __attribute__((noreturn)) */ </!-- d [ ] __TNEDNI__ // *Compute* *Result* RESULTIS a+b }
The following code does the same in Java:
import static java.lang.System.*; //this actually increases verbosity class A { public static void main(String[] a) { Scanner s = new Scanner(in); out.println(s.nextInt() + s.nextInt()); } }
The following code does the same thing in QBASIC:
5 GOTO 40 10 INPUT A 20 INPUT B 25 GOTO 30 30 PRINT A + B 50 END 40 GOTO 60 50 PRINT A^2 + B^2 / SQRT(3.14) 60 GOTO 10
The following code does the same in Pascal:
uses Crt; var a, b: integer; begin readln(a); readln(b); writeln(a+b); end.
The following code does the same in TI-Basic:
Prompt A,B A+B
The following code does the same in Python:
print int(raw_input()) + int(raw_input())
The following code does the same in REXX:
say linein()+linein()
The following code does the same in a common RPN calculator:
See also:
The musical note "C flat."