UnNews:Racism is still funny

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Fake News that's honestly fake UnNews Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 11:22:59 (UTC)

Racism is still funny UnNews Logo Potato.png

21 March 2011

The ADL survey found that Jews are considered to be the funniest race.

Whiteboyville, Honkyland Much to the surprise of both right-wing and left wing political parties, the results of a survey by the Anti-Defamation League released today showed that people generally think racism is still funny. The survey was taken by over 5,000 people in the western hemisphere and had the largest participation of any survey by the ADL. The questions within the survey asked people about their views on the representation of various races on television and asked them if they thought that it was racist.

63% of those who took part in the survey said that they believed that people from non-Caucasian backgrounds were represented unfairly, however in the next question 87% of participants said they still found it amusing to watch. 28% of the 87% said that they found it more humorous when the racism was aimed at the Black community however 78% of the 28% said they felt it was getting a bit old. A further 32% of the 87% said that they enjoyed it most when the Jewish community was being mocked with 94% of the 32% saying that they laughed at holocaust (Lolocaust) jokes on television. 10% of the original 87% who said that they enjoyed racism on television said that their humour was derived from the portrayal of Asian people, with all 10% saying they found it most funny when Asian people tried to pronounce the letter 'L'. The remaining 7% of the 87% are split into two groups; a group of 5% which favoured hispanic racism and 2% who said that they had no particular preference.

Despite the seemingly high statistics supporting racism, the Anti-Defamation League said that 94% of the 87% did stress that they were not racist, harboured no racist views against any ethnic community and simply enjoyed racism from an entertainment perspective. Human Rights group Amnesty International suggested that these results were likely the result of the fact that all participants were white, but also because political correctness was seen as an invasive policy rather than a defensive one.

The rest of the world seemed to agree.

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This article features first-hand journalism by an UnNews correspondent.