UnNews:NSA spying helps Lynch, mob in Baltimore

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Democracy Dies with Dignity UnNews Friday, March 28, 2025, 19:38:59 (UTC)

NSA spying helps Lynch, mob in Baltimore UnNews Logo Potato.png

8 May 2015

The thunder rolls and the lightning strikes. Another love grows cold on a sleepless night. As the storm blows on out of control, deep in her heart the thunder rolls.

BALTIMORE, Maryland -- U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced plans to investigate the Baltimore Police Department for rampant civil rights violations, specifically against minorities, in the wake of the death of Freddie Gray, the 25-year-old black man who died in police custody.

"The unfortunate death of Mr. Gray", Lynch told a news conference, "brings into sharp relief the rampant discrimination from the very foundation of the Baltimore Police Department a century ago. Our snap investigation has convinced us that each and every Baltimore policeman not only turns a blind eye to abusive practices but openly brags about them on social media and in correspondence."

Lynch said the National Security Agency provided a copy of every email, phone call, social media post, locker room recording, and pillow-talk session of every policeman. The NSA had said it only collects metadata (sender and recipient), but it made an exception for Lynch.

Lynch said, "We have found evidence of racism in every one of them we have investigated thus far. I have ordered several of the most damning of these pieces of evidence declassified and released, so that the media can publish it to the world and bring global condemnation to this national disgrace."

Prior to the release, Baltimore City officials, including Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake called for calm among Baltimore residents, such as a little less shouting when stealing flat-screen televisions.

"The last thing this city needs", declared Rawlings-Blake, "is another riot that will only destroy ourselves and our tax base."

But many others worry that the pleas for calm will go unheeded. Twitter reported that immediately after Lynch's announcement, posts using the hash-tag #BlackInBaltimore exploded with activity, including several posts such as, "Get those marshmallows out, cause there gonna' be plenty a' places to roast 'em tonite."

While the Justice Department has not yet officially released any NSA wiretaps, some leaked information has been made available to the press. Several of these do seem to indicate widespread prejudice within the Baltimore Police Department.

This email, attributed to an unnamed Baltimore city police officer to his sister, regarding his treatment of a black Baltimore city resident, Grace Thomas, is typical of the leaked evidence.

I saw a raven alight on my window. Something in the likeness of a black devil tempted me to go and torment Grace Thomas. At first I refused but then agreed, and followed the bird to Thomas's home where it told me to pinch Thomas several times. I then saw a tabby cat go into the east church shop; I believed it to be the Devil.
At a later date, I met the raven again, who told me to kill Thomas, whereupon I did go to her house with the black raven and I went into the chamber where Grace Thomas lay, and I further confess that I did pinch and prick Grace Thomas again in several parts of her body with both of my hands, and thereupon Grace Thomas did cry out terribly. The raven had told me that I would be invisible during this attack. Similar attacks on Thomas followed each time the raven would appear.

Another leaked bit of evidence shows the rampantly racist attitude of another police officer when speaking to his wife before work one morning.

Honey, thanks for making breakfast for me again today. You're the best! Now, I'm not complaining, but would you mind terribly if I made another piece of toast for myself? This one is too black.

Perhaps the most incriminating evidence came from a transcription of a radio conversation between two officers on the night of the recent riots.

I just don't get what is wrong with some of these neighborhoods. Have you ever seen people from white neighborhoods go around and destroy their own stores and shops and livelihoods? Why would they do this?

No official word on possible corrective measures that the Justice Department might take have been released, but sources close to Lynch say that she is currently studying reports that indicate that complaints against the police in San Francisco, California decreased sharply after Senator Dianne Feinstein (then the mayor of San Francisco) replaced over 50 percent of her police force with homosexual officers.
