UnNews:Texas schoolbook committee approves "Anybody Can Be President" series

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Where man always bites dog UnNews Saturday, March 29, 2025, 06:10:59 (UTC)

Texas schoolbook committee approves "Anybody Can Be President" series UnNews Logo Potato.png

4 September 2010

One wonders if GW's Texas roots put him first in line for the series.

AUSTIN, Texas -- After this years adoption of new Social Studies standards by Texas Board of Education, the four major distributors of textbooks in the United States are busy writing new texts, in line with their biggest customers tastes. Those would be Texas and California.

In many localities in the United States, the curriculum taught in public schools is influenced by the textbooks used by the teachers. In some states, textbooks are selected for all students at the state level. Since states such as California and Texas represent a considerable market for textbook publishers, these states can exert influence over the content of the books.

In 2010, the Texas Board of Education adopted new Social Studies standards that could potentially impact the content of textbooks purchased in other parts of the country. The deliberations that resulted in the new standards were partisan in nature and are said to reflect a conservative leaning in the view of United States history.

Foremost on the agenda of new propaganda materials will be a series of books for American children called Anybody Can Be President. Authors Hans Augusto Rey and Margret Rey of the Curious George series fame have signed on to pen the first book, with option to continue on with the project in the future based on numbers of minds numbed.

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This article features first-hand journalism by an UnNews correspondent.